Example sentences of "and [conj] of the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And because of the wide variety of electric and gas-fired fuel-effect fires available many people are taking up this option .
2 The recruitment of migrant labour has also had what one might refer to as a series of indirect benefits , especially in the earlier phase of immigration , because Britain and the other importing countries were able to avoid the costs involved in actually producing the immigrant labour power , from the birth to the maturation of the workers concerned , and because of the lower demands on the welfare state of economically active , healthy , single , young men and women who nevertheless paid the same rate of taxation as other workers ( Gorz , 1970 ) .
3 The recommendations included refraining from concluding a peace treaty because of divergent views among interested countries and because of the Soviet Union 's pursuance of militant expansion .
4 I was even invited to appear on a TV programme , but declined because of the rough time friends had received , and because of the sloppy way previous programmes in that particular series had been presented .
5 Although mature applicants receive special consideration there are no relaxations of course requirements for them and because of the current competition for places the number of successful mature applicants is likely to be small .
6 They may lose both because of missed interest payments and because of the legal fees that have to be paid from the firm 's shrunken assets .
7 So they wo n't do that , and of course it 's and the main thing that costs is the transport is every time you go on a bus you 're down to whatever it is two hundred pounds , and because of the two areas that we use , I mean we 're not gon na , I mean I do n't really know
8 Ten seasons after the introduction of the Renault RSO1 all manufacturers ran turbo-charged cars , and because of the increased power generated , the sport 's governing body say a need to curtail its use .
9 Others close the pupil right down , and because of the muscular effort needed to create a small round opening , cats , crocodiles and many other nocturnal animals have pupils which close to form slits .
10 Something else I 've left hanging rather dangerously in the air is another and rather different hint , and because of the close correspondence of their careers , the milestones along their way , Stephen Daedalus is merely another name for James Joyce , so that the portrait itself would be a blow by blow account of its author 's story so far , with the relevant identities politely concealed under pseudonyms .
11 Two and a half years ago Camel Laird started a campaign to gain access to the intervention funding and because of the total lack of any sort of industrial policy by this government , and their refusal to support the Camel Laird application to the E E C , next month will see the closure of Camel Lairds which will lead to a loss of skills that amounts almost to a criminal act on the part of this government , who seem prepared to allow this country to become a skill-free zone in order to drive down wages and conditions to a rate comparable with some Third World countries .
12 For this reason , and because of the limited use for such general data-types , the only data-types smaller than a word which are at all commonly provided for in the instruction set are half-words , characters , and decimal digits .
13 ‘ It always made the stairs slippy and because of the flat roofs on the flats , the damp came through . ’
14 ‘ Perhaps this is because I am American and because of the strong equal opportunities laws in the US , which protect women and encourage companies to promote women to executive positions . ’
15 As Hall ( 1987 ) concludes , possibly because of the decentralization of information-processing functions from London to Bristol and Cardiff , and because of the separate financial , institutional and political complexes in the provincial capitals of Cardiff and Edinburgh .
16 I teach physical education erm , in the primary schools in Edinburgh , and because of the equal opportunities , obviously I teach football to primary girls and boys , but I feel that the girls are not getting the opportunity
17 The pH of the test meal when measured in vitro was found to be 4.9 , but this was not achieved in vivo because of the presence of an initial amount of gastric juice , and because of the immediate stimulation of acid production by the food .
18 It was as always a moment of terrible sorrow and because of the creaking conveyor cringing banality .
19 There are few controlled studies of treatment and because of the complex nature of the disorder such studies are difficult to undertake .
20 Missionary Kate McBeth wrote : ‘ For a few years at first Joseph was afraid to come down upon the Nez Perce reserve — afraid of the surrounding whites and because of the many indictments against him — but this fear wore off .
21 This creates a rather spooky atmosphere and because of the many camera angles gives the impression that you are being watched .
22 Because greater openness increasingly characterizes many social relationships and because of the other changes taking place within the institution of adoption , open adoption , adoption with contact and even shared parenting are likely to become a more permanent feature within the institution of adoption .
23 But he had to be kept at arm 's length , because of Victoria , and because of the other three nurses .
24 Kennan saw the USSR as an expansionist state both because of its crusading Marxist ideology and because of the traditional Russian suspicion of outsiders .
25 A transformation has taken place in the productivity of British shipbuilding because of privatisation , because there was no bottomless pit to which shipyards could turn , and because of the sheer reality that none of those yards would exist unless there had been a quantum change in working practices .
26 The rally is under threat because it 's so close to a busy RAF base , and because of the increasing cost of using the site .
27 ‘ It 's excellent , dazzling , and because of the original condition , it 's practically a stock plane .
28 And because of the grave risk from infection , she 's to be barrier nursed in isolation . ’
29 Moreover , only a very small segment of jejunum was exposed to the full dose of cholera toxin and because of the rapid binding of the toxin to the mucosa it was presumed that cholera toxin was not available in the distal small bowel to induce secretion .
30 We made special provision for those with haemophilia and HIV because of the special circumstances that are apparent and because of the widespread representations that have been made to us .
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