Example sentences of "and [adv] a [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We offer the other hand , and eventually a life line is discovered , although it 's so short it appears that we died several years ago .
2 The trees stood at intervals down the Main Street and provided a meeting place for the villagers and presumably a resting place whilst they journeyed to Lowry Field at the bottom of the village , which had the communal St Laurence Well and provided water when all the house and farm wells were dry .
3 The concept clearly was meant to establish a College in the broad sense of a learned foundation , whereas what emerged almost inevitably , from the actual circumstances of its establishment and funding , degenerated into what was to remain for a century basically and predominantly a horse infirmary .
4 And so a Harlow councillor who was elected in nineteen eighty eight , yeah ?
5 It is easier for the lecturer to write than for the student to look at a distant blackboard and then back to his so-called " notes " , and so a phase difference develops between the blackboard and the class .
6 This means that a dominant rat can be identified by its call , and so a rat colony can maintain its hierarchy without unnecessary fighting .
7 This means that the sample has no way of dissipating a large applied stress , other than by bond rupture , and so a polymer glass is prone to brittle fracture .
8 Two is set up to be a second clean channel , while three offers a ‘ crunch rhythm ’ facility and so an overdrive rotary joins the Lo and Hi EQ here .
9 He said that although he was personally quite happy with things as they were , he understood her doubts and perhaps a trial separation would resolve them one way or the other .
10 They include a barbecue , a pizza and punch party , a rendezvous at a local restaurant , and perhaps a salad buffet at one of the apartments .
11 " The neighbourhood was not very populous and during the first three days our visitors were few , some children from the village below , a gypsy woman or two with dark eyes , who carried of a few halfpence , and perhaps a chance passer by .
12 Where flint waste is found there are usually hammer stones and perhaps a stone anvil .
13 It is worth bringing home olive oil which is produced in profusion here , and perhaps a dessert wine from the incredible terraced slopes which cling to the hillside of the Cinque Terre .
14 A service between midnight and 0700 should be the responsibility of family health services authorities , which could arrange for visits and perhaps a night time surgery .
15 It may be necessary to get reports from an orthopaedic surgeon , a neurologist and perhaps a plastic surgeon .
16 Many IDE cards have combined serial and parallel printer ports and perhaps a game port .
17 The flowers offer no reward and deceive the insects by appearing to offer food and perhaps a brood place , so that the plant is doubly parasitic on the liane and on the bluebottle .
18 If you suffer from repeated Cystitis attacks , your doctor , and perhaps a hospital specialist will need to carry out tests to diagnose your particular problem .
19 Set up in 1942 under the unpromising name of the Taxation and Financial Relations Committee , the TAC was designed to provide a forum ( and perhaps a safety valve ) for the growing number of business members who at that time were excluded from Council membership , but who wished to contribute their business experience to the consideration of taxation and financial issues .
20 A larger , more flexible centre would be better — and perhaps an info pack about the centre with registration papers .
21 There are busy grey garbage boats , and postal boats , and perhaps an ambulance boat , and the virile motor launches of the customs and revenue people waiting to spring from their moorings on Giudecca .
22 Where the great lake joined the river , at Drumshanbo , we headed directly southward and soon were in neat white Leitrim Village , a row of houses up and down a hillside street .
23 A burglar who fell through the roof of a shop and down a ventilator shaft has been jailed for three years .
24 Wakefield was a court creature , and only a draught animal at that .
25 Given that an increase in general prices of 10% causes a 20% rise in the price of kryptonite futures and only a 5% rise in the price of phlogiston futures , the spread ratio which ensures that Lois is unaffected by the differential response of kryptonite and phlogiston futures prices to changes in the general level of prices is ( F 1 β 1 ) / ( F s β s ) = ( 50 × 2 ) / ( 10 × 0.5 ) = 20 .
26 Only ten per cent of the items in the Hatfields store were made from the tropical hard wood and only a minute proportion of those goods were made from solid mahogany .
27 Since there are few books indexed under " swords " , the " history of swords " searcher may well be prepared to look through them all ; there are thousands of books under " history " , and only a minute proportion will contain anything of relevance to this searcher .
28 On this occasion , Richard Baxter was again released on a technicality because his ‘ offence ’ was committed in the city , and only a city judge had the authority to sign the warrant .
29 The angle can be anywhere between 10 and 25 degrees at this stage , and only a flight test will show whatever change is needed .
30 The body has been left unfinished , and only an oil sealant has been given to the wood to protect it .
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