Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] [prep] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Until these persons can be segregated and properly disposed of as displaced persons they should be accorded the same treatment as the forces they accompany . "
2 In relation to the question , although the work is to be performed for , and eventually paid for by , the US parent , it is the UK auditor who has been contracted to do the work .
3 Without doubt one of the liveliest and most sought after of the Tyrolean resorts , Kitzbuhel offers everything .
4 star quality is the ingredient which is almost impossible to define and most sought after by record companies .
5 From being a peripheral aspect of police practice , unrecognized in the courts and rarely adverted to as a ground for arrest , detention followed by interrogation has become a central pivot in the battle against crime .
6 But the question of refugee status for Bosnian patients after treatment was evaded by the Minister and diplomatically dealt with by the boy 's mother .
7 Most people who are keen on hollies soon find out that both male and female trees can be extremely attractive because of their foliage , which is often variegated and much sought after for its own sake , so buying a male is n't just a utilitarian exercise .
8 For example , if it is thought that an error of law or fact or a breach of natural justice should justify quashing only if it can be said that but for the error or breach the decision would have been different , this should be built into the definition of the relevant ground of review and not dealt with as a matter of remedial discretion .
9 The issue of control of land use remained more contentious ; a White Paper on the control of land use was shelved by the coalition government and not dealt with until the Town and Country Planning Act of 1947 under the post-war Labour administration .
10 There 's a In in the weekend review with the Daily Mail today , Bonny Langford is sitting there saying all I want to be is a women , and not thought of as a little girl .
11 Where , as appears to be the case at Uppark , it is physically possible to make an accurate restoration of a great building , it should be made — and not jeered at as the creation of a theme park of misnamed pastiche .
12 It was built in order to improve the ancient road over the steep-sided Horn Hill into Somerset , and largely paid for by Giles Russell , a major local landowner , as a piece of genuine public beneficence .
13 A BS spokesman said it was not a serious incident and comfortably dealt with by fire brigade personnel .
14 Moving on into the sort of sensors and the electronics side , erm for survivability erm the defensive aid sub- system will be er very complex , very sophisticated but also integrated so that it has a complete system of protection for the aircraft , erm an and finally moving on on the sort of electronics side then clearly with different sensors such as the radar , the forward looking infra-red , infra-red search and track the er multiple information distribution system and also certain aspects of the er electronic warfare suite then by having sensor fusion which enables the best information at any one time to be correlated into the system as a whole then that will provide a very good capability and far in excess of anything that we have at the moment .
15 The cuts were always superficial and usually consisted of between 20 and 40 neat parallel scratches on her wrist and forearm .
16 A subfamily of the Ophiacanthidae with well developed disk plates or enlarged disk scales ; the disk sometimes indented interradially and often high ; the radial shields forming part of the disk , often quite long but not bar-like and hidden by the disk plates ; jaws as broad as long ; one apical papilla flanked on each side by up to six oral papillae found in most genera except Ophiocamax and Ophiomitra which have multiple apical and oral papillae ; oral tentacle pore not superficial and without conspicuously modified tentacle scales ; oral shield small to medium in size ; the tentacle pores of the arm not conspicuously large and always armed with at least one tentacle scale ; arm spines usually long , the longest equal in length to at least 2 arm segments .
17 In an extended piece of discourse , a common procedure , known as anaphora , is for the identity of someone or something to be given once at the beginning , and thereafter referred to as she or he or it .
18 What has been attempted in this chapter has been the clarification that so far the traditional values of catholic nationalism are still dominant among the Roman catholics of Ireland , even if they are severely contested by a significant minority from among them and lukewarmly subscribed to by a further significant minority .
19 NGC 1528 , yet another open cluster , is difficult with × 7 , easy with × 12 and partly resolved with × 20 .
20 A number of remedies have been added to the materia medica including the bowel nosodes which were first discovered by Dr Edward Bach and later added to by Dr John Paterson .
21 More recently , White Parks have been exported to other parts of the USA and also to Canada , Australia , Denmark and France , but they are a precious resource and carefully looked after by the breed society which was formed in 1983 .
22 If that clause was taken to be a definition of the Government 's position and repeatedly referred to as an escape route , which appears to be the intention , it would fundamentally undermine confidence in the Government 's commitment to the European process .
23 Like he , he was like saying , it 's got to be a the word book , will eventually he was really getting into it and really going into about , you know , how it 's really gon na be jam- packed with important information , and she just said , so it 's just like a scrapbook really you know , when if you 've filled all that up
24 Composed of a series of adjacent prayer-rug schemes , and often referred to as " family " or " multiple " prayer rugs .
25 It dyes wool a reddish brown colour , distinctively well known and often referred to in either language as crotal .
26 The shacks are constructed out of any materials that are to hand , such as planks , cardboard , canvas , thatch , mud , corregated iron and often rubbish , but these are temporary and often improved upon at a later stage .
27 Their numbers are known and supposedly accounted for by the vergers .
28 For an object to exist in an ontological sense is to exist in its own right and not merely as an object of thought , but it is not to exist independently of the conditions under which it may be thought of and identifyingly referred to as that particular object and no other .
29 If Peter Greenaway 's camera is anything but a participating human representative , Gilbert 's is nothing else , addressed , ogled , and even winked at by the heroine .
30 Diary entries can be coded in a wide number of ways allowing activities to be carefully tracked and even accounted for through the built-in billing system .
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