Example sentences of "and [noun] can not [be] " in BNC.

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1 When a sentence expresses an attitude or a wish it can not be true or false in this sense , for wishes and attitudes can not be true or false as beliefs can .
2 The wind of God certainly blew on that man , Christian though he already was ; he has not become a paragon of virtue over night , but the manifest change in his disposition and attitudes can not be denied .
3 These processes involve cognitive as well as interactive skills and , therefore , the exercising of professional expertise and judgement can not be eradicated from the process .
4 Collective bargaining institutions and rules can not be expected to function adequately when wrenched out of their original context and implanted elsewhere , since they are closely linked with the structure and organisation of political and social power in their own environment or habitat .
5 Prices and values can not be higher than what people can pay — which means , how much people can borrow — and lenders , belatedly learning prudence , are no longer willing to give the high multiples of gross income they did in the 1980s or the high proportion of price .
6 Even with heterogeneous expectations on the part of investors the process of arbitrage will ensure that they will be in agreement on the price of the option in relation to the parameters S o , h , L , rf and t even though the average values of h , L and p can not be observed .
7 As Italy 's financial year closes at the end of the calendar year and money can not be held over from one year to the next , there is not enough time to distribute and use such funds as have been allocated .
8 During this time , the cheque is ‘ uncleared ’ and money can not be drawn against it , unless your bank agrees to let you do so .
9 The jury may in some cases put two and two together , but it seems to us that the effect of section 58 is such that the balance of fairness between prosecution and defence can not be maintained unless proper comment is permitted on the defendant 's silence in such circumstances .
10 Unfortunately , weathering processes and products can not be understood simply in terms of the formation of stable mineral forms since many minerals are abundant on the Earth 's surface even though thermodynamic considerations tell us that they are unstable .
11 Whether this diagnosis is historically or sociologically true is one matter , but the relations between liberalism and racism can not be dismissed .
12 Writers and speakers can not be held responsible unless they authorise , or at least foresee , the publication which causes complaint .
13 It should now be clear that Buid attitudes toward peace and violence can not be understood in terms of innate psycho-biological dispositions , or in terms of their adaptation of the natural environment .
14 ‘ We feel the issue of the form of state and violence can not be discussed after the setting of an election date . ’
15 But disease and infirmity can not be ignored .
16 It is , indeed , an implication of attitudinism that induction and abduction can not be invoked in support of ethical statements as they can in support of factual ones .
17 Nor will it do to argue that state socialism is a perversion or corruption of some pure source , for the source has been so consistent in what it has given rise to , and so wrong in its predictions , that the suspicion of some intrinsic connection between theory and practice can not be evaded .
18 Thus theory and practice can not be separated .
19 But , unless legal services are provided , the full benefit of our legal rights and safeguards can not be realised . ’
20 The first photographs required long exposures , and animals can not be expected to sit still as long as Victorian adults did ; but by the last quarter of the nineteenth century fast exposures were possible .
21 If pure sands can be given sufficient organic matter to retain moisture and provide plant nutrients , they need no further structure as the pores between sand particles are large enough to allow drainage and sand can not be compacted into a ‘ pan ’ .
22 Skill in letter-writing is by no means evenly distributed among the population and letter-writers can not be said to be representative of the general population .
23 It is about morality , and morality can not be judged according to the quality of our intentions , or according to whether a practice is socially sanctioned .
24 The word ‘ appears ’ is used advisedly because , although computers have been used to show that the equation does not work for values of n up to several thousand , no one has yet been able to prove for certain that there is no number n greater than 2 for which suitable values of x , y and z can not be slotted in to produce a valid equation .
25 The capacity of the means of mass communication to convey these images of destruction and suffering can not be doubted , but there are two fundamental issues of broad political concern that remain unresolved .
26 Obviously there may be circumstances in which the normal procedure of application and issue can not be followed because of the urgency of the matter and a procedure exists for obtaining an emergency representation certificate in such cases .
27 In it the mutual affections of bishop and diocese can not be missed .
28 It follows that the difference between names and descriptions can not be defined in terms of " referential rigidity " .
29 Estimates of the useful lives of plant and equipment can not be made with precision and in practice a range of lives exist .
30 As he was a very intellectual artist , he was the ideal figure to take over from Metzinger the task of transmitting the principles of Cubism to the other painters ; and since he joined the group at a moment when the movement was striving for greater definition , his influence and importance can not be overestimated .
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