Example sentences of "and [adv] into the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There had been the long drift through cold spring into hot summer ; the long sinking into the mercies and bossiness of her friends and thence into the arms of the medical profession ; the final humiliation of accepting , because she was too inert to refuse , money from Rachel .
2 Masha had , in fact , learned the terrible lesson as the despicable pogroms developed into a policy of national hatred and persecution , later to be transformed into actual genocide and thence into the horrors of the Holocaust .
3 By raising or lowering these gates , one could control the flow of water both into and out of the pond and thence into the sluice , at the other end of which was the pipe which fed the turbine in its house below .
4 The muffled men with the lanterns lighted their way into the house up a vast perron , where once guests had sat in the sun before luncheon , and on into the hall , music belching into its emptiness .
5 The movie loop of this sequence showed a reducing volume of fluid in the stomach when compared with Figure 1A and alos , as in Figure 1B ‘ swirls ’ of activity are apparent , especially in the fundic region , denoting considerable movement of fluid and eddy currents as the contents are propelled towards the pylorus and on into the duodenum .
6 Trucks would come hurtling down the hill , their brakes would fail , and they 'd plough right through the wall and on into the field beyond .
7 He nattered his way from university , through Chicago jazz combos and on into the birth of punk rock as the UK Subs never knew it .
8 All the causes of change are presumed , in Lyell 's system , to persist undiminished into the present , the human period , and on into the future .
9 YOUNG(ISH) MALE ( 23 ) seeks people who are into Japan , Cure , Prince , Deacon Blue , PSB , etc- Help this young individual see the next sunset and on into the future until at least 24 , anyway .
10 Pepper and Jack carried Bunty through the doors into the wings and on into the Property Room , a cavern of furniture and baskets of props , rich with the smell of dust and old beer .
11 I worked on faithfully through the Summer holidays , and on into the Autumn Term .
12 After a while the ducks got so confident that they 'd come right into our garden and eventually into the house itself .
13 There is a water-course running through the site and polluted waste could easily find its way into this stream and eventually into the River Wyre .
14 He struck a fine short iron over the bunker and right into the heart of the green at the 12th , and at last a putt found its mark from perhaps eight feet .
15 And every stone in that building weighs about a ton and it 's er each stone is dovetailed into the next stone and right into the centre it 's no lot of er solid buildings are just a a circumference of er stone and then grit in between you know but this is solid right right down to the centre to the keystone in the centre .
16 If you are not used to make-up you may feel a little ‘ painted ’ , but remember that the make-up has to last all day and right into the evening .
17 The shock was so great that the young man catapulted forward , straight through the glass panel in the front door and right into the street outside .
18 He gave me a welcoming grin and an ironic bow to acknowledge the exalted company I was keeping , then he ushered the senator on to the starboard wing and so into the aeroplane .
19 It was n't the goddamn navy , really , and he went on muttering all the way past Chatterton 's impassive gaze and so into the cabin that the two of them shared .
20 They turned and made their way along the platform , through the small waiting-room and so into the road to where the horse and trap waited .
21 If you can arrange for an automatic ballcock top-up into the filter chamber and pressure bungs on the inlet(s) to the pond , then it is possible to fill only the filter with water , suck it through the Eradicator , into the sand filter and so into the pool .
22 They were all on their feet now and running from the kitchen , the two women following Frank through the garden , through the woodland and so into the house .
23 ‘ Oh Christ ! ’ screamed Frye , his upper arm sliding inexorably and impossibly into the wall .
24 The route leads to St Etienne , a distance of 195 kilometres , over the wooded slopes of the Vercors National Park and down into the valley of the Rhône , the majestic river that flows between the foothills of the Alps and the Massif Central .
25 He made his way from the hilltop and down into the valley , this was an ideal opportunity to search his mother 's house .
26 It fell over the edge of the road and down into the valley .
27 ‘ Farquhar ! ’ he gasped , and was borne off his feet and down into the water by the force of the attack .
28 Assad did not want the civil war to continue , for if Lebanon suffered any more wounds some of its blood might seep into Syria , through those narrow grey wadis in the anti-Lebanon mountain range and down into the plateau beyond , perhaps even infecting Damascus , whose carefully balanced but Alawite-controlled metabolism had so far remained untouched by the epidemic on the other side of the border .
29 But , before she could shoot , Rupert jumped over the side of the bridge , and down into the moat below .
30 and down into the top of the leg .
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