Example sentences of "and [verb] [noun] at [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Soviet worker is free to choose his/her job and change jobs at will according to how they see their individual interests and inclinations .
2 But , as James Cable and others have pointed out , it was often difficult to assess the seriousness of his more vehement statements , and how far they were made to test reactions and influence opinion at home and abroad .
3 Many girls worked in minor clerical jobs and were encouraged to learn shorthand and typing skills at evening classes .
4 To promote and facilitate discussion at school level about the philosophy of the Catholic school ( using my experiences working for the Queensland Catholic Education Commission as a stimulus . )
5 Many women have seen a new and demanding career at midlife as their way to satisfaction , only to find that it becomes a prime cause of problems for their husband .
6 Linear arrangement , then , has a role to play in processing information and organizing messages at text level .
7 They will study full time for the SCOTVEC National Certificate in Industrial Measurement and Process Control at college in Edinburgh .
8 Within them , the companies either owned or effectively controlled the services , so that the miners and their families shopped at company shops , drank at company pubs , and played sports at colliery clubs .
9 Children become difficult , playing truant and causing trouble at school .
10 ‘ British business now has a great opportunity to expand into overseas markets and to replace imports at home .
11 Should any man lose any time through sickness he is to throw back 2s. per day to the Company and receive account at harvest .
12 Another thing about being a qualified accountant is that I could always leave and do books at home .
13 Jeff had some funny lines on sleeping together and swimming lessons at school strange how Len Fairclough kept cropping up .
14 It can damage your health , your family , your pocket and cause accidents at home , work and on the road .
15 But too much alcohol can be bad for your heart and your liver and cause problems at work , with family and friends .
16 At some time in their lives , almost all have cause to visit the local health centre or hospital where they see and meet staff at work .
17 To understand and use numbers at work
18 A neighbour 's child had been breaking my constituent 's windows , hurling abusive language and stealing property at will .
19 This would suggest that many poorer households must make enormous sacrifices in other areas of spending in order to maintain a car , perhaps to the extent of going without adequate food and buying clothes at jumble sales ( Brown and Winyard 1975 ; Winyard 1978 ) .
20 They may well have been in the right : the tendency of some Merovingians to take and discard wives at will , that is to practise serial monogamy , meant that there was no clearly defined family tree .
21 While this contributes to crime prevention , especially with respect to joy-riders who steal and drive cars at speed at might ( which requires neighbourhood men in West Belfast to work might duty ) , it has none of the wider community service functions evident in Easton .
22 Turn off lights and appliances when you leave a room , and draw curtains at night to stop heat escaping .
23 The Greenpeace report , which studied the toxic waste incinerator plans of 18 countries , claimed incinerator technology to be unsafe and inefficient and to put communities at risk from dangerous waste products .
24 Culley perched on the arm of a battered sofa and watched Mathers at work .
25 You could n't just make and unmake people at will without working at it .
26 Jared Tunstall , who manipulated billions of dollars , made and broke men at will , whose power was legendary , had never managed in a clash of wills with the daughter he adored to overcome her , once she had made her mind up , or decided on a course of action .
27 Charles acquired a magnificent collection of pictures and became a patron of Rubens and van Dyck as well as of Inigo Jones , who was commissioned not only to build palaces but to write and produce masques at Court .
28 Many people also like painting for its own sake and find talents at drawing or brushwork which they have n't used since childhood .
29 Over the centuries a tradition arose of pilgrims going to Croagh Patrick , spending the night on top and hearing Mass at dawn .
30 There were no significant differences in the median serum amylase and lipase activities at baseline , eight , and 24 hours after ERCP .
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