Example sentences of "and [verb] [art] high [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , their underrating of the ‘ caesaristic ’ elements of Hitler 's mass charismatic base meant that , far from providing a new foundation for the power of the traditional élites , as they had hoped , the plebiscitary acclamation of the Führer enabled Hitler 's own power to detach itself from its likely shackles and develop a high degree of relative autonomy , at the same time reducing former dominant groups like the army from ‘ power-élites ’ proper to merely ‘ functional élites ’ , unable to check Hitler himself and the ‘ wild men ’ of the Nazi Movement , even when wishing to do so .
2 For these and other linguistic and cultural reasons it is relatively easy for the speaker of one Bantu language to learn another and develop a high level of competence in it .
3 This chemical attacks deoxyriboses in the DNA backbone and produces a high resolution map of protein-backbone interactions due to its small size ( 22 ) .
4 Now called Poreć , this cathedral was built in 535–43 and displays a high standard of design and craftmanship in its layout , carving and mosaic , all of which are well up to Ravenna standards and better than the work at Grado or Aquileia .
5 The castle , constructed largely between 1283 and 1289 , was the work of the English Monarch , Edward I , and represents a high point in medieval castle-building .
6 An influential report by Professor Jurg Niehans in February 1981 argued that monetary policy was in fact excessively tight because the high interest rates were attracting foreign money to London and maintaining a high pound .
7 Many aviation memorials tend to be stones with plaques attached , stark and simple and reflecting the high cost of even a basic design .
8 Most aviation memorials tend to be stones with plaques attached , stark and simple and reflecting the high cost of even a basic design .
9 Flowers last longest if kept in a cool place and given a high phosphate feed once a month .
10 This means that bilingual education must be focused on from an early age and given a high profile throughout the school system .
11 Ben Sira praised the fathers of old and described the High Priest Simon son of Jochanan in his majestic appearance when he went up to the altar ( 50.11 ) .
12 It is situated in a new town and has a high proportion of pupils from the lower socio-economic status groups .
13 He then moved to the London Borough of Hackney which is arguably the most deprived inner London borough and has a high proportion of ethnic minority residents .
14 I am delighted that the Welsh steel industry is now modern and has a high level of investment .
15 Wheat out-produces rye on good soils , and has a high market value for bread , pastry and pasta .
16 It is approached by a flight of steps and has a high podium .
17 There is a general consensus that the disease is ‘ underdiagnosed rather than truly rare ’ as the lesion may be very discrete and needs a high degree of suspicion to be detected .
18 S. x uplandicum is the Russian comfrey , a hybrid between S. officinale and S. asperum , with rose-pink to blue flowers , and the garden variety of this , Bocking No. 14 , is the most useful for garden plants , as it is a good mulch and supplier of liquid plant food and contains a high proportion of potash .
19 The technology itself — originally developed by IBM to produce a higher speed packaged dye on silicon for its thermoconduction module — takes multiple silicon or ceramic wafers and lies a high density raw dye on top of it , which binds a series of chips in a single package .
20 Therefore , by common law a hotel must offer food and accommodation to its guests ; but it must also assume a liability for the property of guests , conform to public health and safety regulations , and provide a high standard of cleanliness and sanitation .
21 They are equally a force in the Conservative Party and provide a high proportion of the leaders of public opinion in the media and elsewhere .
22 The pin is switched high by the Q output of a D-type flip-flop , IC3 , when D10 lights and passes a high input to the reset , pin 6 , of IC3 .
23 Delivery performance is particularly poignant and assumes a high visibility .
24 In order to draw this out of him , he wrote a vastly elaborate commentary on the Lay , softening the blow of his harsher criticisms by inventing the personae of a whole group of scholarly editors who are debating the text in the way that scholars have disputed over Homer or Beowulf It would seem that Tolkien took a great deal of notice of Lewis 's invented editors , for he rewrote his Kay and incorporated a high proportion of their emendations .
25 In order to sustain price discrimination between the two sets of purchasers , it may decide to integrate into the area of relatively elastic demand and charge a high price to the other .
26 Both are drawn from archival and historical records and show the High Street as it would have been in 1540 , at the close of the last independent century of Scottish culture and accomplishment when 22 kings , queens and princes lay undisturbed and revered by pilgrims in the abbey .
27 During excitation , samples are heated and begin to outgas , producing more ions and concomitantly increasingly the electron beam current , which if unchecked will reach a preset level within the power unit and cause the high tension to be switched off to protect the gun .
28 They had tried a few in the Fahan Lodge Hotel after sailing back the night before , been seen off by two ugly English girls ( Morally ugly , said Rory — they would n't screw ) and had roared into Buncrana in the BMW and done the High Street bars .
29 It is still not too late to invest in European bonds and enjoy a high return plus scope for capital appreciation as interest rates are cut , according to Thornton Unit Managers .
30 For example , adjustment increased the low perinatal mortality rate for women who were delivered at a general practitioner unit and decreased the high rate in hospital 1 , which had an accident and emergency department .
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