Example sentences of "and [adv] over the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Ross actually said the words out loud , even as he took the cross-hairs to and fro over the scene by the lakeside .
2 Roger Jacobi has described a vivid picture of hunters around Cheddar Gorge using the many shallow access valleys from the Levels to the top of the Mendips as ambush points for animals moving to and fro over the seasons , and it is noticeable how many of the Mesolithic sites located by Joan Taylor and Rebecca Smart are at the top end of shallow valleys in the front of the Mendips and close to former springs .
3 I understood that there was considerable air traffic from the U.S.A. across Canada to Alaska , and thence over the tundra of the Siberian wastes to the land of our ‘ great Russian allies ’ .
4 Narrowing my eyes against the Atlantic glitter I could see the line of a path that climbed from the bay and on over the headland to the west .
5 And right over the hill from North to South .
6 My Lords , the short answer to this lies in the very extensive powers which Lord Chetwode [ the settlor ] had over the assets of the settlement and so over the share capital of Attleborough .
7 If you weave half way across a row and stop and take off the sinker plate , you 'll see the weaving yarn weaving up and down over the needles .
8 She thumbed the pages quickly , her eyes running up and down over the print .
9 The petals of the flowers had dropped , and spilled brown and carelessly over the floor .
10 Although the ceremonies contained in the Directory of Public Worship remained the official liturgy of the English church throughout the period from 1645 to the Restoration , few English parishes appear to have welcomed them with any enthusiasm , and all over the country clergymen continued to conduct services based substantially on the old Book of Common Prayer .
11 Farmers gather from all over the region and all over the country for the auctioning of livestock .
12 Everywhere and all over the vault of heaven is a marvellous blue , and the sun sheds a radiance of pale sulphur , and it is soft and lovely as the combination of heavenly blues and yellows in a Van der Meer of Delft [ sic ] .
13 The also the big rotary blades on 'em are throwing all the grass over the pavement and all over the road and eventually finishes up all down the drains .
14 Yeah , swinging around us , literally big panes of glass and they were flying down and as soon as they got away from the houses , it opened up again , they were crashing down all over my drive and all over the road out there
15 On the other hand , I 'd be vibrated off the couch and all over the cabin .
16 Had the house decorated , and all over the wall .
17 All over the continent and all over the States and that .
18 Once he had eaten and smeared two or three cakes round his face and all over the chair , he wanted to see round the place .
19 Using modelling tools , print sticks or the ends of pens , press decorative borders into the fondant around and all over the cake base and lid .
20 Gerald Barry had seen no such weapons but had observed single interrupters " being struck on the head , in the stomach , and all over the body with a complete absence of restraint " .
21 In Britain today , and all over the world , there are countless children and their families whose future depends on Save the Children .
22 Then again , it is always possible they tokenised the ban a ) because they felt they could get away with it ; b ) because the stars involved are too big to lose ( especially the photogenic Krabbe ) from the firmament of German sport ; c ) because if it could all be made to look like a mistake , world athletics might look that much cleaner ; d ) because they feared a backlash from the disenfranchised trio , in the form of wholesale revelations about the extent of drug use in athletics , both in Germany and all over the world ; and e ) arising perhaps out of D , they do n't feel like visiting a heavy punishment on their own girls , when there are many others the world over who are equally deserving of banishment .
23 A matter with which I believe everyone , the studio audience here , the millions watching tonight in this country and all over the world , should be fully aware .
24 And all over the world , we as women will continue to raise our voices .
25 NHS trust hospitals in my health authority area are sending people to Toronto , Paris and all over the world to learn how to do catering and cleaning .
26 I have met people from Africa , Europe and all over the world .
27 Once upon a time teams from Britain and all over the world were seen under the lights .
28 War criminals now living in Canada , America , New Zealand and all over the world .
29 He represented all the kids back home and all over the world . ’
30 And all over the place .
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