Example sentences of "and [noun] [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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31 If it did not spring out of contract it must , I apprehend , have arisen ( if at all ) from the relative situation and circumstances of the defendants and plaintiff at the time of the occurrence of the act of negligence .
32 I was a member of the health service team supporting Elizabeth and Helen at the time of the move and I have stayed in touch with them since , as a friend and advocate .
33 The Reformation came to Slovenia and Croatia at a time when the Turkish threat was at its height .
34 Feeling battered in mind and body by the time Laura announced that she felt able to take a break — and how about an early lunch ? — Anita could do no more than give her a dumb nod of agreement .
35 He was wearing a shirt and trousers at the time ; these were unmarked .
36 So sometimes they-will not carry-out the work themselves , but rather drive the car to a specialist centre and charge for the time .
37 Erm attacking the social forms and customs of the time .
38 In connection with the Carrefour du développement ( Development Crossroads ) development aid scandal which came to light in mid-1986 the Commission d'instruction of the High Court on April 4 , 1990 , brought an end to investigations into the activities of Christian Nucci , the ( Socialist ) Minister-Delegate for Co-operation and Development at the time [ see pp. 35126 ; 36706 ] .
39 Can you recall your thoughts and feelings at the time ?
40 The Milanese used the event to reset watches and clocks at a time when there was no acceptable absolute measure of time .
41 Indeed it is perhaps a pity that he did not take his own advice , after writing in the New Guide ‘ for the author of the present work might with greater ease , and probably with more advantage to himself , have worked up for the amusement of the eye a number of drawings and paintings during the time he has been engaged in this matter of mere utility ’ .
42 But what he did come to recognise was the inadequacy of existing literature : ‘ I realised that the main writers on history and statistics at the time had done very little research and were relying on a few books .
43 Another polyphosphate used is sodium hexametaphosphate the choice of which is often governed by availability and price at the time .
44 The exhibition which opens today at the Imperial War Museum features their letters and memories of the time , along with those of their fellow Atlantic evacuees .
45 Mr Justice Mantell said that Paul Taylor , 27 , who was nearing the end of a three-and-a-half-year term for theft and assault at the time of the riot in April , 1990 , had taken part in some of the worst violence .
46 figure 1 shows the fasting plasma concentrations of gastrin and CCK at the time of death .
47 There were also teachers in the sample who were grappling with several complex long-term and short-term schedules and forecasts at a time , and others whose only apparent work plan was to set up a succession of ad hoc activities with little long-term coherence or progression .
48 Signals , sitreps and diaries of the time contain no hint that a massacre had taken place , or that Tito 's Yugoslavs at Bleiburg had in any way breached their assurances to Brig Scott , and this may be regarded as significant in assessing the extent to which 5 Corps subsequently continued to accept Yugoslav assurances that prisoners surrendered to them would not be indiscriminately killed .
49 The shares were the remainder of those allotted to Abbey National savers and borrowers at the time of its flotation .
50 Children are excited by it ; it helps reinforce the children 's understanding of and commitment to the time shift , and in this case introduces the idea of a journal as part of the fiction , thereby leading into writing-in-role activities . )
51 For both historians and activists at the time , Labour 's defeat in the 1931 and MacDonald 's " betrayal " are inseparable …
52 We evidently process such sequences clause and phrase at a time .
53 He has given me nothing but total loyalty and respect at a time when I needed it most .
54 integrated as a continuous strand of interaction between tutor and student throughout the time of the module , with achievements being logged as and when evidence is gathered .
55 In 1956 , the French critic Bernard Gavoty published a monograph on Karajan that was much preoccupied with Karajan 's temperament and musicianship at a time when he was being increasingly regarded more as an ambitious virtuoso superstar than as a totally dedicated musician .
56 It is easy to make lasting judgements based on impressions and recollections from a time when things were different .
57 The plaintiff 's contention was that a partnership had existed between the defendant and X at the time the goods were purchased , prior to the formation of the company , and since the defendant was a partner , he was fully liable to pay the debt .
58 Consider , for example , Kloppenberg 's assessment of Sidney Webb : ‘ Although he passed through a Comtean phase that permanently altered his perspective from liberal individualism to organic collectivism , he had shed the positivist 's confidence in ultimate certainties as inconsistent with empiricism and democracy by the time he proclaimed himself a socialist in 1886 . ’
59 They go out there and 95% of the time they want to play football .
60 But with 50pc remission and consideration of the time he spent on remand , he will be allowed out for weekends by next February .
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