Example sentences of "and [verb] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 BRAVE Princess Diana put two weeks of torment behind her yesterday … and beamed this smile of relief .
2 The main objectives of the ASEA were to prevent elementary school-leavers from ‘ drifting into unskilled occupations , and later on into unemployment ’ ; and to promote industrial training through ‘ apprenticeships and other methods ’ , usually trade schools and technical education classes .
3 In 1975 the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training ( Cedefop ) was created to disseminate information on training , and to promote good practice throughout the Community .
4 Under the chair of employment minister Patrick McLoughlin , the group aims to persuade employers to abandon agist policies and to promote good practice in employment .
5 A significant focus for the controversy was the theatre , which , like the transvestite , was seen both to epitomize and to promote contemporary forces of disruption in and through its involvement with cross-dressing .
6 The discussion of export cartels in the previous section has pointed to the possibility that competition policy might be designed and applied to protect domestic markets and to promote domestic producers in export markets .
7 Continue to monitor the performance of engineering solutions to determine their effectiveness and to promote continuing improvements to the pedestrian facilities provided .
8 I am particularly pleased to have been able to see through the work to stamp out default and to promote high standards in the profession . ’
9 The US decision to withdraw troops stationed abroad marked a significant shift in national defence policy , whereby the strong local presence of US troops in many regions was to be replaced by a " rapid reaction " concept involving the increased use of airborne forces and attaching particular importance to mobile operations including the role of aircraft carriers .
10 The police had warrants to look for evidence of unlawful drinking and to search five houses for petrol bombs , although no evidence of either was found .
11 In the light of the above problems of attitudinal and technical support in the environment where the most highly trained member of the health team is rejected by colleagues but appreciated very much by the community members ( Robertson , 1988 ) , would it be realistic for her/him to support and supervise another category of health worker based in the community ( VHW/TBA ) ?
12 The Tibetan intuitively spun on his heel , raising his arm as if to throw a stone and bellowing great roars of abuse .
13 They took a prominent part in the repulse of the Austrian attack in this sector in June 1918 , and countered this attack by raids on Austrian positions , in which they took several hundred prisoners .
14 The questions to be asked in relation to adoptive parents are : first , whether they can successfully parent a child and develop deep attachments to it without a feeling of ‘ entitlement ’ or of being in charge and whilst there are continued visits or contacts by birth parents or birth relatives .
15 These modules will provide the opportunity for students to specialise in the Sciences and develop vocational competences including Lead Body Standards where these are available .
16 They explore one side of their personality and develop one aspect of their skills with a single-mindedness which has obvious disadvantages .
17 It was her research that showed how close we are in evolutionary terms to the apes : how they communicate with each other , use tools ( hitherto thought to be a strictly human activity ) and develop lifelong bonds of family and friendship .
18 Also late in 1989 LEDU awarded Worknet a contract to assist people in West Belfast who had a business or self-employment idea to take their ideas forward and develop small businesses within the community .
19 17.14 During the early years of the secondary school , and as they grow into adolescence , pupils will increasingly be able to take a more objective view and develop greater understanding of the writing process .
20 Train and develop all employees with respect to objectives of the Strategic Plan .
21 The Independent described him as " the closest assistant to President Urho Kekkonen when , in a world divided by the Cold War , Finland tried to establish its neutrality and develop friendly ties with the Soviet Union " .
22 ‘ It is a tribute to the French people here that they have been able to work with customers and develop such confidence in Grimsby 's service .
23 Never has so much been expected of general medical practitioners and practice staff ; general practitioners are being pressed to do audit , participate in commissioning , become fundholders , do research , improve consumer responsiveness , and develop new skills in the transfer of services from secondary to primary care and development of community care .
24 Current business and strategy proposals are far too simplistic , say the authors — IBM must cannibalize its products , migrate user to micros and develop new architectures around PowerPC and Intel chip , porting the software systems and applications that are still competitive to new hardware and operating systems .
25 They will also maintain and build on the PathWorks program and develop new services for Mac clients .
26 Apple Computer Inc yesterday took the new PowerCD CD-ROM product , announced at Hannover last week , to the US market , saying that it expects to sell 1.5m of the things by the end of this year ; it also said it has shipped more than 1m copies of its QuickTime multimedia software since its launch in January 1992 , and has formed a new unit , New Media to increase market access to multimedia technologies , expand multimedia content and develop new markets for Mac technology ; the PowerCD comes with AppleDesign Powered Speakers claimed to deliver high-quality sound at half the price of similar stereo speakers .
27 If they are frail or disabled and housebound they often become members of the tea-toast-and-tinned-soup brigade , and develop various kinds of vitamin-deficiency diseases .
28 A proposal to establish a commission , initially based in Hawaii , which would promote trade and develop free markets within the region , ran into difficulties over the issue of finance .
29 The University has established a number of Interdisciplinary Research Centres which initiate and develop interdisciplinary research in collaboration with industry , commerce , the public sector , research institutes and institutions of education , at both national and international level .
30 Early assessments indicate that fundholding has been a success in enabling practices to manage their budgets and develop patient services in the way it chooses .
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