Example sentences of "and [adv] for a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Rigid solids are much harder to get hold of in tension and so for a long time such testing as was done was confined to compression and bending .
2 For a circular rod of radius a the form factor F is the same as the moment of area and so for a free-free torsional resonant vibration and for a clamped-free resonance .
3 I 'm not sure about that but I am sure that the relative strength of a South African side is the subject of heated debate all over the rugby world and , depending on who you speak to , the ‘ Boks are either the true World Champions or a collection of dinosaurs , hopelessly out of touch with the modern game and in for a rude awakening .
4 What 's happened is , of course , that as the costs have fallen and the micros have come in through the door so they 're very much smaller , erm it all becomes possible for the whole of society and not for a tiny elite .
5 His brief was to design an item of cutlery with and not for a disabled student .
6 And just for a few minutes she savoured the circuitous routes of pleasure .
7 She felt his arms tighten around her in a comforting hug and just for a few seconds she allowed herself the luxury of sinking against him , feeling the strength and the warmth of his body next to her skin .
8 but when we 've read those we 've got to look up what else Jesus said , remember a few months ago the passage we read from Luke thirteen and they will come from the East and the West and from the North and the South and will recline at the table in the Kingdom of God , they will come he says from all directions , we work and hold and these two scriptures intention , we 've got ta compare one with the other , then we 'll read also John in that tremendous vision in the book of revelation he would he says what he saw there , in chapter seven verse nine after these things I looked and behold a great multitude which no one could count from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues standing before the throne and before the lamb , clothe in white robes and palm branches were in their hands and they cried out with a loud voice saying salvation to our God who sits on the throne and to the lamb , a handful of people , tiny minority , John says it was a great number , a multitude which no one could count from every nation , from every ethnic group , from every tribe and , and , and , and race on the face of the earth there in God 's heaven how grateful you and I should be , if we are among that number , it 's God 's grace , it 's not that we 've deserved it , it 's not that we have been privileged by some genetic er process to have been born in a so called a nominally Christian country , it is all of God 's grace , it 's not what we have done or what we are , but we have been saved by his grace and just for a few moments this morning , I 'd like us to from this question that was put to Jesus to follow on and if you like get five propositions from it , it sounds complicated but it 's not .
9 The lights dim , the music starts , and just for a little while you journey into the past .
10 The ministers , from seven Arab countries , met in Tunis on Thursday night and yesterday for a fresh attempt to resolve the stalemate .
11 Three , you could arrange payment of the deposit as requested , possibly for a certain period of time and possibly for a smaller amount than demanded , this would no doubt by in the process of the licence .
12 A separate report indicated that Iran may have been working on the development of such a weapon on and off for a good decade .
13 Walnuts were another speciality , cultivated for salad oil , and also for a strong local liqueur .
14 In 1626 he wrote on the need for parliamentary reform , calling for the expulsion of non-resident borough MPs whom he regarded as illegally elected , and also for a major redistribution of seats in the House of Commons .
15 ‘ ( 1 ) When the seller is ready and willing to deliver the goods , and requests the buyer to take delivery , and the buyer does not within a reasonable time after such request take delivery of the goods , he is liable to the seller for any loss occasioned by his neglect or refusal to take delivery , and also for a reasonable charge for the care and custody of the goods .
16 Secondly , a director is likely to be restricted by his service contract from competing with his employer at any time while employed by the company , and probably for a short period afterwards .
17 These three premises can be regarded as together forming a possible new creed to be used in the search for a new meaning to the word ‘ god ’ , and hence for a new religion .
18 Napier have said that once they get this course up and running there 's absolutely no reason why experienced people like us ca n't dip in and out for a one off
19 We take our clothes off and I stick my penis into you and pull it in and out for a few minutes and white stuff comes out and you say ‘ Is that it ? ’
20 Behind them stood the big brothers of the computing world , the Primes , Vax 's and assorted IBM mainframes , more powerful and versatile in their capabilities and developing slow and awkward means of communication and portability with a degree of interactive processing that still left time for coffee and often for a three course meal .
21 HIGH Street stores throw open their doors today and tomorrow for a make-or-break final festive shopping weekend .
22 But in South Africa today , and surely for a good many years to come , there are also additional considerations that demand from a large company actions and policies that go beyond its immediate business interests and seek to ameliorate the excessive social and economic imbalances that have developed in our society .
23 And er it was salted and then For a few days , and then it was put in what we called brine , s more salt , and covered and it would be there for six weeks .
24 He was soon posted to England and then for a short period to Brussels before leaving the Bank in 1975 .
25 We have fought long and hard for a certain amount of privacy in society , especially within the home , but this has not been without cost , and now we search for ways of re-establishing the collective level , as it is a part of women 's nature to do .
26 Owen campaigned long and hard for a new building with more space and supervised the move to the present Natural History Museum in the 1880s ( chapter 8 ) .
27 Whilst we believe in our biologically-determined nature , there will be no possible utopia apart from these two : a matriarchy run by morally superior women , where desire is excluded , and where our innate niceness means that we can all live happily ever after ; or , we let the chaos out , and we rule fiercely and savagely for a short-lived reign , our ferocious and insatiable desire destroying everything around us .
28 The following quotation from Norman Conway , a grammar school chemistry teacher interviewed by Brian Jackson and Dennis Marsden ( 1962 ) , shows how the competition for scarce university places ( and ultimately for a better job for the teacher ) , especially in the context of bureaucratic mass-assessment can allow the instrumental pursuit of extrinsic rewards to drive out the expensive ‘ educational side ’ :
29 For the reasons specified above , the 50 schools sampled were asked to provide us both with their overall attendance rate and the numbers of pupils absent for a specific week in June and again for a specific week in November .
30 , I just want you to know that I shall never change , but I also want you to allow me to come home now and again for a few days .
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