Example sentences of "and [pron] [vb base] on the " in BNC.

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1 and go and I tack up the horse and I get on the horse and everything and I do n't mean to say
2 But it 's also fears that the Party itself is becoming too radical too , they always want to control two elements and I mean on the last page , point number sixteen it says that how that erm tt that how that the Communist Party members ought to refrain from securing undue benefits by taking advantage of their leading position .
3 My head goes down and I focus on the problem until I figure out how it can be solved , ’ said the man whose solutions make tomorrow 's game a test of the Premier Division 's worthiness as well as an international examination on a particularly thorough level .
4 And I draw on the same manual of environmental appraisal that erm Mr has mentioned in in his evidence , the Department of Transport 's manual .
5 And I hear on the grapevine Trumphauser at Cornell is giving him a chapter to himself in his book on British working-class literature .
6 And I sit on the immunization su subcommittee anyway , so they better not dare .
7 They ring at the bell , hear me scuffling in the hall : one , two , and I die on the carpet .
8 I have never seen him at the Council of Europe and I serve on the social , health and family affairs committee , which he has never attended .
9 And I play on the mountains and I slide down the slag heap . ’
10 The m public consultation meetings and the exhibition were advertised in the local press and I believe on the radio as well , so word of mouth I think in , in the event did overcome that but I can understand people 's feeling that they were excluded and it was not deliberate , it was an oversight .
11 I slide a bowl of fruit onto the table , and Jancey and I start on the bananas while Darius plays waste-disposal units with the bread .
12 Er and the proposal that I shall report is the and in particular those matter our certainty of responsibility between various agencies needs to be addressed erm it arose obviously are much more widespread than in the past week , but er I was granted in fact to give consideration to this result of the parish meeting , conventional routine parish meeting at Barnham er on the fourth of January erm which led to the largest parish meetings I think they 've had in many years erm when because people were incensed with the suffering and the hardship that they had as a result of the flooding on the night of Thursday the thirtieth of December erm should let me say first of all that erm I would congratulate all those who were involved er in dealing with the present emergency operations erm it 's quite superb , it 's erm it seemed to be erm a remarkable reflection on the capacity er that to deal with certain circumstances reflects very well on this authority and in saying that I mean it 's not just the opposites to the men and women who are involved , but also whereas I 'm sure many members are here that members amongst our numbers have putting on very long hours in dealing with the present circumstances and I congratulate on the activities .
13 Bob and I stand on the edge of the dance-floor and discuss the clientele .
14 It 's house Sunday , out Christmas at least it will be a bit more that was the instead and you and I sleep on the settee .
15 My wife Eva and I live on the northern-most tip of the island of Barbados where we run the Pirates Tavern and the tourist centre of ‘ Animal Flower Cave ’ .
16 David Speedy 's goal enough to get all three points for Leicester and I think on the balance of play they just about edged it but Forest put up a marvellous performance in the second half especially when they had to make er changes and things did n't go well for them .
17 And I think on the whole the movement is towards building in parents , more parents formally in this particular level .
18 Ventral basal muscles which are inserted on the cardo and stipes and which originate on the tentorium in most Pterygotes and on the tentorial apodemes in the Apterygotes .
19 When you get a prognosis like that , trivial matters disappear and you concentrate on the really important things in life — home , family and caring .
20 and then you you oversimplify and then you refine it and you concentrate on the differences .
21 That 'll be in the new , in the red line and you go on the other stuff .
22 turf her out on the bed she might sleep with me and you sleep on the settee or would be a bit better than two beds than the settee , an extra bed space for her mum 's house too much for over Christmas , that 's not fair she 's not all over the place .
23 If you come out of our , out of a swimming pool and you 're wet and you stand on the side and you 're beginning to get cold , what 's your body reaction , what do you do ?
24 and you work on the computers what you 're gon na be and then it 'll be silly if they brought you to a nursery afterwards if you wanted to be
25 Most of the southern states score particularly badly on economic discrimination , but only a minority do so on the third and none do on the first .
26 So in fact , we could have caused chaos on Oxpens Road by parking the bus on double yellow lines and making a big thing of getting handicapped children out , in and out of a specialised vehicle , but we , we actually prefer not to do that , and we go on the car park each week , and we pay the same fee as anybody else fee , pays because er we feel that that 's the right and proper place for us to be and the children to be , as they 're just ordinary members of the community with some special needs .
27 Now it happens all the time , and there is absolutely no way at all with the best will in the world , and I 'm sure that we all mean it , that we get on the phones at nine o'clock , and we get on the phones at eleven o'clock , you just do n't work like that .
28 ‘ We have to take precautions to protect members of the public and we err on the side of caution .
29 ‘ We understand the difference between the two things and we agree on the level of importance between the two issues . ’
30 K : ‘ The evenings are a very special time but I ca n't take Chloe to the park because there is a hostel for down-and-outs by it and they sit on the park benches drinking and shouting abuse .
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