Example sentences of "and [verb] [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He sat down and beamed his good eye at the shine on his toecap .
2 This evidence of strength used by a small country for peaceful purposes and to promote its own self-sufficiency would , he warned , undermine the power of " imperialism " and lay Libya open to attack , especially by the United States .
3 This was a real lady The girls were suddenly self-conscious , smoothing down their tattered skirts and tucking their dirty feet out of sight .
4 I always admired him for his tenacity of purpose and dedication — and envied his super brain-power .
5 To go through it sometimes and change it old people like to do that .
6 Nevertheless , having called for boiling water and cleansed his best knife over a candle flame , he took the risk .
7 Germany 's position on the developmental ‘ gap ’ between East and West Europe , between the feudal and industrial worlds , meant that Germany was subject to fear of Western competition and envy of Western colonial markets ; the proximity of poorly developed lands to the East gave Germany the opportunity to rectify its lack of colonial holdings and to sink its internal problems in external conquest .
8 It meant the ability to educate and supervise his own children rather than be driven to place them in the mill , and to preserve a customary life-style .
9 ‘ I suppose so , ’ clearly weighing up the chances of Auguste 's swimming underwater to the women 's bathing machine section and drowning his beloved daughter .
10 With the aid of a crane ‘ DRD was mounted on the pedestal on July 7 and took-up its new job as a permanent monument to the Norseman .
11 And pitching their dead bodies into the woods .
12 When Julie Christie , that blonde in Billy Liar , appears as the fashion model of the British-financed Darling ( 1965 ) , Schlesinger remains as distant from his central character , a woman who plays with the emotions of many men and destroys her own happiness by her quest for a good time , as he had from Vic or Billy .
13 In the thirteenth century the King of france , abetted by a weak Pope , very brutally suppressed the Order of Templars and appropriated their enormous wealth .
14 What upsets and angers my hon. Friends is that the Department of Energy is praying in aid the proposed European Community directive on working time as a justification for that change .
15 Mrs Padmore , having typed the interpretation of the remark , has gone back and altered its semantic status to fit the interpretation .
16 If , in Lady Chatterley 's Lover , the scales were to fall from Connie 's eyes and she were to see the worship of Mellor 's phallus for what it is , a means of subordinating and oppressing women , she could free herself and develop her authentic will , ego and individuality .
17 The first and second years of the course give students a thorough grounding in basic musicianship and develop their practical skills .
18 In some areas fundholders had formed liaison groups and were meeting regularly to share experiences and develop their collective expertise .
19 Our ‘ post-heroic leader ’ will allow others to take responsibility , develop their own skills , solve their own problems and develop their own goals .
20 On one occasion when Reagan , at short notice , addressed an audience of between three and four thousand teachers As a GE spokesman Reagan had the opportunity to hone his oratorical skills , and develop his political ideas .
21 He has been to Taiwan on two or three occasions and it was his idea that we come to New Zealand and develop our forward play ’ , said Lin .
22 ‘ We intend to develop our regional research which is based on our corporate activity and develop our corporate finance capability . ’
23 My only support at the time came from a Nigerian girl and a Ugandan Asian girl who were also in my class and shared my deep sense of alienation from our environment .
24 Jenkins was close to Gaitskell , and shared his bitter disappointment in 1959 .
25 Thereafter , the defendant must have pulled down her pants and tights and stabbed her private parts a number of times .
26 He had sat and formulated his final speech to the Academy .
27 In Rhodri 's cast-off clothes and worn shoes he looked like a penurious wandering scrivener of sixty ; in truth he was barely forty , and had been a tall , strong man of his hands once , and would be as good again after a month of eating regularly , and nursing his frayed body and broken and blistered feet .
28 ‘ Svend was watching television and nursing his broken heart , trying to work out how he could go back home without losing face , when he was forced to realise the amount of trouble and disruption he and his erstwhile girlfriend had caused on all fronts ! ’
29 After drying her hair Ruth tied it back from her face with a white velvet ribbon and planned her next move .
30 For two days now he had sat in Isobel 's garage during most of school hours and planned his new book .
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