Example sentences of "and [verb] [pron] [adv] over " in BNC.

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1 He lifted the edge of the hood , and laid it gently over the shattered head , hiding the face .
2 When he bent to the floor and picked up her dress and draped it anyhow over her , though making sure that her breasts , which he had just termed ‘ exquisite ’ , were covered , she knew he was very much off her too .
3 Markby , taking off his overcoat and sticking it haphazardly over a peg , grunted .
4 He had turned to look at her , slipping off his coat as he did so and tossing it carelessly over the back of one of the armchairs .
5 You could get it to Keswick and send it all over England from there . ’
6 Like all the maidens , in all the stories , half seduced and half petrified , she consented to Fenna 's plans and he swept her high on his great wings and bore her away over the roofs of London and higher and higher cavorting and caracolling through the star-spun night .
7 And Courtney would throw her arms around her and kiss her all over her face and never let her go .
8 Wheel him and let him all over her .
9 right , tie it off in a reef knot , if you 've got bits that are left dangling they 're too long and you ca n't go round again because it 's gon na make it too tight , you can either tuck them in or else you can fold them down , a nice clean plaster and put it right over the top , okay ?
10 I 'm only meant to use one tablespoon of it in a whole basin of water and you 've gone and put it all over your head neat !
11 Who 's had spaghetti and put it all over the floor ? .
12 Carter bowed down and lifted her effortlessly over his broad shoulder .
13 He had grabbed hold of Cliff and had him halfway over the ship 's side and would have dumped him into the dock had he not been restrained by a couple of his workmates .
14 He pulled out a folded check golfing cap from his pocket and rammed it low over his forehead .
15 They went to Waldegrave 's chamber and smeared it all over the tunic of our comatose priest .
16 He seized him by the waist and threw him bodily over the balustrade .
17 At the end , the ‘ boys ’ clambered onto the wall , sat with legs crossed and threw themselves backwards over the wall one by one into the arms of a stagehand .
18 Had n't he clothed them well and fed them well over the years ?
19 Yet , as she said it , she withdrew her hands from her pockets and folded them firmly over her chest .
20 Now do n't go and spill it all over the photos !
21 Well , we already do that at the moment , trying to assess a myriad of individual benefits with people filling up forms and sending them all over the country .
22 Some nosey guy from a yellow sheet would find out who the mysterious Mrs. X was in a blackmail case , and smear it all over the front .
23 Any sort of boat could have been used to ferry a body to midstream and to put it gently over the side in darkness .
24 So she removed her right hand from the glass skylight and placed it instead over her left finger with the ring and the thread .
25 At one time I would buy a bottle of whiskey and pour it all over me before going home because I knew she would n't try to argue if she thought I was drunk .
26 I imagined what would happen if I should tear the sleeves out , or cut it up , or run to the kitchen for the tomato-ketchup and pour it all over the bodice ; if I should rip out the collar with my teeth .
27 Go buy a case of champagne and pour it all over your dick .
28 She used to ride over on a white mare she borrowed and tether it somewhere over there by that tree . ’
29 She picked it up , went back to the two girls and dumped it unceremoniously over Peggy 's head .
30 On the way back , I set down the grassbox , unplug the sprinkler and coil the hosepipe ( which Pa , being always so busy , has obviously forgotten ) in even circles around my hand and elbow , then go to the shed and lay it carefully over the two dowelling pegs .
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