Example sentences of "and [noun] [noun pl] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Now we were using a rather old radio set at the time called a TR9 that was not one of the better things that our radio and radar boffins produced for us in the early days of RT air-to-ground and vice-versa .
2 The top Shire Horse from William Tudor Jones , of Llanfihangel-y-Pennant , Tywyn , lined up with the supreme champions in the cattle and sheep sections to compete for the show 's super supreme title .
3 The Justice Department faces a struggle as it seeks at secret meetings to persuade big national operators like Browning-Ferris and Laidlaw Industries to bid for commercial garbage-collection contracts .
4 So that even when suspicions had been roused and blood tests called for , Marie was convinced the baby she was nurturing was her own .
5 And house burglaries and car thefts account for more than half all crimes reported .
6 Its two miles of almost deserted white sand and coral reefs make for excellent sunbathing and snorkelling .
7 The tropical fish and coral formations promised for our £10 never materialised .
8 On Barro Colorado Island , herbivory rates and defence mechanisms of young and mature leaves of 46 canopy species were observed throughout the year : leaf properties such as toughness , phenolic content , pubescence , water , fibre and protein contents accounted for over 70% of the variation in herbivory , with leaf toughness most highly correlated .
9 He was an exacting colleague , and college meetings lasted for hours as he reminisced about the past ; but it was his way of educating the fellows in the traditions of the college .
10 On June 11 in Sofia , after the first round of elections , as many as 100,000 students and opposition supporters called for fresh elections to be held .
11 There is a slowly burgeoning market for this type of entertainment , with many music and arts societies looking for such a programme .
12 Despite a warning that the government would act " immediately and resolutely " if the unrest continued , there were further protests in Seoul and elsewhere in the ensuing days as a coalition of student and dissidents groups called for the overthrow of the Roh government .
13 The near universality of agricultural cooperatives for purchasing , marketing and savings activities made for more efficient organization and greater security for farmers .
14 I mean , they 're ninety nine pence a tin and turkey tins stowed for years so I do n't think these are gon na come to any harm over
15 The EC and EFTA countries account for 70% of Scotland 's exports compared with 68% in last year 's survey .
16 The report was prepared by decommissioning and decontamination experts working for AEA Technology , the authority 's commercial arm .
17 Duke 's A and B lesions account for our 75% of cancers detected in asymptomatic individuals by initial faecal occult blood testing , while less than 50% of symptomatic patients are comparably staged at diagnosis .
18 The state-run daily al-Jumhuriya had carried on Sept. 8 a statement signed by Kurdish , Sunni and Shia intellectuals appealing for the liberalization of Iraq 's single-party political system .
19 From the 1840s public anxiety had also been focused on prostitution , the ‘ great social evil ’ , by studies from evangelical clerics and medics , and by rescue and reform societies campaigning for a police crackdown on the London streets .
20 Viewers jammed the Thames Television switchboard ; Fleet Street pundits and leader writers reached for their pencils .
21 Vauxhall 's new Astra Convertible offers sun lovers wind-in-the-hair driving with convenience , safety and security features designed for the 90s .
22 This was complicated by the desire of some hospitals and community services to apply for self-governing status and achieve total independence from health authority control , which often led to local conflicts .
23 With nine weeklies acquired from 1961 — 74 , their morning and evening interests accounted for most of the sales in the major part of the Birmingham conur-bation .
24 Some swimming , movement and sports groups cater for a wide range of disabilities including impaired limbs , spina bifida , multiple sclerosis , epilepsy , cystic fibrosis , Down 's syndrome , myelomeningocele , arthritis and accident injuries .
25 They claim that the plans of the newly-established Tatra Development Corporation will result in widespread deforestation , and to large areas being blighted by the construction of motorways to service the hotels , entertainment and sports facilities planned for the site .
26 The open spaces in the north-north east of the area should be made into parkland and sports fields created for leisure activities .
27 Scrutiny of Table 7.1 reveals that hospital and maternity services account for the majority of funds .
28 Police have been using a helicopter and tracker dogs to search for a man who attempted to grab a young boy .
29 We had to make absolutely sure that her dressing-room number was kept secret , and tracker dogs checked for explosives before she arrived .
30 Exactly the same health and safety considerations obtain for students as for regular employees .
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