Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 In Berlin , for example , I heard of a woman addressed as Fräulein ( ‘ Miss ’ , literally ‘ little woman ’ and widely regarded as a put-down , so that many German women have abandoned it in favour of Frau ) by a male bus driver , who said ‘ Danke , Fräulein' when she tendered her fare .
2 Taylor made it clear that he is not happy with Platt , scorer of England 's last five goals and widely regarded as the manager 's favourite footballing son .
3 Ever since , it has remained a popular favourite — surely the most popular of all major orchestral work by a native Englishman , and widely regarded as the very essence of the spirit of England .
4 As the plains became higher and colder , so another memorable Andean beast appeared — the guanaco , country cousin to the llama , brother to the vicuña and the alpaca , and properly regarded as a small and humpless camel .
5 A perfectly rational case can be made for the merchant to be carefully and conspicuously established as the innocent and undeserving victim of a conspiracy between his wife and the monk .
6 CBP100 may correspond to ICR and thereby function as a repressor of the cAMP response in UF9 cells .
7 The discovery of the three devices in the past two days may mark a reappearance of the ‘ tartan terrorism ’ which flared in the 1970s and mostly disappeared as the perpetrators of various bank robberies and explosions were jailed .
8 Enthusiasm was sustained over a number of weeks , read out in instalments to the class and eventually produced as a book .
9 One of the earliest patent applications for a stunt kite was that filed in December 1928 for H.De Haven in the USA and eventually sold as the ‘ Air-o-bian ’ fighting kite , with claims for ‘ loops dives and climbs .
10 Graham climbed from the car and instinctively ducked as a mortar exploded in the distance .
11 He zoomed to save height , heard the cackle of machine-guns , skidded round in a savage , 180-degree turn , and instinctively ducked as a bright blue Pflaz hurtled over his head .
12 Until the 1840s the supply of coal from the area to London was tightly and effectively controlled as a virtual monopoly .
13 King Henry himself , with the third army , struck due west from Shrewsbury for Welshpool , strongly garrisoned and lavishly provisioned as an advanced base .
14 On now to Barry Humphries ' autobiography , More Please ( Penguin ) ; Carol ( second wife of Walter ) Matthau 's memoirs Among the Porcupines ( Orion ) ; Ranulph Fiennes ' search for the city of Ubar ( the Koranic version of Sodom and Gomorrah ) , Atlantis of the Sands ( Penguin ) : A N Wilson 's Jesus ( Flamingo ) , coming at the same time as Barbara Thiering 's Jesus the Man ( Corgi ) , as they also did in hardcover ; and Miranda Seymour 's much-praised life of Ottoline Morrell ( Sceptre ) , £25 in hardcover and so welcome as a £7 or £8 paperback .
15 The subsequent discovery of the endorphins and encephalins , hormones in the brain that act like morphine and so act as a natural analgesic , and their implication in the action of acupuncture , provided further theoretical explanation for its efficacy .
16 In so doing , they extend the frontiers of experience and so act as an ‘ … antidote to complacency ’ .
17 In consequence , it actually masks the true reality of power in Britain and so serves as an ideology legitimising and stabilising the system as one worthy of public support .
18 He was among the first to exploit the fact that living nerve fibres pick up and transport protein molecules like the enzyme horseradish peroxidase , whose presence is easily demonstrated and so acts as a marker .
19 Moreover , the pre-arranged trade is reported and perhaps published as a competitively-determined transaction , when it is not in fact a genuine product of the competitive forces of supply and demand on the exchange .
20 In the evening he takes classes for the village children and perhaps acts as a model for their future .
21 In any case Napoleon III was not worried by Austria ; economically weak and diplomatically isolated as a result of her erratic policy during the Crimean War , she was no threat to France .
22 Its use in self-defence is entirely secondary and only employed as a last resort .
23 This produced a defensive posture at the gateway to the system : admission was to be avoided if at all possible , and only used as a ‘ last resort ’ .
24 Spence ( 1981 ) argues that the theory is powerfully related to school life , seeing classroom behaviour as narrowly prescribed and highly institutionalised as a result of both direct and indirect control , the latter being perhaps more significant :
25 Their consistent support for the new Israeli state reflected the existence of an American Jewish community — wealthy , strong in voting power , and highly organized as a political pressure group .
26 John Berger believes it raises more questions than meet the eye Photograph of Pollock in his studio by Hans Namuth The suicide of art Pollock and Lee Krasner : when they first met she was 34 and better known as an artist than he was .
27 When she first met Pollock she was 34 and better known as an artist than he was .
28 Today , nearly 20 years after his death , Jim Clark is still remembered , and generally regarded as the greatest driver of the post-war era .
29 The IPR 's main objectives are : ( a ) to promote the development of public relations for the benefit of the practice in commerce ; industry , central and local government ; nationalized undertakings ; professional , trade , and voluntary organizations and for the benefit of all practitioners , and others concerned in or with public relations ; ( b ) to encourage and foster the observance of high professional standards by its members and to establish and prescribe such standards ; ( c ) to arrange meetings , discussions , conferences , etc , on matters of common interest , and generally to act as a clearing house for the exchange of ideas on the practice of public relations .
30 In an action for recovery of land , any person in possession ( by himself or by his tenant ) and not named as a defendant may by leave be made a defendant on filing an ex parte application showing that he is in possession , by himself or by his tenant , and giving grounds for the application .
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