Example sentences of "and [adv] [adv] [vb pp] with " in BNC.

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1 Floy thought they probably ought to be afraid themselves , because the Tree Spirits were so inHuman and so wild and so clearly filled with strange woodland magic that once they had finished with Balor they might very well turn to the two Renascians .
2 In Jane Austen 's writing allusions of this kind are so succinct , and so well integrated with dramatized events , that they can easily pass the reader by .
3 Neville Cardus wrote , ‘ Bradman did little that was more wonderful and so highly charged with his own force of character than his dazzling improvisation , his neck-to-nothing brilliance , in the face of the ruthless challenge of Jardine . ’
4 It is almost always due to bruising of the urethra during sexual intercourse , and only occasionally linked with bacterial infection .
5 One reason for their existence , for instance , may be what has been described above : the fact [ sic ] that writing establishes a different kind of relation between the word and its referent , a relationship that is more general and more abstract , and less closely connected with the particularities of person , place and time than obtains in oral communication .
6 As trading becomes less and less directly connected with physical trading floors , or even a particular trading system , the rulebook becomes more and more the key determinant of the exchange 's identity and objectives .
7 In the following era , " free " child workers had been placed there by their families , and not uncommonly worked with them .
8 It has further been suggested by Sengstock and Liang ( 1982 ) that abuse frequently occurs at times when other problems , both practical and emotional and not specifically connected with the old person , are occurring in the family .
9 At intervals in the Costing Accounts is the above category which relates to outgoing expenses and not always connected with the running of the mine .
10 On his returns to England , Edward more and more frequently mixed with people of like opinion , many of them friends or associates of politicians .
11 Psychologically , as the response is always rewarded when this crucial element is present , the response becomes more and more strongly connected with the relevant cue and extinguished as a response to other cues .
12 He began to expect to own a house ; he more and more rarely worked with his hands ; as he earned more , he found the paying of tax increasingly disagreeable .
13 Returning to our work Sid and I became more and more closely connected with Radio Station 1OAB and during the Annual General Meeting of the association that year I was appointed Programme Director .
14 As he strode forward to deal with them , a small boy ran out of the cloakroom , chased by a bigger one , and both blindly collided with him .
15 It was about four feet wide and as carefully coated with sand and pebbles as the step .
16 The regular army was never a good career for a poor gentleman , for its strength fluctuated too greatly , with new units created in an emergency and as quickly disbanded with the return of peace .
17 Most of the rivers of eastern and southern England possess buried channels , graded to a much lower base level and now completely filled with alluvium .
18 Middle left Mount Usher — 20 ‘ Robinsonian ’ acres , once a potato patch and now thickly planted with trees , especially eucryphia and eucalyptus .
19 Where water accumulates , mosses become dominant ; the wettest patches have mats , even hummocks , of Bryum , Grimmia , Ceratodon and other species , growing from a substrate of dead but barely decomposed organic material and often partly overgrown with lichens .
20 Government regulation should only be used as a last resort , and even then operated with " a light touch " , the Institute argues .
21 Both powders and coarser materials are usually finely ground , and then intimately mixed with a liquid whose refractive index is close to that of the solid .
22 I mean we had an example from the miner 's strike but that ha was happening far away in a sense and it was just something that you could support or yo you did n't support or you put a tin of beans in the box in Quix and that was what you did you know sort of And then actually faced with having to accept food from that people had given you in a way , it 's a very quite a difficult concept .
23 The incoming fist of an opponent is blocked by a simple rising block and then quickly countered with a gyaku-zuki .
24 Unlike basic chords and barre chords — usually cumbersome , and full of note duplication — the jazz chord can be small and yet densely packed with information .
25 In the tenth and early eleventh centuries , bishops developed a sacral image similar to that of kings and very closely associated with theirs .
26 In one of these three patients the bleeding started in another ulcer not seen during the first endoscopy and therefore not treated with heater probe .
27 Eton and Winchester , foundations designed to be of national significance and high quality and therefore directly linked with sister foundations at Cambridge and Oxford , were the exceptions .
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