Example sentences of "and [pron] with the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The church , which is a gem of early English architecture , and which with the green is the focal point of the village , was built about twelve forty seven , aided by the treasurer of York Minster .
2 ‘ It 's about an advertising man who gets disillusioned with the business , and who with the co-operation of his incredibly efficient and wonderful butler escapes to Provence .
3 Her parting from him took place in a field of buttercups and small cows ; they had gone there together on their bicycles one hot afternoon , she with the intention of reading her book , and he with the intention of persuading her to remove as many of her clothes as possible .
4 Those named may include the child , any parent or guardian , anyone with whom the child is living and anyone with the benefit of a contact order .
5 And what with the tunnel and the European Market , what 'll be left of England ?
6 ‘ Well , because , in the first place I had the radio on , and what with the paraffin stove going — that makes a bit of noise — and a towel round my head …
7 What with Anna being such a charmer and what with the fact that he is now sleeping with her , he does his level best to find some small saving grace in her writing , something he can praise without hypocrisy .
8 ‘ Well , we certainly thought we were climbing , the wife and me , you know with all that pulling ourselves up over the rock and all , and what with the fact we were , well , in a manner of speaking , how can I put this , em , climbing up to the top . ’
9 And I 'm there bouncing up and down and what with the heat of the sun and the smell — I tell you , mate , it feels like days .
10 At Christmas they always played ‘ You came down from the stars ’ and at Easter they usually played a Pastorale , and what with the roar of the traffic and the crowds of chattering shoppers or tourists it was practically impossible to distinguish the tune except in short bursts .
11 It was impossible to suspend one 's belief — and what with the audience jeering and throwing peanuts , the whole thing was a disaster ! — he did nothing but cry all the time — right out of character — just stood there and cried …
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