Example sentences of "and [adv] [adj] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the case of Piratin v IRC [ 1981 ] STC 441 , the court dealt with the provisions of TA 1988 , s677 and the judge referred to one of the contentions of the taxpayer that insurance premiums payable on the life of the settlor for the protection of the trust fund were an expense of the trustees and properly chargeable to income .
2 Whenever her husband was away , he pressed dinner invitations on her , always in the company of friends , and thereby immune to suggestion or danger .
3 Predictably the case-law has been almost wholly in the context of pre-trial discovery which is both of great importance in United States practice and most open to objection or misunderstanding in other countries .
4 In another case , the judge suggested that mass picketing was of itself capable of amounting to intimidating conduct , echoing Lord Reid in Hunt v. Broome ( above page 83 ) and so contrary to section 7 of the Conspiracy and Protection of Property Act 1875 .
5 Presidential support scores are so inadequate and so subject to misinterpretation by students and others ( including presidents ! ) that it is time for Congressional Quarterly to consider abandoning them .
6 Is the imagery God-given , or is it the product of the human imagination and so subject to alteration in another age ?
7 The Soil Survey and Land Research Centre at Silsoe has identified 15 per cent of soils in the Midlands , eastern and southern England as lying over chalk , limestone or sandstone , and so vulnerable to nitrate leaching .
8 These are so ponderous and unwieldy and so vulnerable to obstruction that it seems remarkable that major decisions are ever made outside of crisis situations .
9 The fear of being deemed to be trading ( rather than investing ) in futures contracts , and so liable to taxation is thought to have deterred such institutions from using them as part of their investment strategy .
10 Another parasitic protozoan is Myxobolus , this one causing fatal internal cysts and highly resistant to treatment .
11 Elves are long-lived , some say immortal , and less vulnerable to disease than humans .
12 This latter fact simply means that as we go along the chain of correlated consequences to larger and larger systems the links in the chain become tighter and tighter , less and less subject to quantum mechanical " creakiness ' .
13 This has become especially the case in the ‘ new ’ congress of the 1980s , where congressmen and senators have become even more individualistic and less amenable to control than before .
14 Computers are reliable and less prone to error provided they are instructed or programmed appropriately and correctly .
15 They have advantages over larger fixed pads in that they are transportable and less prone to variation caused by moisture , and they give a more uniform distribution of the radioelements .
16 I do not suggest that , just because Britain is less violent and less prone to crime than most other west European countries , that diminishes the necessity to concentrate on the picture at home , but let us not frighten people unnecessarily by comparisons with the rest of Europe and the United States .
17 Heel of the palm : Fast and less prone to injury than a punch .
18 The open hand is much stronger and less prone to injury .
19 Malnourished anorexic patients are more prone to side-effects and less responsive to medication than are other patients with depression .
20 The concern was that librarians , not unnaturally , might be sensitive about making their teaching material generally available , and thus subject to the scrutiny of their peers , and furthermore subject to plagiarism .
21 Although the minister is uniquely and personally responsible to Parliament for everything — everything , that is , outside clinical decisions — which is done or left undone in the health service , he administers it through a hierarchy of non-elective bodies on which the professions are strongly represented and are influential more than in proportion to their numbers .
22 I could then conveniently sum up by pointing out that these various non-educational theorists in introducing concepts such as representation , distillation and repeatability reinforce the importance of the distinction I have drawn throughout the book , for clearly dramatic playing is expressive ( in Tormey 's usage ) , spontaneous and not amenable to repetition .
23 They are passive in the sense that the social structure is seen and experienced as being outside of them and not amenable to questioning , only acceptance .
24 By an ‘ ethical a priori ’ position I mean to indicate that certain principles are held to be an a priori and not subject to qualification .
25 The decision of the Arbitrators is final and not subject to ratification by Council .
26 Many of the Site Classe areas are small and not subject to change , e. g. small lakes , wetlands or high pasture .
27 On March 11 it voted to proclaim itself a sovereign body whose decisions would be binding and not subject to government authority .
28 The cause is almost certainly internal and not due to market pressures .
29 The accusations related to three main issues : the reclassification by the Soviet army of three motorized divisions as naval coastal units ( excluded from the CFE treaty and not liable to destruction ) ; the discrepancy between NATO and Soviet estimates of the precise number of Soviet tanks and other military hardware subject to inspection and verification under the terms of the treaty ; and the " surreptitious " withdrawal of an estimated 60,000-70,000 items of Soviet military equipment east of the Ural mountains and thus beyond the territorial scope of the treaty [ see p. 37838 ; 37931 ] .
30 The effect on cell respiration persisted even after blockade of the proton pump suggesting that this effect was primary and not secondary to stimulation of acid secretion .
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