Example sentences of "and [verb] [verb] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , when the informants were given five sets of words , and asked to list them in order of the likelihood of appearing in SF , the experienced readers included " dreams ' , " drugs ' , " consciousness ' , " identity " , " information " ( all themes of recent SF ) while the inexperienced readers marked only " Martians ' , " flying saucers ' , " ray-guns ' , " robots ' , " mutants ' .
2 He ( among others ) perceived adolescent labour as an obstacle to efficiency not only because it lacked knowledge of employment opportunities and the ability to distinguish between the merits of different occupations , but also because its inherent ‘ adaptability ’ was ‘ wasted ’ ( always a key notion in National Efficiency circles ) by the ‘ haphazard ’ nature of the transition which left too many youths in dead-end jobs and failed to enrol them in any form of further education .
3 Set against these points is the maintenance problem ; softwood doors need regular decoration to keep rot at bay , and even hardwoods require regular treatment with preservative and stain to keep them in good condition .
4 The President had also apparently abandoned his aim of holding the first round of legislative elections on Oct. 25 [ see p. 39086 ] , and agreed to reschedule them for late November ( with a number of opposition parties still calling for a further postponement ) .
5 Frequently , the mistaken belief is that counselling involves telling people what to do in a nice friendly way and involves educating them with a few pertinent facts in a clear , easily memorable , style .
6 If you have any difficulties , ask someone you know and trust to explain them to you .
7 If you have any further donations of clothes and intend passing them onto Jean at Church would you either leave them in your car boot or give Jean a call first , so she can pick them up … !
8 The University of Ulster welcomes the ‘ AS ’ proposals as a means of broadening ‘ A ’ level studies and has incorporated them into its General Entry Requirements for admission to degree and DipHE courses .
9 Comedian and writer Ben Miller has the answers , and has incorporated them into a tribute performance , Gone With Noakes ( playing at Covent Garden 's Donmar Warehouse on Dec 4–5 ) .
10 The person who sits on the dais in Ottawa or Canberra and goes through the motions of opening a Parliament is not and can not be the same being at all as the person who does these things and has done them from time immemorial at Westminster .
11 Illich is also sceptical of professionals ' self-descriptions and has described them as definers of reality in their relationship with clients .
12 The industry concerned is the in-flight catering business which in the UK alone , produces many thousands of meals 24 hours a day every day and has to transport them at chill temperatures from the flight kitchens to individual aircraft , quite often with additional problems resulting from flight delays and so on .
13 It is a paradox — one of the many paradoxes of mysticism — that even though mystics insist that their experiences are radically ineffable , many of the great mystics have felt compelled to write them down and to try to communicate them to others .
14 In some of the more remote parishes , sculptures and carvings escaped the attentions of the iconoclasts , and elsewhere ornamental features such as carved fonts were boarded over and plastered to protect them from the commissioners .
15 As the rebels , sword in hand , ran after the retreating cavalry , sonic of the royal infantry stood their ground and tried to take them in the flank but the heavy rain had left most of their cartridges too damp to fire and the frustrated musketeers thereupon also took to their heels .
16 Voluntary organisations took mainly ‘ first offenders ’ and tried to place them in domestic service .
17 He made many observations of atmospheric electricity , and tried to relate them to the weather .
18 These people and a host of others provided ideas and helped to put them into effect ; the guiding hand and political boss was Franklin Roosevelt himself .
19 Vass spread his long fingers over the chair arms and seemed to contemplate them for a moment .
20 Seven student teachers will be taking their examinations on 21st and 28th March — we wish them luck and hope to see them at next Q.T. Day .
21 Valley Canoe Products have located a source of indestructible deck elastics and hope to offer them in 6 and 8mm sizes .
22 I would trace out the courses of rivers in my school atlas and imagine following them to their sources or to some foreign sea .
23 In Britain , for instance , Waste Management International , Shanks & McEwan and Severn Trent/Biffa are enraged that the government has decided to postpone the introduction of the landfill standards in the 1990 Environmental Protection Act , and refuses to apply them to existing landfills .
24 As a result they are less willing to accept the increasing costs caused by disruption and seek to recover them through claims .
25 Bernard was present at their interrogation by Australian and British officers and helped escort them to Singapore Supreme Court , where some were found guilty of war crimes .
26 Count Tarnowski has managed to recover ownership of pictures ( the tail-end of the collection that once contained both the Frick 's ‘ Polish Rider ’ and the Met 's ‘ Perseus ’ by Canova ) appropriated by the National Museum in Warsaw in 1945 , and intends to display them at his old country house of Dzikow .
27 That said , your fish will appreciate a good feed of , day , Daphnia , and enjoy chasing them for quite a long time , so the quantity is a little less critical than with prepared food .
28 Film historians have spent a good deal of time debating the significance of the gangster films and attempting to relate them to the whole ethos of the Wall Street crash and the onset of the depression .
29 The snow would certainly invade the tops of her boots when she stepped out of the car , and she swore softly in Ruthenian as she retrieved the groceries from the floor of the car and turned to carry them into the house .
30 ‘ She has always been a Liverpool fan , though , and used to follow them to Wembley . ’
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