Example sentences of "and [adv] [adv] for a " in BNC.

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1 About the same time , and rather surprisingly for a Tory committed to the old East India Company and one who had lost the remittance contract to the newly founded Bank of England , Herne also joined the so-called tobacco contractors .
2 Thus we might expect the instrument not to be sufficiently sensitive for these conditions and so not for a growth room .
3 And so far for a while , we did . ’
4 But though this hope might be enough for some who were actually to lift themselves out of the working class , and perhaps also for a greater number who never got beyond dreaming of success as they read Samuel Smiles 's Self-Help ( 1859 ) or similar handbooks , it was perfectly evident that most workers would remain workers all their lives , and indeed that the economic system required them to do so .
5 Only when this phase has been completed , and perhaps only for a relatively brief period at the height of a crisis , can a second phase of overt conflict between proletarians and capitalists become manifest ( Przeworski , 1977 ) .
6 He had treated her exactly as he 'd said he would , and not even for an instant had Kate had even a bat 's twinkling that he thought of her as an attractive woman .
7 In succeeding years of wartime the annual conference continued to take place , though not at the seaside and not usually for a full week .
8 You may throw cells together at random , over and over again for a billion years , and not once will you get a conglomeration that flies or swims or burrows or runs , or does anything , even badly , that could remotely be construed as working to keep itself alive .
9 It 's part of the this way in which the computer can turn information over and over again for a different need .
10 It 's part of this way in which the computer can turn information over and over again for a different need .
11 He asked Neil Kinnock about his plans to tax the middle-income bracket not once , not twice , but over and over again for an hour .
12 Second , Byrd 's wide-ranging and extended melodic lines are hard to sing , and harder still for a consort of solo voices to keep constantly in tune , above all when using the vowel-sounds of the past .
13 Daylight suddenly burst upon them , sunlight , and up there for a moment blue sky and white clouds and a tall whitish building .
14 Never before , and probably not for a very long time again will it be possible to recreate such an exhibition , containing as it does important paintings from major Western and Russian museums and private collections , as well as outstanding works from circa fifty provincial and specialised museums in the former Soviet Union .
15 At five to eight Gooseneck took Elsa and Amiss aside for a briefing .
16 answered and deep enough for a boat if we had one .
17 The United Kingdom was an original party to the Convention but did not accept the compulsory jurisdiction of the Commission and Court until 1965 and then only for a three-year term which , however , has so far been regularly renewed although not without some hesitancy prompted by the embarrassment and ignominy of being condemned by the Court on a number of occasions .
18 Don ‘ t There 's no reason for launches higher than 200 metres ( 650ft ) and then only for a parafoil type which needs the initial fall to take in air and inflate .
19 At a time when only the Northumbrians , and then only for a time in the reign of Eadberht ( 737–58 ) , minted coins of pure silver , southern England experienced a decline in the quality of its sceattas .
20 The wind group , as we have said , less frequently stands alone , and then only for a few bars at a time .
21 Looking south , Huy could just make out the shape of the wall surrounding the palace compound , and remembered that quiet and contentment existed in reality for very few , and then only for a fraction of the time one spends under this sun .
22 One such extravagence became a holiday haunt for painters and poets and then home for a family of seven .
23 It is a lovely series of images that Wordsworth brings to mind , but it is not a suitable subject to be translated into a picture , and certainly not for a child .
24 ‘ Nana is too strict and too hard for a little child all alone like you .
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