Example sentences of "and [verb] [verb] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Touching and smelling play an important part in reinforcing natural bonds , as well as identification .
2 He is then asked to assume that the true date will be before the p0·5 date and asked to nominate an earlier date that would again divide the range into two 50/50 bets .
3 He is then asked to assume that the true date will be before the p0.5 date and asked to nominate an earlier date that would again divide the range into two 50/50 bets .
4 What is less often recognized is that it was distinctly innovatory , marking important breaks with earlier theories of female sexuality and helping to generate an intellectual climate favourable to regulationism .
5 If the angle of vision is the classroom , then the basic transaction between teacher and taught produces an inescapable similarity .
6 To be evokes a resulting state in these sentences as does to differ in ( 181 ) and make evokes an antecedent cause .
7 Never ever use scourers or coarse cleaning pads as this will scratch the stainless steel surface and make cleaning an arduous task in the future .
8 The Supreme Soviet on Feb. 14 nevertheless supported a compromise proposal by Gorbachev that it should return to the question , and on Feb. 27 it approved in principle ( by 347 votes to 24 , with 43 abstentions ) a draft bill on creating the new presidency , and agreed to convene an extraordinary Congress .
9 A total of 47 delegations from the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples ' Organization ( UNPO — see p. 38027 ) , meeting in The Hague on Aug. 6 , discussed the political crises in Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union , and agreed to establish an Urgent Action Council to respond to requests from groups threatened by state violence .
10 It can therefore provide collectively a formidable knowledge of the University and bring to bear an enormous fund of experience .
11 The Ness Co-operative have moved , in nine months , from an attitude of , ‘ They should do it ’ to a conviction of , ‘ We must do it ourselves ’ , and have established a vegetable co-operative , bought a combine harvester , leased an unused schoolhouse garden which they will sponsor as a Job Creation Scheme to be prepared for use as a nursery and demonstration area for horticulture , and intend leasing an entire croft belonging to a member of the Community Association .
12 But the situation was now so critical , and the time for restoring confidence so short , that , very reluctantly , I agreed that each Party must sink its political programme temporarily and combine to pursue an economic policy to save the nation from bankruptcy .
13 By lunchtime it was expected that the sit-down run throughs would be complete and timed to run an optimum length of twenty-four minutes , thirty seconds .
14 Forty years on , the Theatre Collection is a leading research centre for the study of drama and theatre history and has achieved an international reputation as one of the foremost collections of its kind in Great Britain .
15 The health authority has recognised that and has sought an alternative and more convenient landing pad .
16 Matza 's reference to deviance being ‘ vital ’ for society relates to an idea , borrowed from Durkheim , that was popular with the ‘ new deviance ’ writers and has played an important part in academic thinking about crime and deviance generally .
17 But he grabbed his chance when Rogan was switched to the centre of defence and has played an important role on the way to Wembley .
18 A regional bookshop was opened at the regional office and has made an encouraging start .
19 My hon. Friend is right to say that BT is one of the leading companies and has made an important contribution to our economy .
20 A key link with the mainland , the Larne-Stranraer route has been in existence for almost 130 years and has become an integral part of Ulster 's maritime heritage .
21 This has now developed to include Henley members and has become an official club fixture , the winners rewarded with the Jayemdoubleyou Cup which the late Jack Webb presented and which cup had in fact been his father 's rowing trophy !
22 Lady Park is now dominated by survivors , especially ash and bizarre lime trees — and has become an exciting , vital wood which has transcended ecologists ' narrow predictions for it .
23 Advocacy was an important objective for many projects and has become an important objective for every project .
24 The opening of the airport has affected tourism in Madeira more than any other single factor and has transported an isolated island directly into the latter half of the twentieth century .
25 The county council has used the National Health Service 's central record of patient re-registrations as its principle source of for migration data and has chosen an eight year period to measure the trend .
26 The UK , despite opposition from Argentina , is in de facto control of the Falkland Islands , South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands , and has established an effective fisheries management programme for Falkland Islands waters .
27 , 43 , is a member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing and has had an extensive career in sales and marketing in the wholesale and retail food industry ; wholesale hardware trade and the computer industry .
28 She was the first woman delegate to the Humberside County Association of Trades Councillors and the first woman on the executive and has had an enormous impact on the Association 's efforts on women 's issues .
29 Other invaluable fanatics who have contributed to the project include Caesar Glebbeek ( who , with Harry Shapiro , co-authored last year 's definitive Hendrix biography Electric Gypsy ) and poster specialist/Artrock supremo Philip Cushway , who has supplied examples of psychedelic art ( including Rick Griffin 's seminal ‘ Eyeball ’ image that will be on sale at £1,000 a print ! ) and has added an extra dimension to the Jimi Hendrix image .
30 Though it mixes fact with fantasy , the play contains some fascinating meditations on the nature of genius , and has awakened an extraordinary surge of interest in the life and work of the man who still , 200 years after his death , stands supreme on a pinnacle of his art .
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