Example sentences of "and [adv] [adv] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 They urged the EC to extend the generalized system of preferences ( GSP ) to a range of products from the region , and thereby effectively to allow them duty-free entry to the European market .
2 These facts escaped the attention of our radical sisters and thereby so did we .
3 My middle daughter , Lal , sweetly and most touchingly offered me one of her kidneys , an offer I declined as decorously as I could .
4 If you are interested in coming to our University we shall be very glad to find a place for you if we can , and most certainly to welcome you if you are admitted .
5 This he was stupid to assume as they refuse to put up with this strain on their own households and rather cruelly send him fleeing out to face the hard elements in the stormy night .
6 So ‘ fit ’ and so well adapted were they , and so successfully did they dominate their terrestrial environment , that they survived for 140 million years .
7 Opposition to the deal built up because of fears that this plutonium would free US stocks for use in its weapons programme and so indirectly help US weapons expansion .
8 And this is the great chamber , and this is where their tour ends I think if we just go back if we go straight back into the place we started , and so just finish it off , then I must I must finish off as well .
9 The garden 's sole glory was a laburnum , which blossomed wonderfully each year : but even that she associated more with its dry black fatal pods than with its flowers , so often and so rigorously had she been warned of its poison .
10 There they brought the coracle ashore lightly , and drew in , with reluctance and the reverence of finality , what they had been hunting with such assiduity , and so persistently hoped they would not find .
11 He came out of the Hotel suddenly and violently , unable to endure the privilege which had so cruelly and so recently oppressed him .
12 We do n't need to see er leaflets and so on urging us into merger before they 're actually ready to take place from the membership itself .
13 So each time you want to do something it 's five , displays it and so on tell it to read five but it just fills up it 's memory , it 's little buffer with that much .
14 Why he never troubled to publish his knowledge , I do not know , except that he was an aristocrat , and so perhaps considered it beneath him to publish .
15 By killing all these party officials he brought men into the party who owed everything to Stalin and so loyally supported him .
16 One Harvard dealer an American boy , was fortunate enough to get close to this quickly By putting a wealthy client into some circumspect account trades , and so actually making him a lot of money , the dealer earned the client 's gratitude .
17 She was a startling sight in that setting , for she was immaculately dressed in riding clothes , her breeches almost white , boots black and so highly polished I could see the flood waters reflected in them .
18 I have noticed this just as clearly as the above many times while half asleep in bed but never had paper handy and so never wrote it down …
19 And so then said you 're telling porkies as a joke or something and Jimmy went what you bloody talking about
20 He assumed the mural was being discarded and took it to his studio , hoping to repair and perhaps eventually sell it , as he had done with other works from that period .
21 they could lock up the landlords er and perhaps even banish them .
22 It is possible that Mr Brooke , or a successor , may begin to think in terms of reducing the UDR 's role and size , and perhaps even phasing it out .
23 I had promised him that I would look her up , convey his admiring regards , and perhaps even bring him back a signed photograph of Miss Dragonette .
24 Any territories that rallied to Free France would enhance the legitimacy of his movement , provide strategic bases for his forces , and perhaps even give him the opportunity to transfer his headquarters to a base on French soil .
25 Some of these , no doubt , are very satisfactory to us in our present state of opinion about the constitution of bodies , but there are others which are likely to startle us out of our complacency and perhaps ultimately to drive us out of all the hypotheses in which we have hitherto found refuge into that thoroughly conscious ignorance which is a prelude to every real advance.in knowledge .
26 You know , i i it is a very fine line between er how we talk to our customers , which is why I , I , I ca n't stress enough the need for the project coordinators to talk face to face with the customer first of all , and perhaps gently lead him down some of the items in this list that the project coordinator thinks the client might not have remembered .
27 Following some reluctance to become involved in air pollution control , the federal government opted for a research role in 1955 and only slowly did it begin to intervene with the control policies adopted by the states .
28 They have little or no sexual contact and only rarely do they express their feelings for each other .
29 They have little or no sexual contact and only rarely do they express their feelings for each other .
30 On this day he was gliding home to our airfield and only just made it back with less than a hundred feet as he arrived flying downwind over the boundary .
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