Example sentences of "and [adv] [art] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 In 1912 , Key wrote of the women 's movement as ideally winning back ‘ the wife to the husband , the mother to the children , and thereby the home to all ’ .
2 Consolidation and centralisation have been effected to a much greater degree than here , and so a reaction to their effects may be expected to be stronger .
3 He gets no visitors , and so the letters to Maureen are a lifeline :
4 The only head of public interest upon which the inspectors rely is the prevention of crime , and so the question to be answered is whether on the material before it the court should have been satisfied that disclosure of Mr. Warner 's sources is ‘ necessary … for the prevention of … crime ’ within the meaning of section 10 .
5 The King , however , made it clear that neither mother nor son was welcome and so the journey to England had to be resumed .
6 And perhaps a welcome to the strangers in our midst ? ’
7 The Speech Institute group was similar and perhaps a rival to the band directed by Miss Elsie Fogarty , who had done the choruses in Murder in the Cathedral , and I believe that one of them had asked me what were the chances of taking part in its successor .
8 Christmas Day and Boxing Day used to be a quieter family occasion , with family dinner and perhaps a visit to church .
9 The thrill , and perhaps the claim to posterity , is in being able to bestow a name on a rose that is different to anything seen before .
10 It is the human being who will be faced with the opportunity and perhaps the temptation to be violent , and who will make the decision as to which path to follow .
11 We all left , going through the kitchen , out across the courtyard and down the trackway to the church .
12 There will then be all sorts of rumours buzzing through servants ' halls up and down the country to the effect that he has been approached by this or that personage or that several of the highest houses are competing for his services with wildly high wages .
13 For dry harvesting , machines with rotating teeth are pushed up and down the bogs to gently comb the berries from the vines .
14 They walked back through the kitchen and down the hallway to the front entrance of the house .
15 My other point relates to developments in Europe , and especially the run-up to the Maastricht intergovernmental conference .
16 It is possible to identify many individual wage earners in the court records , and the next stage of the project involves finding out more from other sources about these individuals , so as to understand more fully their social and economic position , and especially the extent to which they were solely reliant on their income from wage earning .
17 A beautiful non-tidal cove where Dublin 's finest flaunted themselves at an indifferent sea while their wives , children and girlfriends sat half a mile away on what was an excuse for a beach amidst the polluted debris of the capital and not a wave to be seen .
18 Evans concluded that in some developing countries , the foreign multinationals might be a help and not a hindrance to the state .
19 It was in a concealed metal box underneath the dashboard , that he 'd had one of the fitters weld in one evening for him , thirty quid and not a word to anyone , least of all Tom Holdfast .
20 I think with myself , what I have been able to come up with is being very normal , and everyday people find you easy to relate to and not a threat to them .
21 This issue involves a question of principle as to whether a local authority can sue for libel and not a decision to be made in respect of each individual action .
22 The law in most countries places clear responsibilities on dog owners to ensure that their pets are properly trained , and not a menace to other people or animals .
23 Clearly , the ethical aspects of each preventive trial need consideration , but this should be the responsibility of a central ethical committee and not a matter to be considered separately by many ( perhaps over a 100 ) district research ethical committees that are , in the main , concerned with local clinical research projects .
24 While cutting rebates and slots , two problems occurred on the curved members , firstly the glazing rebate because of the weight and length of curved members and the limited table size of my router , I decided to take the router to the wood and not the wood to the router but then realised I would be machining away the surface I wanted to guide the router on i.e the inside face which is the true radius .
25 All for now — it is chucking down hail , so I am afraid it is the post lift near here tomorrow Monday and not the trek to the main sorting office .
26 However , it will be noted that the above depends upon the propensity to save and not the propensity to unproductive consumption .
27 But a view of Co-operation which admitted only those who are thus motivated would make it an exceptional and exclusive creed to which could subscribe only those for whom Co-operation was itself the end and not the means to a better life , to one which enhanced what Dahrendorf calls a man 's life chances .
28 We must conclude , therefore , that the duty to support just institutions , where it has to do with just authorities , is parasitical on the normal justification thesis , and not an alternative to it .
29 To the extent that they are not , this is a matter for adjudication and not an amendment to the regulations . ’
30 IVA seems to be an unacceptable way of avoiding genuine creditors and not an option to be taken by professionals .
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