Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If he got on top of his weeds and successfully kept them under one could be sure he was a good farmer .
2 Model B , on the other hand would effectively ‘ nationalize ’ the 90 or so major institutions and thereby remove them from local control .
3 A truly political art , he realised , would not content itself with the message alone ; it would it had to engage the viewer in a questioning of the nature of the institutions and the pressures they exert , and thereby subject them to the necessary critique .
4 In other words , controlling as he did the nominations to all learned appointments in whichever of the areas he was then kazasker , he would urge young scholars to enter the relative dead end of the career of kasabat kadi and thereby prevent them from passing up through the ranks of medreses to become candidates for mevleviyets and thus rivals to his own position .
5 the fact of belonging to the same class , and that of belonging to the same generation or age group , have this in common , that both endow the individuals sharing in them with a common location in the social and historical process , and thereby limit them to a specific range of potential experience , predisposing them for a certain characteristic mode of thought and experience , and a characteristic type of historically relevant action .
6 Their anomalous position illustrates the danger of reading back ( even into the 1950s , let alone the 1930s ) the more precisely defined contemporary categories , and eventually exposed them to abolition .
7 This was the " United Front from Below " ; the attempt to separate Labour Party members from their leaders and eventually to recruit them into the Communist Party .
8 I was to keep them safe and eventually give them to anyone who survived .
9 We wanted to avoid all the delays that creep in if we hack them by hi-speed Busby post to Dover , put them on board a ponderous Sealink ferry and eventually consign them to the decidedly risky hands of some unknown foreign postman in the forlorn hope that they-might , with luck and a following wind , reach the Antipodes before the turn of the century .
10 Not necessarily — the expert fishkeeper could design a system that would take the best of all possible filtration methods and effectively combine them into a very good system .
11 He preached before both Charles II and Cromwell and courageously reproved them for their sins .
12 In the Commons , Mr Kinnock accused Mrs Thatcher of ‘ defending the indefensible ’ by ‘ giving instructions that in the middle of the night armed riot police raid children , women and men , shove them into cages and forcibly deport them to the country from which they fled ’ .
13 ‘ What excuse , ’ he asked Mrs Thatcher , ‘ have you got for giving instructions that in the middle of the night , armed riot police raid children , women and men , shove them into caged lorries and forcibly deport them to the country from which they fled ? ’
14 ‘ What excuse has she got for giving instructions that , in the middle of the night , armed riot police raid children , women and men , shove them into caged lorries and forcibly deport them to the country from which they fled ?
15 When a large debt issue is undertaken , the Bank will underwrite a large proportion of the issue and slowly sell them to the market over a period of time to avoid excess supply of government debt .
16 He was obliged to attend some party functions and to receive the chief guests along with the hostess , but he received little pleasure from such occasions and rarely attended them outside London .
17 Toucans collect them one at a time , throwing them up in the air and deftly catching them at the back of their throats .
18 He looked at his big , hammy hands , lying loosely on the table and suddenly doubled them into fists .
19 Or magically to copy the essence of their being and so to own them within himself ?
20 Gradually children will come to understand them in various contexts and so use them in their own play .
21 These agents are toxic when given systemically , and so producing them at high concentration within the tumour is an attractive goal .
22 Because these are so individually made , they 're rather like instruments which have been devised for a specific individual , and so to criticise them for details of design is hardly fair .
23 There is a possibility that transient UOS relaxations may be unusually easy to trigger in some subjects and so predispose them to oesophagopharyngeal reflux .
24 [ … ] Legal prohibition is an important way of either preventing individuals and firms from creating external costs , or forcing the perpetrators to internalize the cost and so reflect them in market prices .
25 You messed up their surveillance , you beat up their agents , you went in for exactly the same unauthorised adventurism as they had — and so let them off the hook .
26 In 1466 a Bohemian visitor to England commented : … the peasants dig ditches round their fields and meadows and so fence them in that no one can pass on foot or on horseback except by the main roads ' ( 25 , p.53 ) .
27 By contrast Frances Spalding 's final chapter , ‘ The Modern Face ’ , is surprisingly tentative for such an experienced writer : she obviously contemplates deserting the more endangered of Bloomsbury species the rank amateur as opposed to the merely amateurish but in the end mounts a token defence , and so damns them with faint art history .
28 One may wish to study the statistics of word usage or word order with a view to understanding a text better , to catch nuances of meaning and perhaps to render them into a different language .
29 Ribble 's failure to provide the service paid for will have caused inconvenience , and distress to elderly residents of Scorton and perhaps involved them in the extra cost of missed appointments or expensive taxi fares .
30 Fleury was not sure that his own teeth were very sound either so they decided that the best thing to do was to suck the cakes and perhaps dip them in the tea to soften them .
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