Example sentences of "and [adv] by the fact " in BNC.

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1 Her natural passivity , encouraged by her religion and perhaps by the fact that she was pregnant , committed her to a mood of acceptance that was sweetly and hermetically selfish .
2 Law , that is to say , is made valid by my experience of it , and not by the fact that it is presented to me as law .
3 I was struck more and more by the fact that there are comparable celebrations of human brilliance in the most deprived places .
4 Partly this was explained by the location of the papacy on the borders of France , at Avignon , and partly by the fact that so many cardinals as well as popes were French .
5 The generation of meaning unintended by the author , in the reading process , is dependent on a structure of intended meaning : the Hilary-Joy equivalence in Small World , for instance , is brought into play partly by the percipience of A. S. Byatt and partly by the fact that that novel is by intention full of doubles and pairs and symmetries and heavily connotative names .
6 Alone , and exhilarated by the noise , the spray and the view — — and also by the fact that we were not ankle-deep in wrinkled cans and other crap , or being persuaded to buy Gullfossburgers by bright neon signs .
7 Such reluctance is reinforced by the relatively small savings which would be made by reducing labour costs , as the capital intensity of production is so high , and also by the fact that there is less opportunity to shed labour in the downturn when using highly automated plant because running such plant at all usually requires a certain fixed minimum number of workers .
8 The timetable will need to be agreed with court officials and will be affected by this and also by the fact that petitions are usually only heard on Mondays .
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