Example sentences of "and [modal v] [verb] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly , the appearance of the two sorts of warts is very different , skin warts being usually less than 5mm in diameter and flattish , while the genital variety are more pointed and ‘ frond-like ’ , and may grow to considerable size .
2 The results obtained in this study indicate that the mucosal platelet activating factor content is considerably increased in patients with acute Crohn 's disease , decreased by glucocorticoid therapy and may return to normal levels in quiescent Crohn 's disease .
3 In addition a recently identified group of pain afferents ( usually functionally dormant and called ‘ sleeping nociceptors ’ ) has been shown to be activated by inflammation and may contribute to peripheral sensitisation to pain after injury .
4 These are not inevitable problems for visually handicapped children and where they occur can sometimes be improved , but they do not tend to be considered assets by other pupils and may contribute to low self-concept .
5 They point to statistics which show that salt intake is ‘ far in excess of need ’ and may lead to raised blood pressure in susceptible adults , and that if everyone reduced salt intake by half a teaspoon a day , it could save 40,000 premature deaths per year .
6 At present there are people who choose to display a green learner plate for a period of time after they have passed their test , but this is only optional and may lead to other coloured learner plates being sold which then may not be taken seriously .
7 ‘ Until this issue is resolved … at the individual level there is concern that charges could be used to limit demand for services and may lead to major problems of access to services between authorities , with health authorities perhaps having to provide services in inappropriate settings … ’
8 Distribution of the ‘ pan residue ’ fraction from sieving among a specified number of phi classes ‘ to permit application of moment methods ’ is not good practise and may lead to misleading , if not meaningless , results being obtained .
9 Choosing a tall , thin tank is likely to bring fish into unnaturally close contact and may lead to serious territorial disputes as the more dominant species try to establish their ‘ piece of the reef ’ .
10 For a ramped acceleration/deceleration control the task of excitation timing is particularly arduous and may lead to excessive storage requirements , cause the length of each step during acceleration and deceleration occupies a separate storage location .
11 There is fierce competition in this lucrative market , with polytechnics and universities mounting recruitment drives in the middle and far east using high-powered sales techniques , some of which are not wholly appropriate and may lead to unrealistic expectations on the part of prospective students .
12 Among possible factors are human activities ( notably grazing and deforestation ) , which promote desertification and may lead to local climate change , and changes in sea surface temperatures in the southern hemisphere , which may themselves be linked to global warming and/or the increasing incidence of ocean current changes such as the El Niño effect .
13 Being an air-dried product , Parma ham is raw and should be referred to as ‘ prosciutto crudo ’ — prosciutto is the Italian word for ham and may refer to cheaper hams that may look like Parma but are not .
14 This book is reasonably priced and may appeal to some undergraduates .
15 Education has created these capacities for change and must respond to these changes .
16 Other Arabs told us we were surrounded and should move to another village .
17 In addition , the role of the numerous growth factors and their control in platelets , macrophages and endothelium needs to be explored in diabetes and should lead to new insights in the development of diabetic vascular complications .
18 But there have been warnings against this — both from black parents and from the conservative popular press — and these are helping teachers to re-evaluate multicultural education and to consider much more fully why it is of benefit for all children and should lead to increased achievement and awareness amongst our pupils .
19 Chairman Alan Brooker believes the company 's increased size has put it in a better position to win larger , long-term contracts , in line with DCM 's stated policy , and should lead to improved margins and faster growth .
20 These will be drawn up by the teacher and should relate to those set by middle managers .
21 They were symbols , glowing , of plenty , of the plenty that Sebastian 's uncle ( a Labour MP , no less ) believed and somehow expected could and should belong to all , regardless of the rigours of a northern European climate and a war-crippled economy .
22 Platelet activating factor decreases with prednisolone therapy and might return to normal concentrations in quiescent patients .
23 We can not leave it to the of individual members , that would produce chaos and could leave to destructive manoeuvring .
24 The legendary Scottish mountaineer , Hamish McInnes , said he felt the work of the expedition was important , and could lead to possible breakthroughs in the treatment of mountain sickness .
25 A ROW over a million tons of cooking oil seeds threatens thousands of British jobs and could lead to spiralling price rises on our High Streets .
26 The general answer is that you may copy a sound cassette or a video tape or disc for private use , but if it is copied again and again for commercial gain it is a clear breach of copyright and could lead to legal action .
27 Some practitioners complained that it was to difficult to estimate in advance and could lead to aggressive underpricing which may affect the quality of the work .
28 This may require additional information to be recorded on requisition forms etc , or involve setting up new registers , all of which will demand extra staff time , and could lead to some resistance .
29 He said the increase to £4.25 would affect about half the population and could lead to some hard-up patients being forced to go without certain treatments .
30 Or , third , Britain could conclude that modern weapons are simply too costly for any single country of its size to make them on its own — and could stick to international joint ventures in future .
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