Example sentences of "and [adv] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 But it was even more clear that the Public Schools had adapted themselves rapidly and skilfully to the demands for a meritocracy as identified by Michael Young .
2 If you deviate substantially and importantly from the conditions laid down in this letter of engagement , we will be free to terminate the engagement by immediate notice at any time and to engage additional and/or alternative directors to perform some or all of the functions set out here .
3 If you deviate substantially and importantly from the conditions laid down in this letter of engagement , we will be free to terminate the engagement by immediate notice at any time and to engage additional and/or alternative directors to perform some or all of the functions set out here .
4 If you deviate substantially and importantly from the conditions laid down in this letter of engagement , we will be free to terminate the engagement by immediate notice at any time and to engage additional and/or alternative directors to perform some or all of the functions set out here .
5 In the morning I went ashore with the captain in a bumboat , passing a variety of small craft that plied to and fro across the straits .
6 Wallis never forgot how Minton , whilst painting this portrait , skipped to and fro across the floorboards at Shaftesbury Villas ‘ like some lean fencer with his long brush stabbing at the canvas ’ , all the while throwing out the liveliest sallies .
7 This they did near Poitiers in mid-September , and for two days papal representatives went to and fro between the forces in the hope of securing an arrangement .
8 The Gnomes had gone to considerable trouble ; Culdub and Bith had sat up long hours and consulted books and chronicles and there had been much burning of late candles and worried scurryings to and fro between the Gnomes ' houses in the little mountain village .
9 Richard seems to have played an important part in the peace and truce talks , and as he went to and fro between the armies his father may have begun to wonder just what these exchanges meant .
10 The events are presented in episodic form , as a continuous narrative tossed antiphonally to and fro between the actresses .
11 Vision moves to and fro between the vessels , setting up a visual and , if one has been long at sea , an emotional tension between them .
12 Roger Jacobi has described a vivid picture of hunters around Cheddar Gorge using the many shallow access valleys from the Levels to the top of the Mendips as ambush points for animals moving to and fro over the seasons , and it is noticeable how many of the Mesolithic sites located by Joan Taylor and Rebecca Smart are at the top end of shallow valleys in the front of the Mendips and close to former springs .
13 I endeavoured to believe that much , if not all of what I felt , was due to the bewildering influence of the gloomy furniture in the room — of the dark and tattered draperies , which , tortured into motion by the breath of a rising tempest , swayed fitfully to and fro upon the walls , and rustled uneasily about the decorations of the bed .
14 You must realise that the King not only fell from a great height but the sea pounded his body to and fro against the rocks . ’
15 From the bazaars the tale passed via servants into households and thence to the clubs , not so dissimilar from bazaars in their capacity to retail and embellish a story .
16 We decided that Masquerade would sail from the Bahamas to Panama , and thence to the Galapagos where we would find Darwin 's giant tortoises .
17 The vehicles started to move off to the washdown point and thence to the trains that would take them home .
18 There had been the long drift through cold spring into hot summer ; the long sinking into the mercies and bossiness of her friends and thence into the arms of the medical profession ; the final humiliation of accepting , because she was too inert to refuse , money from Rachel .
19 Masha had , in fact , learned the terrible lesson as the despicable pogroms developed into a policy of national hatred and persecution , later to be transformed into actual genocide and thence into the horrors of the Holocaust .
20 They go on and on about the nails . ’
21 The newspaper are going on and on and on about the problems that people have road and road .
22 Olten is where the line from Zurich to Bern and on to the resorts of Lac Leman and to Geneva crosses that from Basle to Lucerne , the famous , is St Gotthard Pass , the Italianate Ticino , thence to Milan and Italy itself .
23 Our long-term aim is to shift the burden of taxation away from the things the country needs more of — income , savings and value added — and on to the things we want less of , such as pollution and resource depletion .
24 Once recruited they were marched to the nearest railway station , entrained on a variety of wagons , and transported to recruiting reception centres and on to the mines .
25 These would include the arguments of the major poet-critics of the past : Sidney , Jonson , Dryden , Johnson , and on to the Romantics , Victorians , and modernists .
26 Her next big campaign , shot by Herb Ritts , launched her into the fashion stratosphere and on to the covers of magazines from Vogue to Rolling Stone .
27 Gathering my things , I moved out of the plane and on to the stairs .
28 That brought him within a mile or two of Stoke St Gregory , down the steep incline and on to the Levels , where a family of Titfords had once made their home as long ago as the end of the 16th century .
29 We can take our students beyond that stage of technical feedback and on to the levels of self-enlightenment and self-emancipation , through encouraging ever-wider and higher levels of self-criticism .
30 Gradually , each successive shot brings us closer to the action and eventually to the actions of individuals , allowing us to see their expressions and hear whatever it is they are saying to each other .
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