Example sentences of "and [verb] [prep] him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When he came , it was an anticlimax , but she squealed anyway and clung to him as if he 'd showered her with a gallon of spunk .
2 Three years later , he emigrated with his parents to Israel , yet became a frequent commuter to the major musical centres of Europe , where he caught the eye of such musical heavyweights as Edwin Fischer , Wilhelm Furtwangler and ( most especially ) Arthur Rubinstein , who took an immense interest in the young pianist and arranged for him to be represented by his agent , the legendary Sol Hurok .
3 All the stories I 'd read about him and heard about him from other caddies were true !
4 She opened her eyes and gazed at him in disbelief .
5 And then I used to get on to the dray and sit beside him on the box and then we 'd go as far as Road , which is quite a stretch and I used o walk back .
6 I go and sit beside him on his boxes and feel much the same as he does .
7 His mother , unable to find the strength to battle against him , wrote to the school and asked for him to be excused .
8 And of course , Bullitt had directly observed the man and interacted with him during the critical time at , at the Versailles conference .
9 When he had n't moved , one of the humans had fetched a box out of the back of the truck and crept towards him as if expecting Masklin to explode .
10 She had had many boyfriends before meeting Mr Smith and lived with him for about one year before they married , five months before Keith was born .
11 She had had many boyfriends before meeting Mr Smith and lived with him for about one year before they married , five months before Keith was born .
12 He said they must meet later , she must come and eat with him in his room and he would get a bottle of wine .
13 In 1761 John was apprenticed to the instrument-maker James Champneys and moved with him to Amsterdam in 1768 .
14 During their ‘ strange relationship ’ , Bryan had shot his friend in the chest with a crossbow , hit him on the head with a medieval mace and slashed at him with a sword , the judge heard .
15 Except on that one occasion when she lost her temper and shouted at him like a fishwife in front of her husband .
16 She stood to slip the dress down over her hips , and pouted at him in her petticoat .
17 I lay down on him and beat at him with my fists .
18 Since Alford was described on the ballot paper merely as ‘ The Labour Candidate ’ , it would not be surprising if quite a few voters were confused , and voted for him by mistake .
19 Down and down the weight dragged him , to where strange fish swam past and gaped at him with milky , quivering eyes .
20 ‘ Dr Neil ? ’ she said , turning and bobbing at him like a proper servant , a manoeuvre which amused him , so that his lips twitched at the unlikely sight — it was so much at odds with her determined personality .
21 The ombudsman claims that the jurisdiction and duty to investigate conferred and imposed on him by the scheme enables and requires him to investigate and determine complaints in relation to valuations made by employees of a building society of properties to be charged to the building society to secure further advances to an existing borrower from that society .
22 According to the former , Molla Edebali , a native of Karaman , came to the Ottoman lands and there won the complete confidence of Osman so that the latter " used to refer to him problems in the Seriat and to consult with him in matters of government " .
23 She writhed and twisted under him in spasms of an unfulfilled need which swallowed his own spent desire in her caverns of longing .
24 I told myself he might have meant us to meet at the Festival , so I went along there and searched for him in the crowd . ’
25 ‘ What the hell are you talking about ? ’ snapped Cardiff in return , and pushed past him to the double-doors .
26 Athelstan , still feeling depressed after his visit to Hob 's wife , ignored the coroner and pushed by him into his small , two-roomed house .
27 Then she jumped up from the bed before he could grab her again and darted past him to the window .
28 The two eldest of the ‘ broth ’ agreed with their father , nodding and grinning at him with their mouths full .
29 As relief spread to pure pleasure she waved and came towards him across the yard like a young girl .
30 She gave the king 's son honey to eat , and played to him on a golden zither , whose strings she brushed with a silver feather .
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