Example sentences of "and [adv] [to-vb] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 These men were brought up to do the clerical work of the household , to give the king advice , and eventually to become bishops and perform the duties of royal servants as well as of episcopal pastors in their bishoprics .
2 Exploratory tools allow learners to investigate views of a given domain which are different from theirs and so to examine consequences and conflicts .
3 And perhaps to placate Rhinehart before he sues , there is a documentary on the enigmatic American author in the pipeline , as well as Diary Of A Teenage Health Freak and a children 's comedy , Jackson Pace .
4 At the moment nuclear power stations ca n't be turned up and down to meet fluctuations and demand , and the fluctuation from the morning and afternoon peak demand to the middle of the night trough in demand is at least a factor of two to one , but nuclear power stations can not be turned up and down to match that .
5 The Gulf War , the re-alignment of Eastern Europe , the breakup of the USSR , the Middle East and not to mention Africa and South America given little support for anyone to disagree with SwissRe 's view .
6 He was encouraged to resume a normal fluid intake and not to restrict fluids because his bladder felt uncomfortable .
7 He wanted people to get on with the urgent business of living the good life set out in the Eightfold Path , and not to waste time or energy in speculation and debate .
8 It is important not to soak potatoes , as this leaches out the vitamin , and not to overcook cabbage and other green vegetables , as heat gradually destroys Vitamin C. Rosehip tea is also an excellent source of this vitamin , as is fresh lemon juice , which is permissible on this diet as it contains little sugar .
9 Well I I 'll tell him when you 're on nights and not to phone John and I 'll go and phone him like yesterday .
10 Neither of them mentioned anything that had been said during the night ; they just agreed to head back to civilisation and not to mix whisky and cannabis like that again .
11 New railway lines have been built in British Columbia , Australia , Siberia , and elsewhere to exploit coal and other minerals .
12 I got a room in the inn , and despite the windiness of the house and the army of earwigs that people it , I was very snug : a friend who has been there in winter gives amusing particulars regarding the draughts that are vocal as well as felt in this palace of the winds ; he found it necessary to nail up his bed-room windows with many plies of blanket , and thus to allow day and night to glide unnoted past , for all was dark — yet were not the breathings of the winds hushed !
13 Both newly-independent and other States tend to oppose claims of secession , and thus to impose treaty and other liabilities upon any seceding entity .
14 In a sense the development of such petitions is of far greater interest to the ecclesiastical historian in respect of its consequences rather than its origins ; for what this system entailed was public cognizance , and a public memory , of grievances ; when these complaints were directed at the church , parliament inevitably served to institutionalize and to unify countless discontents , and thus to provide kings and others with ideas , excuses and encouragement for actions against the church which might otherwise have remained unrealized .
15 Or yes that 's one thing because he does n't like it anymore or he might have had a a problem with selling it to someone or something and just to take revenge or something he says
16 The UN will have to understand the complexities completely , and act firmly and sensitively to encourage re-unification and co-operation .
17 From the example of the cows before me it seemed that they were designed only and eternally to eat grass and , left to themselves , would never do anything else .
18 Sadly , mine is a sort of hole in the wall — not possible to move — so I spend more time running back and forth to fetch tools than I do using them .
19 Christianity seemed more and more to mean clericalism and once the Second Crusade of 1147 was over the popular religious fervour that had been channelled into it needed a new outlet .
20 The right fashionable scarf , belt , necklace , etc. can be used simply and quickly to update outfits and add variety to simple clothes .
21 And then I had tried harder and harder to obtain opiates and would do my damnedest to get hold of morphine , opium , diamorph and anything , y'know … .
22 Fundamental is the need to relate whatever is studied to the child 's own experience , and also to awaken motivation and stimulate enquiry .
23 The mouse pointer can be used to place the text cursor anywhere on the document and also to activate menus and commands .
24 Therefore , employers are now required to apply a risk assessment score to specific situations , and also to implement measures that will address the identified risks .
25 Funding is sought so that we can continue to pay the Development Education worker an honorarium of 200 per month including expenses , and also to purchase resources when necessary .
26 By a resolution passed by 305 votes to 36 , with 41 abstentions , Gorbachev was effectively given a free hand to dictate the process of economic reform by decree , to manage the state budget , and also to supervise law and order .
27 Er my job was to er obtain intelligence on er active , known criminals and also to develop intelligence that had been obtained by other officers .
28 Prussia 's pre-eminence was institutionalised in that the King of Prussia was ex-officio the chairman of the Bundesrat , but this was only as titular Head of State , not head of government : in all matters Bismarck was keen to stress the federal , decentralised aspects of the constitution , both to reassure the smaller states that they were not being swallowed up and also to convince Prussia that she was not losing sovereignty to the supranational authority either .
29 Earlier in the month the human rights organization Amnesty International had warned that the prospects for a peaceful transition to democracy in South Africa would be seriously threatened if the government failed to intervene effectively and impartially to stop violence and curb the excesses of the security forces .
30 The autocratic style of a president who regarded state-controlled radio and television as a transmission service for the government , who felt free to interpret his constitution as he saw fit and regularly to circumvent parliament or his own ministers teetered perpetually on the verge of excess .
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