Example sentences of "and [verb] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The moving spectacle , which was interrupted repeatedly by rounds of automatic weapons fire , was carried live on Sarajevo television , and beamed to homes in all the former Yugoslavian republics .
2 The old nun was as imperious as ever but she visibly thawed when she saw Corbett and beamed with pleasure at his gift .
3 He put his hand in his jacket pocket , searching for his wallet , and as he did , Doug , serious now , yanked Harry towards him and whispered in tones from which all traces of his cockney accent were now absent .
4 Some had excessive swings of mood , and were either excessively energetic or elated , or , more often , inert and plagued by beliefs of their own worthlessness and guilt ; the manic-depressive psychosis .
5 But in another way some stubbornness was at work in me , some determination never to give up , and to cling in secret to whatever reality I could find for myself .
6 Sat and glowed with satisfaction for a few hours in silence , studying their effect .
7 Chimbote was a dreadful place , litter everywhere and smelling to hell of oil .
8 For example , search software offers the types of facilities discussed in Chapter 17 , including the ability to search on words in pre-determined fields , the ability to search on word stems and to search on words with variant spellings , and then the ability to rank the retrieved material according to its relative significance .
9 He therefore gave authority to one Edward Sawyer to make inquiries , and to search for evidence in all houses and places in Kettering and five miles around .
10 In this first study , the European-ness of the 1989 elections will be explored in depth to see whether there are differences between EC countries , and to search for clues about likely future changes .
11 esteem that arise from unwitting acceptance of the injunctions may be mirrored and compounded by assaults on public esteem , if the community in which people work gives its collective assent to the same injunctions .
12 Or that London bobbies were too often to be found whispering sweet nothings to kitchen maids , and tucking into pastries in servants ' quarters on foggy nights , when they should have been out walking the beat .
13 In Fothergill 's garden he found Arbutus andrachne , raised from seeds sent by Russell from Aleppo in 1754 and to flower at Upton in 1766 .
14 It does mean that law is not a fixed , precise and immutable set of rules ; and that not only its content but also its form are subject to interpretation , adaptation and change as part of and in response to social change .
15 The company was returned to private ownership in mid-1987 in what was seen as a retrenchment and change in direction of its development .
16 In practice the procedures adopted by local authorities differ widely , and change in response to political control and financial stress .
17 This multiplicity of objectives , and the way in which they are defined through the political process and change in response to changing political priorities , distinguishes state enterprises from private firms .
18 The question as to whether time could conceivably exist if there were no ‘ soul , ( or mind ) to apprehend it had been raised , but not answered , by Aristotle , whose definition of time as the ‘ numbering ’ of motion and change in relation to before and after appeared to presuppose the existence of a ‘ soul ’ that contemplates and measures it .
19 We may now assess the significance of his role by examining the themes of continuity and change in relation to his twin principles of Parliamentary sovereignty and the rule of law .
20 Travelling accommodation seems to have been very casual and limited for JTR on occasion , more like hostelling .
21 Accidental Damage is self explanatory and limited by exclusion of damage due to breakdown , explosion or collapse which in effect excludes damage from any inherent defect in the plant .
22 ‘ And the mortgagee having sworn he paid and expended above £120 in defending his mortgage at law , although he had but £60 costs allowed him there … shall not be held down to the taxation at law , but shall against the account be allowed all he laid out , or expended .
23 The Misses Wynne flew to the window and exclaimed in ecstasy over the view of roof-tops and more roof-tops , and then exclaimed again at their luck in finding somewhere so peaceful and perfect .
24 The Errol Flynn looks crumbled with age , and the man whose strike rate in first-class cricket was better than O'Reilly 's , Mailey 's or Grimmett 's entered the twilight world of trampdom under the bridges of the Yarra , drinking meths and fossicking for food in garbage-bins .
25 The plaited bamboo walls curled tightly round a stout frame of beech poles , cut and stripped by Rima with the big bush knife he had brought up from the trade-store when Joseph had run down to tell him the news .
26 In the forest here , as elsewhere , the wild cocoa trees reach their full natural height of 20 m or so ( under plantation conditions cocoa trees rarely exceed 10 m ) and develop as clusters of a dozen or more leaning trunks .
27 In H. gallinarum all three parasitic moults appear to occur in the caecal lumen , but in H. isolonche infection the hatched larvae enter the caecal mucosa , and develop to maturity in nodules .
28 The report stated that " the government appears to have given the security forces carte blanche to kill and torture in Casamance in response to attacks from its opponents " .
29 I have pleasure in enclosing your copy of the Memorandum of Agreement for the above tape , which has been signed and witnessed on behalf of the Press .
30 I have pleasure in enclosing your copy of the Memorandum of Agreement for the above tape , which has been signed and witnessed on behalf of the Press .
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