Example sentences of "and [adv] leave [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Despite those veterans seen in the marathons , jogging is tough on the joints and better left to the young and the truly athletic .
2 He and his colleagues were understandably concerned about the lack of evidence to support the beneficial claims of holistic medicine , but Dr Richards , who thought much evidence could be produced if funds were available , sagely remarked that ‘ absence of evidence is not evidence of absence ’ , a remark that lingered after a discussion that would have been better if longer and better left to the end of this excellent series .
3 Collusion between industry and politics had plainly become endemic to the system so that calculations of the size of bribe , and in what percentages to which parties , were regulated by established rules and not left to the whim of individual negotiators .
4 As a cyclist myself , I should like to make a personal request : if you should find it necessary to use a tractor-mounted flail hedge trimmer to cut the hedges please could you ensure that the hawthorn clippings are swept up and removed and not left in the road as a danger to cyclists .
5 Although it might be construed in England as a joint papal and royal dissolution of a religious order and its houses , the statute of 1324 in waiving the king 's rights over the forfeited property omitted all mention of a papal grant to the Hospitallers and thus left on the statute book an impression of autonomous royal action .
6 The issue is whether or not there should be a strong framework and organizational commitment to instruments of public policy or whether or not there is a belief that such interventions are illegitimate and best left to the mysterious movements of market forces .
7 One article which had been revised and resubmitted appeared in proof partly returned to its original form and partly left in the resubmitted form .
8 The pilot saw a field ahead and slightly left of the aircraft which he considered the best forced landing area .
9 The reason is that physically removing a weed , especially a perennial , is quite final , while one hoed out and simply left on the surface can easily root in again , especially in wet weather .
10 The checkout operator cashes up the goods , the customer pays and then leaves via the specific exit .
11 The accord , which was greeted by sizable refugee protest , covered so-called " double backers " who voluntarily returned to Vietnam from Hong Kong and then left for the colony again .
12 The inside of Royston Manor was equally grim : it usually stood empty , being used by the court as a place to rest during royal progresses and then left in the tender care of an old steward and a bustling , aged retainer .
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