Example sentences of "and [verb] [noun] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 1992 will see the launch of a new campaign by Pest Control 's South West area to stem the tide of terminations and to promote prospects for new business .
2 She will monitor the work of all other departments and co-ordinate action for equal opportunities across government .
3 Extra copies of Recognised and recommended groupings for National Certificate Modules are available from our Publications Section , .
4 Thus a modern Inuit village family may live in a small settlement of insulated timber housing , spend part of their time working for wages in government or private company employ , hunt caribou or seals for meat , and tend traplines for extra money to buy consumer goods from the store or mail-order catalogue .
5 Each program contains a dialogue offering a wide range of choices affecting , for example , selection with respect to most data items , sort orders , print items per line , print lines per record , paging , number of copies , type of stationery , destination printer , real-time or batch execution , blackness of print image , redirection of printout to a computer file , creation of reference files to allow the same set of selected records to be used by another program , saving and naming selections for future use , local and remote printing , etc .
6 The organisers of a church-based news agency planned for Latin America and the Caribbean ( ALC ) have decided to offer a series of news writing and editing courses for future correspondents later this year .
7 The enumerators ' returns can be consulted on microfilm at the Portugal Street annexe of the Public Record Office , just off Chancery Lane , and microfilm copies for local areas are often available at county record offices and major libraries .
8 As expected ( CI No 2,116 ) , Kubota Pacific Inc , Santa Clara , California , yesterday announced the availability of Titan 2.0 — now renamed Denali — a line of three-dimensional graphical and imaging subsystems for Digital Equipment Corp 's Alpha AXP workstations running the OSF/1 operating system and built on the firm 's own custom chip technology .
9 As expected ( UX No 424 ) , Kubota Pacific Inc , Santa Clara , California , yesterday announced the availability of Titan 2.0 — now renamed Denali — a line of three-dimensional graphical and imaging subsystems for Digital Equipment Corp 's Alpha AXP workstations running the OSF/1 operating system and built upon the firm 's own custom chip technology .
10 In such a case it may well be advisable to draw up the contract to cover stages that can be defined in this way and make contracts for succeeding stages conditional upon achieving agreed criteria of success for prior stages .
11 We will provide more resources for councils to deal with noise complaints and make compensation for excessive commercial noise more widely available .
12 And make room for real people .
13 Under terms of the agreement , Broadview will contact potential acquirers to ascertain their interest in investing in , or acquiring Sequoia , will participate in negotiations on behalf of Sequoia , and make recommendations for possible transactions with potential investors .
14 Teacher 's Book — helps you with lesson plans and offers suggestions for extra activities
15 Trading and financing strategies for developing countries in the 1980s
16 The British Chambers of Commerce , on the other hand , welcomed the various adjustments to simplify and enhance tax for small businesses , not least the rationalisation of VAT .
17 The process of recovery involves understanding the disease concept and accepting responsibility for future action to keep the disease in remission .
18 ‘ Mass mailings are a lifeline of communication and raise money for good causes , ’ a Greenpeace official says .
19 This area is seen as only one of a number of possible future points of development , for plans are being discussed for setting up a linked structure of subject panels from national down to district and location level to give all teachers the opportunity to comment on materials and raise suggestions for new approaches .
20 The European programme is , like the US Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile ( GOSIP ) effort , mandatory , and its is expected that most government buyers will follow the guidelines because they will have to give and explain reasons for non-standard purchases .
21 He recognised that there was general resentment of the oppressive conduct of the Forest officers , and made provision for regular inquiries into it , and for presentment of Forest offences to be made at the attachment courts , as a procedure preliminary to the Forest Eyre .
22 The Award is progressively becoming recognised as the catering industry 's most prestigious and demanding competition for young professionals entering the business , as marketing and sales manager for Nestlé Foodservice Ltd , explains .
23 It begins by showing that some of the most successful rulers delegated their military responsibilities to effective generals , to lighten their burdens , avoid depriving their people of leadership through sudden death , and gain time for other business , and then moves to the theme that the kingdom 's well-being depends on God .
24 A manual focus ring and zoom lever for fast operation and minimum drain on battery .
25 If you really know the area , you will see a completely different picture : drug dealers , addicts , pimps , prostitutes , muggers , policemen in unmarked cars , plain-clothes policemen , illegal gambling on the pavement , drinking clubs and gathering places for male prostitutes , skinheads and petty criminals .
26 Under the general law of contract ( on which see Chitty on Contracts , Chapter 24 ) repudiation gives the other party the right to treat the contract as being at an end and to claim damages for wrongful termination : the alternative right to insist on performance would be meaningless in this context .
27 Necessarily strung out at no more than three abreast , the column threaded the mile or so cautiously , Ramsay for one , keen-eyed to note danger-spots and ambush possibilities for future reference .
28 Based on the East Anglian RAC , its main function is to receive and consider proposals for new courses .
29 ( j ) to plan and seek support for subsequent years of the Project
30 The results would not only set the baseline against which the effectiveness of the LURG could be measured , but would also provide fuel for debate , identify educational needs and suggest areas for possible research or development .
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