Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Hereford is probably the most numerous and widely distributed beef breed in the world .
2 Writing an accurate and properly assessed accident report is by far the most difficult part of the investigator 's task , but it is the investigator 's only end-product .
3 The general attempt to do this will drive the interest rate on bonds down and thereby stimulate investment expenditure and hence aggregate demand .
4 Brazauskas was elected president of the Seimas and thereby acting state President on Nov. 25 .
5 Wright , Swinfen Eady J held that directors owed their fiduciary duties to the company and not to the company 's shareholders and thereby denied shareholders recourse to a direct action against directors who had used inside information at their ( the shareholders ' ) expense .
6 Critics say the plan represents a flawed , ‘ image-above-all-else ’ , attempt by the Ministry to beef up the Prado 's revenue-generating potential , and thereby reduce State support .
7 Glycogen synthase kinase 3 ( GSK3 ) can phosphorylate c-Jun at Thr-239 , Ser-243 and Ser-249 and thereby inhibit c-Jun DNA binding in vitro ( 15 ) .
8 He also announced a short-term plan of tax cuts and spending measures designed to stimulate the sluggish economy , and an eight-point strategy of long-term measures designed to improve US society and thereby to enhance US competitiveness .
9 By imposing a very high cost of borrowing , the Chancellor hopes to reduce our willingness to accept any more bank credit and thereby limit credit creation by the banks .
10 Babies born preterm are likely to lack surfactant — a material that covers the surface of the lung , lowering surface tension in the alveolus and thereby preventing lung collapse on breathing out .
11 A similar effect of Oct-1 in inhibiting binding to an adjacent sph site and thereby preventing gene activation has recently been documented in the SV40 enhancer ( 22 ) .
12 London , the greatest market of all , was well enough supplied and mostly escaped food rioting , but its reach was vast .
13 Sanders had been a Whip and a specialist in franchise matters before the war , so his return to Westminster gave an added impetus to the party campaign against the Bill ; he became a sort of unofficial party Whip against a government that the party supported , cooperated closely with George Younger , by this time Party Chairman , and eventually became deputy chairman of the party himself in 1918 .
14 We have already noted that she would have started as a reading girl , at 4s or 5s a week , before learning the lay of the type case and eventually starting work setting type .
15 In the event , Mountbatten remained as Governor-General of India , in which capacity , at the invitation of the Congress leaders , he was briefly and secretly to resume executive power in 1947 to deal with the communal violence which threatened to destroy the infant state .
16 Instead , stretch , curl up and slowly reach sitting position by pressing the palm of your hands on the floor , keeping your chin down , touching your throat .
17 Funding was broadly divided between federal programmes and locally raised bond issue finance .
18 Health — Labour 's winner — was disastrously mishandled ; lumbered by the term ‘ privatisation ’ , which had proved troublesome before , and a grossly ill-judged and badly researched party election broadcast .
19 Quietly sipping champagne in a corner of the large marquee , Laura was just chiding herself for having over-reacted in such a feeble , juvenile way towards a man who could n't possibly be interested in her , when she looked up — and suddenly found Ross standing in front of her !
20 He bluntly rejected not only the demands of the Rada but also the claims of Ukrainian nationalism ( and so contradicted Party Policy : )
21 In learning sign language the opportunities for doing this are relatively few , and so sign language learning takes place in a less than ideal environment .
22 And so does Compsoft Delta
23 One of the grooms , Seton ( a reputed lover of the King ) , knew the paths well and , in the darkness , somehow got far in advance of the King and so reached Kinghorn Manor .
24 Moreover , water is often heated and pumped , and so minimising water use is another way of minimising energy consumption .
25 With current British government policy of reduced funding for colleges of higher and further education , the bursar 's staff spend much of their time these days in trying to find ways of balancing the college 's books by reducing overspending in order to restore financial viability and so preserve college existence .
26 Neo-classical economists have stressed that it is the increase in the real money supply and the real balance effect which will lead to an expansion of aggregate demand and so eliminate ERW unemployment .
27 chose with the highest volume in this market can control price , negotiate from a position of strength with retailers , and so build market share , which in turn increases the volume sold .
28 He , too , has the courage to speak out , and so has Ted Heath , whether what they say is right or wrong or agrees with the party line .
29 They allow the economically strong to drive out the economically weak , and so generate monopoly power which robs workers and consumers of any effective economic control .
30 Before it could be repaired foreign exchange ran short , and so did government income .
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