Example sentences of "and [verb] [pron] into [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And then we go beyond that , and develop it into this sort of slightly murky negative area .
2 Bryant and Bradley chose 65 of the children who had not been very good at categorising sounds at the beginning of the study and divided them into four groups .
3 Legally those having less than the minimum of 40s. in goods should have been assessed on wages or ‘ profits for wages ’ , which were often treated as interchangeable , though sometimes carefully distinguished : in Goldspur hundred on the Kentish border assessments on profits were specified in 1524 , but in the next year the assessments roped in more small taxpayers and divided them into fifty-one on wages , forty-six on profits and seven on goods .
4 They sorted through the books and divided them into two lots .
5 Bragg tipped the contents of the drawer on to the table , and divided them into two piles .
6 In one such experiment , L. R. Donaldson and G. E. Allen took 72,000 young salmon at the ‘ fingerling ’ stage ( when they are about one year old ) from the Soos Creek Hatchery in Washington ( for locations see Figure 4.5 ) and divided them into two groups .
7 So he 'd taken an upstairs room and divided it into six spaces , figuring he could charge £1.50 an hour for each of them and really coin it in .
8 They then measured the distance between Hartwell and Roade Station and divided it into three equal parts .
9 It broke the concentration of my players and led them into serious defensive errors .
10 It is not necessarily a soft option to tame wild animals , for to do so involves understanding their nature , being at one with it and drawing it into new forms of behaviour .
11 Next , enter nine other matches in a second column on the coupon and bracket them into three trios with a thick , dividing line underneath each set of three selections .
12 Sixty of them and put them out and make them into nice little lines and that and see what things you 'd have to multiply together to make twelve or what numbers you 'd multiply together cos it 'd be so many sets of like four sets of three or three sets of four .
13 Let a rug or painting suggest or inspire the colour scheme ; if you ca n't revamp old curtains ( though beware ! re-making can sometimes be just as expensive as starting afresh ) turn them into cushions ; cut down carpets which no longer fit but are too good to be thrown out , and make them into small rugs .
14 This formal writing-up took nearly twenty years : it is one thing to collect data , and another to evaluate it and make it into public knowledge .
15 A good friend of mine , in the same set for physics and chemistry , grew so disturbed that he took some scissors and cut all round the stiff white collars , which we have to wear on Sundays , and made them into little points . "
16 If a local merchant then buys wine and decants it into re-sealable quarter-litre bottles , selling it retail at $1.00 per bottle , two effects might be observed .
17 The Varga Plants , a wound from whose thorns replaces a man 's thoughts with an overwhelming urge to kill and turns him into one of themselves , grow naturally only on the planet whose laboratories have developed them : Skaro , home of the Daleks .
18 Turbobat is a very powerful multiple pass batch file compiler that takes DOS batch files and turns them into binary code that can execute up to four times faster than the original .
19 When the time is right Shamans pick the special fungus and make the vile brew which sends the Fanatics crazy and turns them into uncontrolled whirling maniacs .
20 Older people , on the basis of chronological age , are progressively removed from economic life , which provides them not only with income , but structures their daily routines and integrates them into regular social relationships .
21 Many of the individual steps have been identified and considerable efforts are under way to take the steps and combine them into efficient catalytic cycles .
22 I went back to Desmond and got myself into more trouble because as soon as I got out I wanted money .
23 ‘ I 'm sorry I ran and got us into this mess .
24 The Malleny Park side has yet to decide on its final line-up but will relish the opportunity to end the season in a flourish at home and push themselves into third position .
25 But then I realised you had joined the queue of dolour — I take it from your sparkling eyes that Lucy 's dropped her drawers and flung herself into sapphic bliss ? ’
26 The Soviet statistics were terribly messy and scattered all over the place but Davies and Barker finally succeeded in teasing them out and knocking them into some sort of shape .
27 We identified the postcode areas of patients and categorised them into three groups — namely , urban , rural , or mixed .
28 Leaning forward as far as she dared , with the great torso of the suit at a right angle to its legs , she made the claws unhook her wrist computer and plug it into one of the empty sockets on the panel .
29 As with normal ISA slots , you 'll be able to take any VL Bus video card and plug it into any motherboard with VL Bus slots — something you ca n't do with proprietary slots .
30 It is therefore necessary to pick up the optical signals , convert them into electrical signals , amplify them using a repeater and re-convert them into optical signals every so often along the way .
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