Example sentences of "and [pron] [vb base] what [art] " in BNC.

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1 Now , while I 'm the nation 's most inefficient gardener , I have visited more allotment sites than the pollution-control technician , and I know what a fetish most plot-holders make of composting , for very sound reasons of economy as well as ecology .
2 And I think what the Council 's got to do and I think what the what the what the theatre perhaps has to do is only make that leisure card more easily acceptable and available and also look upon the reductions that we give but that perhaps is a way of actually rewarding the people in Harlow to use the theatre and the contribution in actually paying for it at the expense of the people coming in from outside who perhaps do n't pay anything towards the expense of the theatre .
3 And I think what the Council 's got to do and I think what the what the what the theatre perhaps has to do is only make that leisure card more easily acceptable and available and also look upon the reductions that we give but that perhaps is a way of actually rewarding the people in Harlow to use the theatre and the contribution in actually paying for it at the expense of the people coming in from outside who perhaps do n't pay anything towards the expense of the theatre .
4 And I think what the questioner was asking for is , is probably adequately covered in the Christological section where we talk of giving hope and declaring forgiveness of sin .
5 It could happen crossing the street in Mondano , and you know what a menace those lorries can be .
6 And you know what the voltage is
7 He was captured , and you know what the French do .
8 But Neil he was gon na go down to Tesco 's but he is , Ipswich , ca n't get down here , so he ca n't sort of travel and you know what the hassle of having to take him and pick him up .
9 The sun flames orange and pink behind the trees above the house , the breeze is cool rather than cold , scented with flowers and the sea , and you think what a pleasant if rather bland place this would be to settle down .
10 and the third might become a fourth , the fourth unlikely to become a fifth and you think what a waste of time that was .
11 ‘ Does it still happen to you , John , that you look back at yourself as you were six months ago and you think what an ignorant , innocent goose you were !
12 No , they input that the information 's come by from non-uniformed staff , but the analysis is always done by uniformed staff who are able to identify the trends , and who understand what the figures mean .
13 And we know what the Iraqi government would like , which is the release of their money frozen here since the Gulf war .
14 Thus the storyteller and the compiler create in us , step by fearful step , a sense of foreboding , and when we learn at the start of chapter 4 that the Israelites are going into battle with the mighty Philistines , then our knees begin to tremble and we dread what the outcome might be .
15 culture , they know what an agent looks like and they know what a tour operator looks like and they know and they know one or two other people around and so on and so forth
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