Example sentences of "and [adv] in a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Heavy footsteps crossed the ceiling from corner to corner , striding back and forth , to and fro in a familiar monotonous pattern .
2 During one of the indiscriminate assaults by the murderous flocks of birds the screaming inhabitants of the town ran to and fro in a vain attempt to ward off their attackers .
3 The windbreak of pine trees which sheltered the buildings on the north side , creaked and groaned in the piercing wind ; the treetops whipped to and fro in a frightening manner .
4 So much paper passing to and fro in a single day , thought the tall boy .
5 And it ran on , beyond the perimeter of the chamber , on and on in a straight line for hundreds of metres , for kilometres , dwindling in the distance to a taut thread against darkness but still stretching away .
6 One of the direct results of science and technology has been an increase in production , and a ‘ spin-off ’ or yield of such things as anaesthetics , principles of bacteriology and immunology and hygiene , better control of health and illness , the provision of machines to do what women and children were earlier forced to do , cheaper paper , vast presses to permit the masses to read , followed by other mass media , much better conditions in homes and factories and cities — and on and on in a never-ending list .
7 But occasionally , and forgiveably in a live commentary that may last only seconds , his tongue has played tricks .
8 Statistical returns have played a vital role in the ability to present the activities of the service , nationally and locally in a simple understandable format .
9 The war changed national life and individual ways of living , and so in a general sense it struck at the very roots of conservatism .
10 It was an important step towards the ideal of interchangeable parts , and it went well with the nineteenth century transforming of craft activity into modern industry , remotely controlled by paper in the form of plans and drawings , prepared by people in a distant office and perhaps in a distant town .
11 Everyone goes everywhere by car these days , and perhaps in a few hundred years from now our great-great-great grandchildren will be born with hardly any legs at all because they wo n't have any use for them .
12 I had only pretended I did n't know , preferring to see things as I would like them to be , rather than as they were , imprisoning myself in a ramshackle edifice of lies because I could n't bear to knock it down and start again , shivering and alone in a great expanse of sand .
13 The dark girl had dived into the bright turquoise swimming-pool , and was swimming up and down in a leisurely breast-stroke , moving through the myriad white marble reflections in the water like a fish .
14 Ride up and down in a chauffeur-driven limousine , smoking big cigars .
15 Where , on the other hand , the third estate was still weak and only in a budding stage at the beginning of the nineteenth century , as in Germany , Italy , and among the Slavonic peoples , nationalism found its expression predominantly in the cultural field .
16 At first , it touched just one or two establishments , and only in a small way , but it spread with time and today it is one of the major driving forces in AEA 's business .
17 The problems mostly arose from lack of capital and only in a few cases had any action been taken — two had recently purchased houses in nearby villages for their sons and some had been able to purchase or rent some more land .
18 Fortunately most of the corridors were bright enough and only in a few of the darker , damper ones did he need his torch to see where he was going .
19 However , the problem for competition policy is that trade-offs are more or less ubiquitous , and only in a few cases ( price fixing or market sharing are examples ) is it possible to reach an unambiguous verdict .
20 Deceptively , because in practice it is rarely accomplished and only in a few cases have polymer blends or mixtures achieved industrial importance .
21 While Danzigers were most definitely on the sharp end of Polish-German relations they were also historically and personally in a unique position to give the lie to Nazi manipulation and simplification .
22 First it threatens the principle of documentary examination , which requires that banks , meaning both the confirming and the issuing bank , verify the tender of the seller 's document in a unitary , and not in a truncated or segmented , fashion .
23 And not in a million quintillion millenia is she anything like me . ’
24 In Gandhi 's view , the statement ‘ son of God ’ could only be used in a figurative sense and not in a literal sense so that anyone ‘ who stands in the position of Jesus is a begotten son of God ’ .
25 The linguistic model is , on the whole , used here in a very general and metaphorical sense , and not in a literal and detailed one .
26 So that that Association can actually employ erm the Yorkshire and Humberside area in an intelligent way and not in a divided way .
27 Venicoff it was held that when the Secretary of State was deporting a person where he deemed it to be conducive to the public good , he was acting in an executive and not in a judicial capacity .
28 And I think this social position is more apparent to the informant and the variation in role relations more marked than if the interviewer is an outsider and not in a particular relation to the speakers from the outset .
29 We asked her mother who , in spite of being Jewish and already in a precarious position , did not hesitate for a moment .
30 The point , which I find persuasive , is that an appeal court which will be less full-time than the Court of Justice will be less imbued with the centralist perspective , and thus in a better position to maintain an objectivity as between the interests of the EEC and those of the nation state .
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