Example sentences of "and [be] not [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Concord director Maurice Guy said : ‘ Due to recessionary pressure we have closed our branches and are not taking any more business .
2 They 're angry that they 're paid only half that of their European colleagues and are n't given equal access to the best jobs .
3 Eighteen normal volunteers ( 11 women , seven men , median age 45 years ( 19–75 ) , median body weight 75 kg ( 45–109kg ) , and median BMI 26.0 ( 17.8–38.7 ) who had no history of gastrointestinal disease and were not taking any medication were also studied .
4 Packages were expensive — in excess of £30,000 in 1982 terms — and in some cases did not offer on-line data entry facilities and were not cost justifiable particularly as all the facilities would not be required .
5 And , and , you know , they 've got paid youth officer 's working in Harlow , now they are , there are , they 're over they 're over stretched it 's true and , but we , I mean what were doing here is actually supplementing there service and were not meeting all , we would n't of erm meeting all the demands , but the important thing I think is that were continuing to erm , you know , were trying to do something about it , and one of the things that were trying to do as officer 's in the Local Government Unit is work with Leisure Services and get them to put more resources into doing things for young people .
6 It was a precaution in case any of them were injured , or killed , and were n't carrying any formal identification .
7 In both these situations , the buyer is assured of a return of the original price plus interest and is not taking any significantly greater risk than if it made a loan secured on the property concerned .
8 Unable to perform any part of his normal occupation , and is not following any other gainful occupation D.
9 The latter was probably a garden escape , and is not found wild in V.C. 110 today .
10 In Jim Smith 's presentation on Wednesday morning — AR Division Present and Future — he said that diversification of distribution meant that Scottish Amicable had changed with the times and was not risking all in relying on one source of business .
11 A spokesman for Safeway said yesterday the company was hopeful of winning approval for its Blands Corner application and was not considering alternative sites in the area .
12 Now Brampton was last seen late in the evening taking a wine cup up to Sir Thomas 's chamber and was not seen alive again .
13 Public outcry followed the revelation that Ben Silcock , who was mauled after climbing into the lions ' compound at London Zoo , was severely mentally ill and was not getting adequate treatment .
14 The Commissioners enquired how and why would the pension be paid , and the Governors explained that Hamilton was now 67 , had been Headmaster for 27 years , and although not then in bad health had two or three years previously had a serious illness , and was not considered equal to the work .
15 Inevitably , the boundaries of what was and was not considered permissible in village life were much clearer in the nineteenth century , as they were in Victorian society generally .
16 Inevitably the boundaries of what was and was not considered permissible in village life were much clearer in the nineteenth century , as they were in Victorian society generally .
17 By the time the highlights were on t.v I 'd had a few beers and was n't paying much attention !
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