Example sentences of "and [adv] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 It would not be safe to have you going to and fro between the steerage and our quarters .
32 Ryan was jumping to and fro between the room from which the ladder was to be launched and the corridor .
33 A commission of magistrates and theologians from the University of Louvain was appointed to examine him in a long-drawn-out process in which translations of his heretical works were prepared by Philips ; written charges and rebuttals in Latin passed to and fro between the Commission and Tyndale , followed by oral examinations .
34 Ross actually said the words out loud , even as he took the cross-hairs to and fro over the scene by the lakeside .
35 The attack on the village along the road was still going on , wounded and dead Commandos were being placed against the walls of the cobbled farmyard , waiting their turn as the jeeps ferried to and fro through the village .
36 Overpowered by an intense sentiment of horror , unaccountable yet unendurable , I threw on my clothes with haste ( for I felt that I should sleep no more during the night ) , and endeavoured to arouse myself from the pitiable condition into which I had fallen , by pacing rapidly to and fro through the apartment .
37 It not only covered ships passing to and fro through the Strait , but also included reports of Argentine air strikes , naval activity , including the sinking of the Belgrano , and even references to the British helicopter that had landed on the coast of the Magellan Strait almost opposite Punta Arenas , and had been destroyed by its pilot .
38 This , he observed , ‘ is accomplished by lowering the head and gently drawing the tips of the antlers to and fro through the herbage .
39 Taking a long piece of string , she dragged it to and fro through the mud , heaping it up and turning that into men .
40 ‘ I 'm showing Melanie the neighbourhood , ’ said Finn , clutching his sister 's shoulders and rocking her kneeling form to and fro in an embrace which made her laugh soundlessly until she looked like a young girl .
41 But there will always be a hard core , roaring down a bottomless lane in an A70 pick-up with no piston rings and ninety degrees of play in the steering , white cricket cap pulled down over watering eyes , sheepdog barking its head off as it rushes to and fro in the cargo department .
42 Ranulf flashed the coroner a dagger glance but Cranston was already rocking to and fro in the saddle , laughing uproariously at his own joke .
43 Men from each force blundered to and fro in the darkness and El Cid himself was slightly wounded .
44 ‘ I 'll be down soon , ’ I said , and rocked to and fro in the bed to make noises which might make it sound as though I was getting up .
45 But Millie , her body twisted , her two arms extended , was gripping the woman 's wrists while being tossed to and fro in the struggle , and she , too , was screaming , ‘ You wo n't !
46 ‘ They walked to and fro in the twilight
47 He picked up a kitten by its tail and swung it to and fro in the air , laughing at its cries .
48 I got into the truck and George sped away along the road , the water slurping heavily to and fro in the tank immediately behind our seats .
49 As soon as Schmidt settled , she rose again and walked to and fro in the room pecking at her cigarette .
50 Further along , Simon could see Mr Bishop 's kiosk , abandoned to the elements , its shutters still down , its back door flapping open , banging to and fro in the wind .
51 An inn sign swung to and fro in the wind .
52 So I asked him what he was up to and he said he was going to and fro in the earth and walking up and down in it , and then he pushed th " trolley in , and I went in after , and the mother began her howling and shrieking , and Will said , " Well , I 'll walk off and leave you to it . "
53 Matthew Boulton lived close to his works at Soho ; but his son bought the estate and country house of Great Tew in Oxfordshire and went to and fro by the coach which is still preserved in the stables there .
54 Leaning back so that the chair creaked alarmingly , he held her watch up , dangling it to and fro by the strap , his expression neutral .
55 No more safe trotting to and fro from the convent .
56 I ran to and fro from the kitchen for some time with saucepans and kettles of boiling water .
57 They ferried plates to and fro from the kitchen , where Rose and Victorine supervised what was to come next .
58 Strudwick , still desperately trying to put rugby league on the map in the capital , said : ‘ It 's been hectic this week , having to dash to and fro from the training ground to the hospital .
59 For a moment he thought she was going to hit him , and then her face turned crimson , her mouth started to bang to and fro like a door in a gale force wind and a sound came down her nose that suggested she had just swallowed a quart of White ’ s Cream Soda .
60 Again it see-sawed to and fro throughout the half erm last couple of minutes Banbury went twice when Peter Smith fired in a shot from twenty yards which Ricky Harding in the Almondsbury goal held very comfortably , and erm Dave Bristow again went close .
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