Example sentences of "and [adv] [vb base] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 When designing your garden , plan to include shrubs like pyracantha and Berberis darwinii that give flowers all year round and thereby provide food for wildlife .
2 The fundamental weakness of this approach is that it relies to some extent on the researchers ' imagination as to what the future may hold , particularly about what new goods and services might emerge , either directly from the new technology or simply because its higher productivity may give consumers greater spending power and so create demands for hitherto undreamed-of goods and services .
3 The best that could be achieved in western Europe was a dispersed defensive strategy which would bog down an offensive , in case of war , and so give time for negotiation .
4 On a political level , these schemes help to maintain the status quo , because they satisfy some of the minimum housing needs of the poor and so reduce pressure for radical reforms .
5 The government view has been that the way towards prosperity is for the state to do less and so leave room for the private sector to expand .
6 I know many of us agree with these sentiments and perhaps envy Terry for getting out now .
7 She denied that many non-smokers had to stand up while seats remained empty in smoking coaches , and added : ‘ If BR are that worried they should put on more carriages , and not blame smokers for overcrowding . ’
8 Councillor Ronnie Round , chairman of economic development and planning said : ‘ We will be able to dispose of the land at the Lathom Wing and thus finance improvements for the school with no extra cost to the school or the council . ’
9 My own answer to that difficult question would be : Because language has the effect that relationships , which among other creatures are generated by inbuilt , genetically endowed , " instincts " ( as in the social insects ) , or by individual stimulus/response mechanisms ( as in the mating behaviours of birds and mammals ) , are , in man , reified as verbal concepts , and thus become matters for group determination rather than individual determination .
10 If these countries felt they were being exploited by having to run a surplus and thus provide finance for the US deficit , such behaviour would be quite incomprehensible .
11 Maybe you have visited Amsterdam and want to venture further afield , or perhaps you prefer to stay outside the city and just visit Amsterdam for a day excursion .
12 In the western counties , three of the sites with pavements depicting Orpheus — Newton St. Loe , Woodchester , and Withington-also provide evidence for comparable assortments of geometric mosaics .
13 These reports assess the situation for a particular service or type of trained staff and usually make recommendations for improving quality and supply .
14 Members had hoped to get the cash direct and still resist payments for losses .
15 I believe that when the French were here , a man could enlist with the forces and still claim paternity for children born during his absence , even if he 'd been away a couple of years . ’
16 For individuals requiring income , an investment in convertibles can bring a higher return than an investment in equities and still give scope for some capital appreciation .
17 ‘ Yet with the right kind of controls , and the development of proper management for the species , the caiman could be conserved and still create income for local people and foreign exchange for the government . ’
18 And now we have CDs and all , you could squeeze in the St Matthew Passion and still have room for the rest .
19 Held in the rear stalls at 6.15pm before any performance , these 20-minute chats about the music and the productions by members of the Company and other opera specialists will make your evenings at the Grand extra special — and still have time for that pre-performance drink .
20 At the second meeting on 9th June , Hunt was called as a witness ; he presented a paper which demonstrated that if all the Government Offices ‘ scattered about in various parts of the metropolis ’ , with the exception of the Admiralty and the Inland Revenue at Somerset House , were housed in four storeys , although architecturally ‘ hardly desirable ’ , allowing for courts and roads , they could fit into the area between Richmond Terrace , the river , Parliament Square and the park , and still leave space for expansion .
21 Once a vendor has consulted he may find himself under moral pressure from his employees to complete as soon as possible and hopefully re-establish certainty for them over their future .
22 Labels needed for ministers about Garden Festival and also CAW organisers for this and for Newsletter .
23 The Prime Minister announced on Nov. 26 that some months earlier the Queen had asked him to consider the basis on which she might voluntarily pay tax on her personal income and also take responsibility for certain payments to additional members of the royal family ; the Prince of Wales had made a similar request with regard to the Duchy of Cornwall .
24 We need to make a special effort to fundraise this year — so — Please publicise this with your class members and also request contributions for the stalls and contact holders as follows : —
25 From this , nursing managers can calculate the peak periods across the whole unit and also identify times for which it would be beneficial to employ part-time staff .
26 Fortunately these approaches create difficulties for the faker and also leave clues for the scientific investigator .
27 It 's important that when a member is made redundant that he keep in contact with his industry , so that he 's in a position to be able to regain employment and also regain employment for his , for his or her fellow unemployed .
28 If cells have their position specified as in a coordinate system and also have rules for interpreting the positional information , then it is possible , with the appropriate rules for interpretation , to generate any pattern that is required , from faces — even the Mona Lisa — to limbs .
29 Today , the pilgrimage still takes place , now by air or car for many and , for the 1965 pilgrimage year , the Spanish government made strenuous and successful efforts to restore and clean these famous churches ( and also provide hotels for tourists ) on this traditional route .
30 But if Marx 's arguments were valid in their historical context , they should not be allowed to block the development of concrete proposals which , although not acting as historical blueprints , could help to more accurately define , and hence mobilise support for , socialist objectives .
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