Example sentences of "and [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 Take one whole one , from the three whole ones , and change it to twelfths .
2 No , I 'll I 'll I 'll ring them up and book it for eight .
3 Tearing down the temple and re-building it in three days .
4 He took off the first slice , you know the rather well-done , brown bit at the end , and laid it on one side of the serving dish and then he cut the next slice off for the first lady and so on . ’
5 Zach and George dragged the case up to the bedroom and laid it on one side .
6 On one occasion Clara 's class purchased a pound of sausages , took them in with them , and roasted them on one of the burners , and ate them , in full scent and in fairly good view ; Mrs Hill appeared not to notice , and talked quietly on of Boyle 's law .
7 Bryant and Bradley chose 65 of the children who had not been very good at categorising sounds at the beginning of the study and divided them into four groups .
8 Legally those having less than the minimum of 40s. in goods should have been assessed on wages or ‘ profits for wages ’ , which were often treated as interchangeable , though sometimes carefully distinguished : in Goldspur hundred on the Kentish border assessments on profits were specified in 1524 , but in the next year the assessments roped in more small taxpayers and divided them into fifty-one on wages , forty-six on profits and seven on goods .
9 They sorted through the books and divided them into two lots .
10 Bragg tipped the contents of the drawer on to the table , and divided them into two piles .
11 In one such experiment , L. R. Donaldson and G. E. Allen took 72,000 young salmon at the ‘ fingerling ’ stage ( when they are about one year old ) from the Soos Creek Hatchery in Washington ( for locations see Figure 4.5 ) and divided them into two groups .
12 He took a calculator from his wallet , added up the marks and divided them by 8 .
13 So he 'd taken an upstairs room and divided it into six spaces , figuring he could charge £1.50 an hour for each of them and really coin it in .
14 They then measured the distance between Hartwell and Roade Station and divided it into three equal parts .
15 In 678 Ecgfrith , urged on by his second wife Iurminburg , expelled Wilfrid from his see and divided it in two , with a new bishop in Hexham as well as York .
16 The Goths , however , objected to this national treasure being handed over , and redeemed it for 200,000 solidi .
17 But the Labour Party dislikes this prospect , and avoided it in 1967 because of the fear that an elected House might feel entitled to challenge the supremacy of the Commons .
18 He had originally intended to polish up the wood and sell it for five shillings , but when he was fortunate enough to obtain the gramophone he realised he should repair the machine and install it in the cabinet .
19 Next , enter nine other matches in a second column on the coupon and bracket them into three trios with a thick , dividing line underneath each set of three selections .
20 He evidently intended that this should be the royal priest Eadsige , who took over some of Æthelnoth 's duties in 1035 and succeeded him in 1038 .
21 They tracked down Doisneau and met him in 1990 .
22 The CAA believes it may well have been a 99p UFO Solar , and warns buyers to take note of Article 75 of the ANO which restricts captive balloon and kite-flying to a height of sixty metres agl and forbids it within five kilometres of an aerodrome .
23 And things like Time Out and so on , and City Limits , tried on the listings in the culture front seem to be seduced by , on the one hand , the need to simply provide information in terms of the listings , or then they felt some kind of twinge of conscience and had to be counter-balanced by radical politics on the other side , which produced a completely split , a paper that you could tear in half and read it as two sort of separate things , and erm and they always erm and something like that always felt
24 She took her hip flask from her coveralls and emptied it in one long gulp .
25 An individual who bought the FT All Share Index at 31 March 1982 and sold it on 31 August 1989 would have suffered tax ( at 40% and ignoring the annual exemption ) of 24.2% of the proceeds .
26 This was quite a long passage for us , but we were lucky with the weather and made it in one leg .
27 Hermite responded with a profuse apology for the oversight , and suggested that Smith could help the Academy out of an embarrassing position by rewriting his earlier papers in French , complete with full proofs , and submitting them by I June in accordance with the competition rules .
28 The Varga Plants , a wound from whose thorns replaces a man 's thoughts with an overwhelming urge to kill and turns him into one of themselves , grow naturally only on the planet whose laboratories have developed them : Skaro , home of the Daleks .
29 If you are prepared to live dangerously , you can take many of the techniques above and combine them in one image , or , you may even discover completely new applications for this superb medium .
30 now you can stick a whole one in your mouth and eat it in one go , ca n't you Martin ? , yes Martin it is it that you did
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