Example sentences of "and [adv] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Thus , improved health in poor societies can lead to larger population , greater poverty , and eventually deterioration in health .
2 Suharto held talks with Nguyen Van Linh , secretary-general of the Communist Party of Vietnam , with Vo Chi Cong , President of the State Council and effectively head of state , and with Do Muoi , Chairman of the Council of Ministers , which focused on prospects for co-operation between the two countries , and on Cambodia , which was also discussed in a meeting between Alatas and his Vietnamese counterpart Nguyen Co Thach .
3 An immediate sternal thump during a witnessed cardiac arrest may revert VT ( 11–25% ) and rarely VF to sinus rhythm .
4 And so education for society became paramount .
5 When used with the bare infinitive , it denotes a direct experiencing of , and so contemporaneity in time with , an occurrence and can often be replaced by see — although it denotes perception in a more abstract way than the latter — or by have in its experiential sense : ( 93 ) Rather surprised to find them break fence at this season .
6 But disappointed students , brought up with the idea that studying the subject of their choice was their legal right , appealed to the courts , who agreed with them , and so criteria for student selection became a matter for central government .
7 Firstly , building was always expensive and so periods of activity may well represent periods of prosperity .
8 But little was known of the nature and causation of mental disorder and so provision for treatment was minimal .
9 As far as computing expenditure is concerned , ‘ Other Physical Sciences ’ include many of the ‘ number-crunching ’ disciplines , where large numbers of complex calculations have to be performed on the research data , and so correlation between ranking ( as defined above ) and computer expenditure might be expected .
10 The answers received will be analysed in tabular form for statistical presentation and so categories of response must be considered at a relatively early stage .
11 This meant that school-children taking ‘ O ’ and ‘ A ’ levels were not moved during this crucial time and so disruption to schooling did not present a major problem for parents .
12 It would not escape to space in appreciable quantities , and so combination with surface materials provides the only repository .
13 provide further education ( and perhaps others in education and training ) with information
14 Could a non-violent transition to socialism take place via socialist victories in liberal democratic elections , and perhaps participation in government coalitions with ‘ bourgeois ’ parties ?
15 She hoped for a reply , but dared not hope too much ; she imagined that the Hon Mrs Anderson-Hunt would have had many replies and perhaps ladies with experience would be far more preferable to a young comparatively inexperienced girl like her .
16 Its consequences are hostility to the strong state and vanguard party and sympathy with pluralism and perhaps forms of anarchism .
17 One way of increasing the number of observations in the examples mentioned would be to repeatedly heat a single bar of metal , or to continually observe a particular Australian getting drunk night after night , and perhaps morning after morning .
18 The contrast implied is of course with legacies ( and perhaps institution as heir ) .
19 New research has shown that UVA causes severe ageing changes in the skin of mice and it is virtually certain that humans get degenerative changes , too , and perhaps acceleration of skin cancers .
20 Noted as relevant to the Clapham accident were the factors that : Working practices were permitted to slip to dangerous standards and quality of supervision was permitted to slip to an equivalent degree ; quality of testing did not meet BR standards ; no proper system of training of installation and testing staff was in use , and there was no vetting of weekend staff to prevent excessive overtime ; and there was failure to communicate both up and down lines of management .
21 going up and down steps in search of a skylight .
22 • 79% wanted their baby at a local hospital and only 8% at home .
23 The Swordtails and Mollies are five months old , and only 4cm in length .
24 • 41% wanted care at G.P. surgery , 34% in their own home and only 16% in hospital .
25 A similar balance was identified in Meijer BV where 90% of all telexes received were in English and only 10% in German .
26 Philosophers , and especially philosophers of art , who say that visual perception involves something two-dimensional usually go on to say that it involves something else , a judgement whereby we get from the two-dimensional to the three-dimensional , the world of solid objects at a distance from the perceiver .
27 Electronic communications , and especially computer to computer links , not only give the possibility of extra-efficient operations to TNCs within the network , but also give increasing competitive advantage over those outside .
28 The result is significantly lower pricing — $75 for sampling and below $40 in volume .
29 On the analogy of arbitration law , partiality would have to be actual bias , and not conflicts of interest or apparent lack of independence : see Mustill and Boyd , p249 .
30 Invariably , this is ordinary paint and not protection against rotting .
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