Example sentences of "and [verb] [pron] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Over the last few years the Department of Trade and Industry ( DTI ) has been active in consulting with British industry and encouraging it to be competitive in the European market .
2 That 's to say , she had firm features and smartly cut , possibly dyed hair obviously kept under regular control , and she behaved as if she had known a time when she turned every head and expected you to be aware of this too .
3 Of course there was still some opportunity for children to earn money while they were at school , and where those opportunities were taken there is evidence that parents considered this as part of the household income and expected it to be handed over ( Jamieson , 1986 ) .
4 I , I , I ordered a camera and expected it to be with us the week before we went .
5 So you did n't have a letter there and then and asked something about was it put into writing .
6 Tim leaned across to Anne and asked her to be his wife
7 At noon Sir Michael Adeane rang up and asked me to be at the Palace at 2 o'clock .
8 She mentions that Southmead Hospital is considering changing to a one year block contract as a means of empowering house officers and helping them to be recognised as an important part of the service provided .
9 Personal computers for management use is a major area of Apple usage , where planning , analysing , managing and assistance with decision evaluation have made the micro a versatile and powerful tool for managers of all descriptions , saving time and money and helping them to be far more effective in their jobs .
10 Driving back to Aubagne , Alex told me how the rest of them had spent the day throwing grapes at the old German and accusing him of being in the SS .
11 He often says unkind things to me , blaming me for the break-up of our marriage and accusing me of being a useless wife .
12 Jamie has no demons like you and defies you with being a skunk Repulsive to humanity and most of the animal kingdom , but irresistible to another skunk !
13 The quotation is from the Roman poet Ovid ( Epistulae ex Ponto , 2.9.4718 ) and may be rendered " to have studied faithfully the liberal arts refines the character and forbids it to be uncouth " .
14 At the same time , before and beyond nature in infinity , he was creator carrying everything within himself in his thought and bringing it into being by his spoken word .
15 Confronting explicitly collectivist opponents for the first time , the Conservative party , so Fforde contends , stressed the values of the free market , turned to the classical economists to justify non-intervention , and revealed themselves to be doctrinally committed to individualism .
16 During the course of the action , they inflicted heavy casualties on their attackers and revealed themselves to be fierce and resourceful fighters — not amateurs , but professionals of a skill comparable to that of their Roman adversaries .
17 On closer inspection the bundle of rags rose and revealed itself to be a woman , filthy dirty , her skin so grimy she was almost invisible in the gloom .
18 She pulled back the front curtain vigorously and revealed herself to be young and jolly-looking .
19 ‘ Oh , no , I was only teasing , and I really only came in to tell you that I 'm leaving tomorrow , and to thank you for being so kind , and — well , to say goodbye .
20 One of those kittenish creatures he remembered from the films of his childhood in the Fifties , clad in waist-high , baby-doll nightdresses , women who seemed to enjoy nothing more than lying back among the yellow nylon sheets and allowing themselves to be strangled .
21 He admitted burglary , handling stolen goods and allowing himself to be carried in a stolen car and was jailed for 21 months yesterday by Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court .
22 He was jailed for 21 months at Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court yesterday after admitting burglary , handling stolen goods and allowing himself to be carried in a stolen car .
23 This allows expectational effects to be incorporated in the consumption , investment and capital flow equations , providing an indication of the importance of such effects in the regulation of the economy , and allowing them to be taken into account in policy design .
24 The conflict between actively fashioning language and allowing oneself to be constructed by conventional systems is provisionally resolved by valorizing submissiveness as Christian humility , but present are the basic elements of a dilemma which is to remain with Brooke-Rose for several decades .
25 Yeah and she 's totally focused , she 's er , I think she 's got two children erm her husbands works , she 's got two children she 's brought up and developed herself to be a branch manager or assistant branch manager er she 's got a degree h now do n't listen to this Lorraine , who it said mid thirties
26 The mind puts together certain things and deems them to be of the same kind .
27 Conservationists believe the section of river has a particular geomorphological importance and want it to be allowed to meander naturally and not controlled by artificial flood defences .
28 The official receiver notifies the Chief Land Registrar , gazettes the order and causes it to be advertised in such local newspaper as he thinks fit ( r 6.46(2) ) .
29 Before long he recognised Eva 's ability and invited her to be vice president .
30 Geoffrey Fisher went from Repton to be Bishop of Chester and invited him to be an examining chaplain ; which he accepted — it would mean two or three visits a year — and was surprised to find how friendly Fisher was when they were not in the relation of boy and headmaster .
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