Example sentences of "and [adv] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 No left at home left at home with the washing nice and properly like in fact going to do yours .
2 Uninterested in material things , and conspicuously more at home in jungles than in drawing rooms , he possessed a sweet distinction of bearing which impressed itself on all who met him .
3 But while a majority of informed public opinion , the target of persistent lobbying over so long a period , moved decisively towards outright abolition , fortified by the anomalous decisions resulting from the 1957 Homicide Act , the views of the general public continued to be hostile and mostly out of sympathy with the prevailing climate at Westminster and Whitehall .
4 WE must be prepared to be flexible ; grasp opportunity ; recognise that we all have customers [ internal and external ] ; give everyone the service that we 'd expect every time ; ask for what we need to get the job done quickly and effectively well in advance of the start date .
5 At the conclusion of their day the Caddie Master Tom Gould , and a John Holton played a three-hole match , presumably on the 1st , 2nd and 18th holes and presumably only for fun , their scores being 38 and 39 , quoted as 16–7–15 and 9–12–18 .
6 The cheapest and most generally in use is the descant recorder , although the other members of the family are equally useful , if harder to play .
7 If anorexia is about identity in general , it is also specifically and most importantly about autonomy .
8 Again , when civilized states extended their frontiers they frequently took occasion to prospect for and exploit sources of precious substances and most notably of gold .
9 Secondly , and most remarkably in view of Birkett and the 1980 White Paper , the phrase was appropriate ‘ because it properly reflects the way in which interception has been authorised by successive governments of the Left and Right ’ , and it emphasizes the important point that the Act provides for no extension of existing practices .
10 She has enjoyed working with older people for nearly 20 years as a social worker , a researcher and most recently as Director of Age Concern Scotland .
11 And little enough for cleverness , if you see what I mean .
12 Irreverent , anarchic , and compulsively out of tune , HB are reinventing the original punk ideals of confronting perceived agendas in music without the assumed glamour and retro posturing of many of today 's neo-punks .
13 ‘ This will make it quite comprehensive and right up to date , more up to date than the published version of the Official Journal , ’ he said .
14 And now that I have become a partner in business I can work from very early and right through in order to be free at night to train .
15 And George Felse dived forward at the jerking ankles under the archway , felt his way forward towards the knees , and hauled strongly backwards as the roof sagged slowly and ponderously inwards on top of Gus Hambro .
16 It was later provided that if the commissioner from the presiding burgh should be absent , or refuse to vote , the commissioner from the burgh which presided at the last election should have the casting vote and so backwards in rotation .
17 The more southerly route lay across a gap in the Urals to the Irtysh and thence , after the Tatar khanate had been defeated , up the middle Ob and its tributaries , such as the Ket , to where a portage led to the middle reaches of the Yenisei ; from here they ascended the Upper ( or ‘ Stony ’ ) Tunguska as far as the Ilim , and so either by portage to the Lena or up the Angara towards Lake Baikal .
18 Also , recent research from America shows that compacted rubbish can be easily separated and sorted into plastics , glass , paper and so on for recycling .
19 Interactionists stress that definitions of crime reflect the power of groups who have managed to impose their ideas about right and wrong , normality and so on on society .
20 But I think one of the things that men are afraid of is that when women get into the things the attitudes change , as we were saying about bigotry and religion and so on with football , I do n't think that men want that because this is the perfect club they can enjoy and indulge all that , but if women really get into it the thing will change as society does .
21 If material 1 appeared in its condition 1 form in sequence 1 , then it appeared in its condition 2 form in sequence 2 , and so on to sequence 8 .
22 However , the ordinary member of the public can not go around arresting cyclists and homeless persons and so on under section 25 .
23 Y T alright , is a of constant alpha plus beta into erm X T plus lander X T Y is one that 's lander squared , X T minus two plus lander cubed , X T minus three and so on and so on into infinity .
24 Was this a Chinese adaptation of er the doctrine of Karl Marx , a signification of it , if you like , a Chinese version with the essential ideas , principles , programme and so on of Marxism retained or was it in effect an abandonment of Marxism ?
25 AW will offer to acquire the ordinary shares of Palatine on the following basis : and so on in proportion for any other number of ordinary shares in Palatine .
26 The essence of a ‘ contrat de programme ’ or ‘ contrat d'entreprise ’ is that a state enterprise agrees to achieve targets for economic performance , physical output , productivity , quality of service , and so on in return for a commitment from the government to provide necessary finance , and to provide compensation for obliging the enterprise to undertake non-commercial activities in the public interest ( Durupty 1986b : 357–96 ) .
27 Knit welts and so on in black or darker colour .
28 Knit welts and so on in black or another dark colour .
29 These offered a variety of recreational activities , swimming , sports , dancing and so on in addition to basic victualling , and borrowed from the ordinary pub the opprobium of encouraging immoral behaviour .
30 The difference between the male and the female experience of lab work is partly a difference between male and female upbringing ; writers like Kelly ( 1981a ) have been quite correct to point out that women are disadvantaged in science because of their lack of experience with scientific toys , machines and so on in childhood .
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