Example sentences of "and [adv] [prep] a [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 In 1986 I cultivated new ambitions which took me out of the British orbit and on to a higher plane .
2 So you can look at er communication as relating to overall competence and perhaps at a stronger level than that , you could argue that erm communication determines not only the structure but also the strength and the scope of an organisation , okay ?
3 Also , and perhaps to a greater extent , a man is what he has smelt : later in the novel Raskolnikov gives the police-station smell as the reason for the suspicious circumstance of his fainting , which is neither the whole truth nor a straight lie but the blending of the guilty man with the Poison of the city .
4 O nine O four six four one six four one and perhaps on a lighter note according to speculation in the Yorkshire Post newspaper this morning Gazzer could be heading towards Alan Rhodes .
5 Slowly , he told himself , slowly and gently , because the flow wo n't come easily , and they 're frightened and foreign , and alone without a breakwater to shelter behind .
6 It will bob up and down at a higher rate .
7 For example , a book on Bridges should be entered under Bridges and not under a broader heading such as Engineering , nor doubly under both headings .
8 The point , which I find persuasive , is that an appeal court which will be less full-time than the Court of Justice will be less imbued with the centralist perspective , and thus in a better position to maintain an objectivity as between the interests of the EEC and those of the nation state .
9 Three , you could arrange payment of the deposit as requested , possibly for a certain period of time and possibly for a smaller amount than demanded , this would no doubt by in the process of the licence .
10 Now it 's perfectly now the cost er the benefits from sort of marketing right to buy is really very , very dubious erm the government has shown time and again that what it takes then gives with one hand , it takes away with another and the costs are obvious , we are fragmenting our housing stock , we are putting it , we are likely to end up with more and more with a higher proportion of poor properties and erm there 's also the risk that if we do really have to be promoting right to buy we 're going to have people who are probably not sure whether they can afford to buy their house or are n't sure whether they even want to buy their house .
11 Maleczek has shown that from Innocent 's sixth year in office , 1203 – 4 , as the reign progressed , the pope worked more and more with a smaller group of cardinals , of whom the key members were Hugolinus , Pelagius and Guala , and there was less consultation of the whole college .
12 All the features of our X-Yachts and more in a roomier boat ideal for family cruising .
13 The main way to compete with IBM was to adopt IBM technical standards and also to a greater or lesser extent to copy the relevant IBM machine , thus ensuring that most old software could be used and that the bulk of new software was also compatible .
14 As for the mentioned activity , an attempt must be made to understand it in a way consonant with what has been said of contents and objects , that they are not states of affairs or ordinary things , and also with a further fact , that there are various modes of consciousness .
15 British filmmakers have always needed to face two ways , inwards towards the hopes and fears of the native audience to which they must address their pictures , and out to a broader , international public .
16 Home Office officials maintain contact with them by attending conferences and meetings , and periodically on a closer and more continuing basis .
17 Ainsworth has just published her findings along with another study of the Met 's ‘ Adoration of the Magi ’ formerly attributed to Jerome Bosch , and now to a later follower , in Volume 27 of the Metropolitan Museum 's Journal ( see p. 19 ) .
18 Environmental impact assessment procedures , pollution control measures and environmental standards must be based on agreement at Community — and often at a wider international — level .
19 Selling on is an attitude of mind , an attitude whereby you do your customers a favour by selling them more than they ask for , and often at a better price than they expected .
20 And even with a larger army , the Saudis do not seem to think that they would be able to protect themselves .
21 Should your goals be made smaller and then into a longer list ?
22 W And then at a later date she she would er reassess it and see what else you 'd done .
23 We know that the Trojan War , you know erm , what 's described in the Iliad and the Odyssey to the kiddies and er all these Greek and Greek heroes , we know that war actually happened , but it happened an awful long time before these poems were written and er Freud 's view is that what happens in a culture is there 's some initial traumatic event like the French Revolution or Trojan War , there 's a period of latency during which it seems to be forgotten about and nothing very much happens anyway , and then at a later stage it comes back again , there 's a return of a repressed and er Freud erm Freud quotes one or two other examples , er of the same kind of thing and Mike 's example is a very good one albeit er perhaps it 's good because it 's so recent , so the point you 're making Mike is that are you saying that Freud 's analogy is , is credible where French history and even industrial relations is concerned that there was a trauma , the Revolution of seventeen eighty nine , there were latency periods and then this kept coming back from the repressed time and time again ?
24 He died 5 January 1737 , ‘ suddenly , of a fit of apoplexy , as he was sitting in his chair at his house in Bartlett 's Buildings , Holborn ’ , and was succeeded first by his son Erasmus [ q.v. ] , the author of several treatises on economics , and then by a younger son , John , ‘ a notorious Jacobite ’ .
25 Resumption of power operations is scheduled by mid-September and apart from a further short shutdown to refuel early in 1994 , PFR will continue to generate electricity up until March 1994 .
26 The following quotation from Norman Conway , a grammar school chemistry teacher interviewed by Brian Jackson and Dennis Marsden ( 1962 ) , shows how the competition for scarce university places ( and ultimately for a better job for the teacher ) , especially in the context of bureaucratic mass-assessment can allow the instrumental pursuit of extrinsic rewards to drive out the expensive ‘ educational side ’ :
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