Example sentences of "and [adv] [vb pp] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps the dressing down , promptly and properly administered to Mark Ramprakash , was also beneficial .
2 At the time it seemed senselessly cruel , but it often proved justifiable in the end : some girls who married Englishmen or Americans found themselves very unhappy in their new life , and eventually returned to Italy .
3 The notebooks show that Nietzsche was prepared to rethink the precise shape of the book well into 1871 , but almost all of the numerous plans there — including some which appear to be earlier than " Socrates and Instinct " — point to a book centrally concerned with tragedy and recognizably related to BT .
4 The institutional church , preoccupied with orthodoxy and fundamentally opposed to Marxism because it is viewed as materialistic and atheistic , is made up of bishops , priests , laity and religious movements who , though not very numerous , are powerful , partly because the laity of the group belong to the wealthier classes .
5 If he did not touch such heights again , he remained a thoroughly reliable keeper right to the end , small , neat and quiet , and rarely given to histrionics .
6 She had been very ill and suddenly taken to hospital without Darren 's knowing why .
7 He was accused of ‘ withholding information from the Holy Father ’ and so relegated to Milan .
8 Bahrain station was not informed of their approach and so failed to light-up , and the moon has already set , so the pilot of Horsa overshot .
9 In return he was promised his hereditary possessions of Luneburg and Brunswick , but ordered to leave Germany for three years , and so returned to England .
10 After the two pictures for Leone , Van Cleef stayed in Europe to make pale imitations of them and only returned to Hollywood in 1970 for El Condor which unwisely made him a sympathetic character .
11 He sat as a Unionist councillor and , when the Unionist Party became dominated by powersharers , he moved to Vanguard , then to Baird 's United Ulster Unionist Party , and only switched to Paisley 's Democratic Unionist Party after the demise of the UUUP .
12 Individuals usually more widely scattered over shore than Golden Plovers , and less given to manoeuvres in close flocks .
13 Animals are not only more ingenious and better suited to life , they also have weird sex and commit weird murders .
14 An airworthy Catalina , PBY–5A N6108 , was leased for use in the film and apparently flown to Hawaii .
15 A broken man , pale and much given to outbursts of weeping , a man trembling on the threshold of self-murder .
16 Mr Gilligrew seems ideally cut out to be leader of a protest group : insecure , loud , unhumorous , indignant , unpleasant , small and much given to counting points off on his fingers .
17 Volunteers kept diaries , answered regular questionnaires , and generally responded to points put to them by the directors of the study , Tom Harrisson and Charles Madge .
18 There are first of all mandatory exceptions , to be retained centrally by all LEAs and not delegated to schools .
19 Judges indicated advocates in higher courts should be independent and not bound to partners practising in other areas or involved in preparing cases .
20 And it certainly means that any debate will have to be open , and not tied to deals between politicians : the decision must , ultimately , be made by the people by referendum .
21 As this is in fact used as the Parish Burial Ground and not restricted to members of St Peter 's church they feel that responsibility for its upkeep should not be left to a relatively small number of volunteers .
22 The use of the microcomputer is to be shown to be directly related to the curriculum and to enhance pupils ' learning , thus the project must be curriculum-based and not restricted to pupils ' use of the library for general work .
23 The Government acknowledge that a property tax is essentially unfair and not linked to income and that is why the Bill includes banding and discounts and why student halls of residents are rightly excluded .
24 I feel just as guilty because I have been here five Sundays and not come to church on any of them .
25 The phenomenon is widespread and not confined to Nucella .
26 It was a standard sequence of conquest , and not confined to pagans .
27 But all that is some way off , and not confined to Newcastle .
28 She was ten years older than me and already married to Jens , himself the youngest son of a neighbouring farmer , without property of his own .
29 In the Abdaly region of northern Kuwait there are some 156 farms which are separated by desert and thus exposed to sandstorms , where metal wind-breaks and shelter-belts have not prevented sand encroachment , largely as Al-Nakshabandi and El-Robee have suggested , due to poor management .
30 In the present study , the expression was used more frequently in the pooled with conditions than in the pooled and conditions , and thus corresponded to conditions in which plurals were less frequent .
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