Example sentences of "and [verb] [pers pn] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Suddenly the guy pulled a knife on the bouncer and stabbed him to death-right in front of my eyes . ’
2 It 's alleged that twenty eight year old Andrew Livermore of Northampton , went to the home of Digby Saunderson last August and stabbed him to death on his doorstep .
3 It was Marriott who suggested that Stirling should make himself scarce for a while and recommended him to Brigadier Denys Reid .
4 It was one of the magnetic forces that drew them overseas , and led them to disappointment quite as often as to wealth .
5 The pair had been trapped in an upstairs ' room until firefighters smashed their way in through a window and led them to safety down a ladder .
6 Bobby bought it yesterday and lent it to dad cos we bought we bought ourself , well Rob , dad did , I do n't look at them erm they 're too violent for me but dad bought it in Superkey only five ninety nine .
7 I phoned Shirley , a friend I 'd made who ran a travel agency , and asked her to book me on the mid-day Concorde .
8 But Jim insisted , insisted that I bought him a pint and asked me to caddie for him the following week at St Anne 's .
9 Right well it came up when War on Want wrote to us and asked us to affiliate and we had a brief chat about it and felt that there are many groups that we could affiliate to .
10 16.30 Teachers should encourage pupils to read a variety of genres : eg autobiographies , letters , diaries or travel books , as well as short stories , novels , poetry and plays , and introduce them to literature written in English from different countries .
11 Keith , would you like to press your button and introduce us to item six , street collections in Oxford .
12 The giant , who by now had reached her , was maddened with what he saw and battered her to death with his club .
13 ‘ He turned to face her , brought her to the floor and battered her to death , ’ he said .
14 He was fun with the children when they were younger , too , telling them stories about life in the countryside , taking them out — ‘ go all over the place with him , yes ’ — and seeing them to bed : ‘ he always give us a piggyback up the stairs to bed . ’
15 While Jacob was still shaking his head , Nahum said , ‘ I believe I owe you and your gang a debt of thanks for finding Anna and bringing her to safety .
16 It is easy to make him look personally responsible for setting the process in train and bringing it to fruition .
17 The bishops hired spies and informers to track down dissenting preachers and bring them to trial .
18 Calling for " truth and justice " in the 90,000 unresolved cases throughout Latin America , Fedefam alleged that the practice of disappearance continued in Colombia , El Salvador , Guatemala and Peru and that the experience could easily recur in countries which had failed to apprehend the culprits and bring them to trial .
19 A. McCormick summarizes the general opinion thus : ‘ probably the very crimes attributed to him were essential to terrorize his gang and bring them to subjection .
20 The Rev. Owen could therefore use sign language , and together with another clergyman , encouraged the young man to seek out as many local deaf people as possible and bring them to church services .
21 So let's just er to put it in context again , we saw that on the day of the ascension Jesus instructed his friends to go on proclaiming the good news throughout the world to help others become disciples , and bring to them , and bring them to membership of the church through baptism .
22 Prime Minister Mouloud Hamrouche on June 23 rejected FIS demands that the National Assembly be dissolved , saying that local elections could not " be translated politically on a national level " and that " the important thing is to deepen the reforms and bring them to fruition " .
23 In July Amnesty International called on the Uzbek authorities to ensure that the incidents were fully investigated and that every effort was made to identify the persons responsible and bring them to justice .
24 Er I 'm sure that er the Metropolitan Police will be doing everything possible to track down those who are responsible for this evil act and bring them to justice .
25 And bring them to belief
26 Sir Danvers Carew was an important and popular man and the police tried desperately to arrest the murderer and bring him to trial .
27 Under s95(4) a police constable can be authorised to take charge of the child and bring him to court and to enter and search any named premises if he has reasonable cause to believe that the child may be found there ( s95(4) ) .
28 It was so difficult to conjure him up at will now , to truly remember what he was like and bring him to life again .
29 An RAF helicopter spotted their craft drifting about 10 miles off Aberdovey and winched them to safety .
30 The courier took an envelope from his inside pocket and passed it to Tuck , and also offered him paper and a pen , so that the receipt could be acknowledged .
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