Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 As club manager , however , he was widely travelled and widely respected on the Continent , spreading the name and prestige of Arsenal in his imperialist fashion .
2 Power stations have been designed and successfully operated on the basis of that knowledge .
3 Answer : Mulberry Harbour — a pre-fabricated , sectional , floating harbour , designed and built in Britain and successfully assembled on the beaches of Arromanches .
4 We visited a number of unsuitable lettings as far afield as Dumfriesshire and Loch Rannoch , and eventually settled on a charming Georgian manse in the hamlet of Makerstoun , half-way between Kelso and St Boswells in the Border country , half a mile from the Tweed with , at the bottom of an orchard of Victoria plums , a village school suitable for Alastair and Fiona .
5 It was far safer politically and economically to sit on the scientific fence .
6 There was another face then , which did n't have to be invented : a moustached face that had recently and endlessly appeared on the television news , the face of a man who was accused of battering to death the nanny of his children , of attempting to do the same to his wife .
7 Bickford was determined to make a safer type of fuse , and although he was no scientist he carried out a series of experiments with many different combinations of materials until , having nearly despaired of ever achieving his goal , he visited a friend in his rope walk and suddenly hit on the idea of spinning a light rope or cord round a tightly packed central core of gunpowder .
8 It was through this hedge that the naive teenager was dragged unconscious , beaten some more , and brutally raped on the tidy lawn of a smart bungalow .
9 At Oyash , 50 miles north-east of Novosibirsk , a small wooden station with a distinctly Orientalist feel to its carved wooden decoration was dominated by a water tower , similarly decorated , which provided the upward thrust so common in Western stations in the nineteenth century and so lacking on the Trans-Siberian .
10 By the time he arrived at school-leaving age , he had realized the value of education for his career and so enrolled on a day-release college course , eventually completing a Full Technological Certificate , whilst training to be a painter and decorator .
11 Jimmy Marks had become the Commander of No 35 Squadron and so arrived on the day that the Pathfinders were formed with his hind-picked aircrews from No 1 Group .
12 On the other hand , if there is significant excess capacity at the agreed output , and the agreed price is well above marginal cost , then a significant output expansion would be both feasible and profitable and so reneging on the agreement could appear attractive .
13 In those days the infant Crocker had run up paths lightly and gleefully to bang on a knocker or ring a bell and , elated with an enormous naughtiness , hidden behind a hedge to see the angry householder erupt and curse .
14 [ 'Kinship defenders ' ] also feel that insufficient work is carried out by social workers on the rehabilitation of separated families , while at least some of the ‘ society-as-parent ’ school seem more aware of situations where rehabilitation is attempted inappropriately , and perhaps foisted on an unwilling parent , and feel that social workers should be discouraged from holding out unrealistic hopes of restoring the child .
15 It lies beside its mother occasionally disengaging from the teat with creamy milk dribbling from the side of its mouth , while she takes a rest and perhaps shifts on the sand to offer her other teat .
16 The pressures to evade the tax — a new imposition bearing particularly hard on poor people in deprived , high spending areas — will encourage some people to disappear from all public record and perhaps to keep on the move to avoid detection .
17 There were thousands of the creatures flying above them and ominously silhouetted on the witch trees at the edge of the plain .
18 When it got within spitting distance of Mafouz , who was now standing , arms loosely apart , mouth open , as if hypnotized by the thing 's movements , it did a sharp turn to the left , bounced along horizontally for a few yards , and then snarled up and down to land on the unfortunate boy 's head .
19 IN MRS Barrass ' description of ‘ hunting horror ’ ( HAS Jan 29 ) it is difficult to believe that the couple running up and down egging on the hounds ( not dogs , please ) were real hunt supporters .
20 In the end , Reagan came very close to defeating Ford , obtaining more popular votes in the primaries than the president and only losing on the ballot for the nomination in the Convention by 111 votes out of a total cast of 2,257 .
21 These will be a separate elite from the rest of the community and highly organised on the ‘ business Union ’ basis as in the United States .
22 I was astonished and er I knew that there were there was a similar incident in Gatwick and erm I knew that our crew were quite er highly trained and highly experience on the European routes and Gatwick especially we have very frequent flights to Gatwick .
23 Discussions at the meeting of the Council of Internal Market Ministers held on 18 June failed to result in any agreement on the long outstanding European Company Statute , first proposed in 1970 and long deadlocked on the issue of employee participation .
24 The hours passed in fruitless speculation on one side of the room and loud snoring on the other .
25 Suggestive landscape descriptions , based on the countryside of Alain-Fournier 's childhood ( near Blois , in Loir-et-Cher ) allowed Minton again to delve into his now well-rehearsed repertoire of landscape devices , though unfortunately his original cover design was replaced by another in which the quintessential motif of a figure disappearing down a deserted lane is reduced to a miserable size and merely sits on the front cover like an enlarged postage stamp .
26 The traditional division of language into the spoken and the written is clearly and sensibly based on a difference in production and reception : we use our mouths and ears for one , and our hands and eyes for the other .
27 Fourthly , a successful terminal at Stratford would inevitably and inexorably encroach on the Lea Valley regional park and reduce leisure facilities .
28 It is largely a matter of economics and much hinges on the current price of energy .
29 The software houses that believed all the hot air about AD/Cycle , the Repository and SystemView and eagerly signed on the dotted line .
30 Sir John eased himself into his great chair at the top of the table and gloomily reflected on the past .
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