Example sentences of "and [verb] [pron] [verb] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 Not those kind of relaxants but something just to relieve the tension and make her feel calmer .
2 One thing about him that was probably on the plus side : he had the ability to drain away her tension and make her feel better .
3 By 35 , our faces have undergone structural changes , so that the hair-styles which suited us throughout our 20s may suddenly seem severe and make us look older .
4 all , everything that would be in involved and er but buts a lot of the , what we did was , you know , erm just how you would er ta erm how you would try and start there and and decorate a place and make it look better which again , is part of your environment
5 Cross it over , round the back , and back up to the front again , do a reef knot here and tuck your ends in straight away of course like so and then this little bit can just be tucked up where you 've crossed the two ends and make it look neater with no ends hanging out , no that , all that does is keep the dressing secure , keep infection out , okay ?
6 ‘ Bring out ’ deep-set eyes with a paler shadow — obviously darker tints will tend to shade the eye and make it look deeper .
7 See if you can try and make them feel better — you 'll soon forget about your own problems .
8 Well there are one or two other things we can do to try and make you feel better er even if the , the hands are n't the principle cause er I think we 'll see what happens , work your chest out of the way first though .
9 The fullness around her forehead balanced her square chin and the waterfall of glossy brown hair softened her angular bones and made her look younger than usual .
10 It was still raining , great drops spurted up whirlpools of dust , but the buildings cut off the sand and made it seem lighter .
11 The aims of the workshop are to help young people in the South Pacific to understand and respond to the mass media ( TV , video , radio and print ) and to enable them to recognise better quality media programmes .
12 As Kingfisher chairman Geoff Mulcahy puts it : ‘ Opportunity 2000 in Kingfisher has helped us unlock rich reserves of talent among our employees , giving women opportunities and allowing us to make better economic use of our total workforce . ’
13 And has it got better or worse ?
14 She slipped into a nerve-racking routine with Damian Flint , and every day she went to see her father and found him getting better and better .
15 ‘ Well , some people say he died in the town , always trying to make a broom that would last ; others say he just gave up and wasted away , others that he got somebody else to make the brooms and found somebody to provide better twigs , and got people to sell the brooms in other towns and cities , and hired more people to make more brooms , and built a broom-making factory , and made lots of money and had a splendid house made …
16 We must also consider the opportunity that some occupations have for deliberately restricting access to the acquisition of the skills needed to do the job , thereby keeping down their distribution amongst the population , and enabling them to claim higher rewards in the market place .
17 Well no I care I care if Tina 's not well and hope she gets better soon but I do n't care if
18 ‘ It 's good for your face and keeps you looking younger . ’
19 This could relieve heads and teachers of clerical work for which they are not trained and allow them to make better use of their valuable ( and scarce ) teaching skills .
20 She thought of Mr Sargent and the swimming lesson and willed her to feel better .
21 If it brings us closer together , and helps us to write better poems , I would be willing to trade some sex with you .
22 Just in case Lord Milton failed to appreciate his value , MacLachlan stressed that he had been approached by the rival interest in the county and had been offered sufficient to make him easy for life , and accordingly implied that Milton had an obligation to aid him with his creditors and enable him to arrange further loans .
23 Dr Alan Watkins , Hawker Siddeley 's chief executive , said the deal with GEC Alsthom would re-inforce its position in the fiercely competitive UK market and enable it to achieve greater exports than the two companies had separately .
24 He spent a long time with her , talking , and making her feel better when she was crying and that ..
25 She 's made me angry with her anger , and then turned it around so that I 'm eaten up with guilt because she 's been ill and I have n't noticed , and now she 's taking the blame on herself and making me feel worse than ever .
26 Flimsy metal rails and plastic counters jar with the handsome Neo-classical forms of the galleries ; large panels have been built in the entrance of the three main galleries , blocking the views and making them look smaller , and because space is at a premium , the paintings are sometimes crowded together .
27 Whether it 's a long-term or short-term problem you will find gentle exercise and relaxation through yoga will be beneficial to you mentally and physically , and we always find that a good massage goes a long way to easing tension and making you feel better .
28 The daughter fidgeted through her long wild monologues and wished she wore prettier clothes .
29 Ideally , it should enable you to burn up a little more energy and help you to become fitter .
30 On the other side of the coin , the grounds maintenance service is very highly rated at and we have this interesting shared contr cu campus with Sheldon , where I think the District Council D S O is cutting Sheldon 's grass , and the County Council D S O have been cutting and you 'll be able to walk along the divide and see which looks better I suppose , after a bit .
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