Example sentences of "and [pron] as [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Oh , was he ! ’ they say , and dismiss Mr Wood as a nonentity , and me as a pedant or a poseur .
2 And me as the World 's Sweetheart .
3 But nonetheless , I think we as county councillors can be proud of the fact that we have set a spending target for committees , we are prepared to allow the officers to manage their departments inside the targets that have been set , and that does mean that they have to look at er , what they 're spending and create priorities , and and I as a councillor am not in the least bit impressed by arguments that paper clips have increased by five and a half percent this year , and that felt l er pe felt line erm , pens have gone up by seventeen and a half percent , I think that 's largely irrelevant consideration , we 're not in the business of projecting budget , we 're in the business of providing money to deliver high quality services to the people of Wiltshire .
4 Well I do n't think it 's a very easy question to answer erm the Association , and I as the Director , feel accountable through a variety of channels .
5 He had not been to any of the social functions advertised — it would have seemed like living his life backwards to enter voluntarily a church hall full of women and cups of tea — he could see his mother at the urn and himself as a boy handing round those very cups .
6 Theatre invites you to give your full attention to what is happening on stage — the theatrical experience is a very concentrated one and you as a member of the audience are vitally connected to what is going on .
7 And you as the Beltane Queen are the , you know so , the the the , the focus of this , or one of the main focal figures , yes ?
8 This is Michael Wayland , who appears on television a lot , and who as a consequence can never remember anything unless it 's written on the Autocue , or held up beside the lens in front of him .
9 ‘ But I feel dismay , sorrow , for so many people in our country who do not share this personal good fortune and who as a result of further years of Tory government will experience further disadvantage .
10 And who as a result has acquired a rather topsy-turvy view of her own importance .
11 For page one three four and T U P E , yes , well we have done quite an extensive document , there 's been a lot done about T U P E in the public sector we 've done it in the government sector and given guidelines , and T U P E , while it is like you rightly say , a step forward , it 's not the total answer we need something better , but it does level out the playing field that the cowboys can find it difficult in and we as a union are advocating to our members where there is a transfer taking place , whether there 's a change to your employment challenge it and we will support that challenge with the necessary legal interpretation if so .
12 Erm , and then we get requests for things from the leader of the Council directly , that he wants us to respond to , the chair of that committee to erm will , will do the same thing , we 'll get requests from other departments relating to our work , some of which might of been you , we erm , the Council has a group for the finance advisory group , which is a small group of Councillor 's and officer 's that meet to discuss not in , in public session , key erm financial and other major policy erm issues that , and the reason why that group was set up , erm was that it felt like with the introduction of Poll Tax and the Local Government Housing and Finance Tax , that it needed outside the committee cycle to erm review the impact of those legislation to look at it 's finances more closely and what , and we as a policy team report into that group and get request from work from that group as well .
13 Other characters include one masked as a CARDINAL and one as a FOX .
14 One in an office at the Lucy factory in Jericho and one as a barmaid at the Cavalier pub in Marston .
15 One in an office at the Lucy factory in Jericho and one as a barmaid at the Cavalier pub in Marston .
16 and one as a pleasure line
17 Sam had been responsible for the departure of her mother 's lover , but Pam had not complained openly , since it put all of them in a bad light : her lover had been revealed as pusillanimous , Sam as a harridan and herself as a person of no control or strength of will .
18 To her mind , Travis McKenna was definitely Mr Wrong … and yet today had brought a shivering awareness of him as a man — and herself as a woman .
19 ‘ Now you go to the same playgrounds and schools where people called me a fag for being an actor and everybody as a Screen Actors Guild card falling out of their pocket .
20 For your professional purposes , and mine as a politician , we have to keep them as far apart as we can — providing of course that my analysis is sound .
21 Human beings possess the ability to experience subjectively the objects in their environment and themselves as an object in it .
22 The intention of the work was to interrogate the way in which pictures of my past , of my mother and myself as a baby or with my brothers and sisters , excluded and included certain stereotypes , perceptions and ideals and how this mediated my own experiences within a non-represented area — having a premature and sick baby .
23 Can I suggest that you and/or your staff discuss the matter with Mr Hall and myself as a matter of urgency , so that the new equipment can be installed as soon as possible ?
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